
Discussion: info request

  • Started: 8 years ago on Fri 11th Mar 2016

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Mt Stuart.

Antony Daamen started this discussion 8 years ago.

info request

Hi Guys, I need some help and advice.

I am playing a mobile phone game called Ingress. For this game I need to go and attack a 'portal' at "Mt Stuart Climber Memorial" on the google maps it looks pretty remote and ppl told me, its ok until the last 100 m that it gets scary dangerous.

1- how dangerous is it? I am a fairly experienced trail runner (mt Douglas, Under the radar, Mt Marlow, Alligator Creek waterfalls etc) but ppl tell me this is taking it to the next level. 2 - how legal is it? are we allowed to go there? or does it belong to the Defence? 3 - if it is illegal, who can we warn/tell that ppl go there? (the opposition in this game) I'd like to add a screenshot to show you, but not sure if that is possible.

Anyhow, if I can go there, tell me when you guys go, so I go with you or better still join Ingress (the Resistance) and help us !


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Antony Daamen