
Western Cliffline

  • Bewertungskontext: AU
  • Begehungen: 90



Einschränk. übernommen von Babylon Areas

These crags are remote from civilisation. Be prepared for NO phone reception in and around the Babylon crag areas!


There is a locked gate 900m from the carpark. There is space to park and walk in for an extra 10 minutes. More concerningly, there is a sign that says access prohibited - but it is likely directed at the dirtbag camping area and the dirt bike tracks. It's crown land and as such it's public access.

Ethik übernommen von Nowra

Mostly developed as a sport climbing and bouldering area. Some trad climbing exists, mainly the pure cracks. If developing new areas keep an eye and and ear out for Aboriginal cultural heritage, including cave art.

Einige Inhalte wurden unter folgender Lizenz bereitgestellt: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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Schwierigkeitsgrad Route

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt, 1993

Optional friend through runout.

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Richard Watts, 1993

Direct start to BM

Erstbegehung: Unknown, 2000

Erstbegehung: Richard Watts, 1993

Erstbegehung: Tara Sutherland, 1993

Erstbegehung: Tara Sutherland, 1994

  1. 12m (18)

  2. 8m (23)

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Jamie McCready, 1994

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Tony Barton, 1994

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Richard Watts, 1993

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Richard Watts, 1993

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt & Tony Barton, 1994

7RB to single U anchor.

Erstbegehung: Brian Rattenbury

9RB to Single U anchor.

Erstbegehung: Brian Rattenbury

Erstbegehung: Unknown, 1999

Erstbegehung: Brogan Bunt (Solo), 1994

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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Simon Carter, Carlie LeBreton, Rob LeBreton, Neil Monteith, Rod Young

Datum: 2016

ISBN: 9780994278449

The new Nowra guide is the most comprehensive guide to one of Australias largest sport climbing destinations. Coincidently it also includes New Nowra or Braidwood Park as it is now known which contains 650 routes in itself. With over 1500 routes all up it will be impossible to run out of projects to get yourself spanked on ever again.

Unterkünfte in der Nähe mehr Verbergen

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