
Discussion: Stuck gear in flake crack

  • Started: 5 years ago on Sun 27th May 2018

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Eternity Area.

Joe started this discussion 5 years ago.

Stuck gear in flake crack

Look, I have gotten a number 4 cam stuck in the roof section on the upper part of flake crack. If anyone on here manages to retrieve it and return it to me I will buy you multiple beers.

I tried my best at getting it out but I just didn't know how. My second took a fall and the loaded rope walked the cam in.

Eww replied 5 years ago.

Girth a sling to each finger lever using a nut tool then join them at your waist and start pushing outwards with feet?

Geoff Cooper replied 5 years ago.

James Bailie replied 5 years ago.

We got a #4 cam out of the roof of flake crack on Monday, that was left there on Sunday afternoon. I assume this is the same cam - were you climbing with Arius?

Joe replied 5 years ago.

Thanks James. Yeah, I was climbing with Arius.

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