
The Twilight Boulder

  • Bewertungskontext: US
  • Begehungen: 23




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Love Boat Pirates, V5: Start as for Nineteen Year Old’s Luck and go left through a pocket to top out far left. The questionable landing keeps this line fairly low traffic and it's often dirty but if you’ve got the spotters get after it! FA: Jack Jones

Cheap Love Ain't Easy, V2/3: Start as for Nineteen Year Old’s Luck and go left hand to a pocket out left, then make a big move up to a big sidepull and top out straight up. FA: Justin Blanshild

. Nineteen Year Old’s Luck, V4: Start on the massive sidepull crack jug and move right. Pull through the bulge to the incut crimp and top out. FA: Cory May

From obvious jug on left side traverse topping out on the right

One mover, left hand on knobby side pull and right hand in small slot, jump to the start jug of twilight games and top out

Erstbegehung: Sharka Zdeninsyn

Erstbegehung: Riu Inoue

Erstbegehung: Devin Card, 2012

Erstbegehung: Devin Card & Mitch Herberholz

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Selected Guidebooks mehr Verbergen

Autor(en): Rich Wheater

Datum: 2015

ISBN: 978-0-9877796-5-6

With 300 routes, 600 boulder problems and a handful of fine alpine objectives, Vancouver Rock Climbing provides comprehensive coverage of the diverse climbing scene around Vancouver, Canada.

  • Provides detailed coverage of Howe Sound, Caulfeild Sea Cliffs, Cypress Falls Park, Cypress Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Lynn Valley and Deep Cove
  • Includes full-color images and maps, descriptions of conditions and approach notes for each climbing area
  • Each climb description tells you what gear to use, how many bolts there are, a difficulty rating, the pitch length and where to start and end

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Mi 19 Apr
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