
Nodes in Col des Montets

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Col des Montets

Bouldering place.

Secteur Argentière

Selon les topos, et même entre la descriptions des voies et le schéma, les cotations ne sont pas les mêmes. Les cotations renseignés sont celles de la liste des voies du topo "Les blocs de la vallée de chamonix", qui sont les plus faibles, en partie parce que les cotations sont globalement assez généreuse sur le secteur (en tout cas pour les blocs coté 6a et moins).

Il existe également des traversées sur la plupart des blocs.

Secteur Argentière
Le Carré

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière Le Carré
4C Les manolles

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6B Le pilier

6B sur certains topos, 6C sur d'autres

5C Le surplomb

5c / 6a selon le topo

5B L'arête

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C La demi-lune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière
Petit Cervin

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière Petit Cervin
4B L'arête de droite

4b/ 4c selon topo

5B La directe

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4B La fissure

4b / 4c selon topo

6B L'arête sud du petit Cervin

6b / 7a selon topo

6B La salière

6b / 6c selon topo

Secteur Argentière

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière L'Inversée
6A Les sucres

6a / 6b selon topo

5C L'inversée


6A L'inversée directe

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière
Le Surplomb

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière Le Surplomb
5C La barre fixe

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A Le surplomb de droite

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A Le surplomb au centre

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A+ Le surplomb de gauche

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière
L'En Face

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière L'En Face
5C Le surplomb d'angle

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A+ Le pilier

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A+ Le pilier sortie à droite

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A C'est pas si simple

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B La grosse écaille

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A La dalle à Mora

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7A Tourne ta main

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6C La croix

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B La grise

5b / 5c selon topo

5C Le petit pas con

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière
Le Transat

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Argentière Le Transat
3C L'escalier

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4C L'escalier direct

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B Dalle sans nom

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4C La fissure de droite

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4C La fissure de gauche

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B Le bénitier

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A Les p'tits trous

6a / 6b selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

5C La réglette

5c / 6a selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

5B L'aplat

5b / 5c selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

5C Le petit mur

5c / 6a selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

5C Le surplomb

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A La desmaison de droite

6a / 6b selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

6A+ La desmaison de gauche

6a+ / 6b+ selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

6A Les bassines

6a / 6b selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

6B+ La grenouille

6b+ / 6c+ selon topo (et selon page du topo...)

7B La pincette

sans les écailles à droite

6B Le nez

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7B Les doigts dans le nez

Le nez en départ assis

5C Le dièdre surplombant

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6C L'équilibriste

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7A L'équilibriste (droite)

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4B Le grand pas

4b / 4c selon topo (et selon page)

4C Du genou

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine
Le fer à repasser

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine Le fer à repasser
4A La voie normale

3c / 4a selon topo

6B La voie des Queyrassins

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7A+ Que c'est fin !

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6B La sucre

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6C Le petit toit par la gauche

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6C+ La dalle à crispettes

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4C L'arête

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A À grandes brassées

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7A La fissure

7a / 7b/c selon topo

6B+ L'écartelé

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A La cubelle

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C Le trottoir

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine
Le chapeau tricorne

En plus des blocs décrit, il y a visiblement des blocs faisable dans le surplomb, beaucoup plus dur, mais ils ne sont pas décrit dans les topos.

Secteur Vallorcine Le chapeau tricorne
5C Pince-moi

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C Pince-mi

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C Le petit dièdre

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C Les pieds dans la semoule

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B La grande marche

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C Le surplomb

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5C L'agonie des limaces

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

3C À gauche de la V.N.

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

3B voie normale

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine
La Rouille

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine La Rouille
3B voie normale

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4B Carlos

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6A+ Mauvaise surprise

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6B+ L'expo

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B La fine arête

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B L'arrosoir

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

4C Dalida

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

5B Dalida haut

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Secteur Vallorcine
Le grand bloc

Je ne suis pas sur si les cotations données sont des cotations voies (vu que ça se fait en moulinette) ou des cotations blocs.

Secteur Vallorcine Le grand bloc
4c L'arête

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7b+ J'té dans la peau

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7b Tour de prise

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7a+ Les cupules

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6b La randonnée des mutants

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6c+ Le petit dièdre

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

6b Les vieux clous

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

7A Traversée Troussier

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Showing all 100 nodes.

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