
Book of Knowledge Boulder

  • Bewertungskontext: SA

Einschränk. übernommen von Leliehoek

The climbs lie in the Little Rock resort (formerly known as Leliehoek) which is picturesquely set in a small wooded valley 3 minutes drive from the Ladybrand town centre. The park has the usual camping and chalet facilities as well as a small bar and a sizeable and most welcome outdoor swimming pool. Ladybrand is well catered for with many shops, banks, garages and places to eat. There are plenty of other things to do in the area. The town boasts an 18 hole golf course, hiking and biking trails as well as being the gateway to the Lesotho Highlands. To book, contact the Little Rock reception at: 051–924 0260.



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Climb the overhanging arête. A short but bouldery line.

Climb the line of fine pockets.

Erstbegehung: 2010

Climb the obvious crack right of No Thought. The route starts from the boulder. The potential exists for a much harder extension to the route from the ground up, or perhaps this is best climbed as a distinct boulder problem. The first ascentionist left all his smaller nuts at home, thinking he would need only the larger sizes for the crack. Probably only nuts smaller than a DMM#5 will be needed, or micro cams of the same size.


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