
Discussion: Semi-fixed bracket on Bald Eagle

  • Started: 3 years ago on Sun 4th Apr 2021

Public discussion This is a public discussion for 17 Bald Eagles.

Laef Hosking started this discussion 3 years ago.

Semi-fixed bracket on Bald Eagle

As others have noted on "Bald Eagle,", the 3rd bolt doesn't want to take a 90 bracket.

As that's all I had, I hammered mine on, but couldn't get it off, so for the moment their is a fixed bracket on the 3rd bolt.

If you try to get it off, make sure you get it off clean..

I don't want anyone to be surprised with a jammed half on bracket while leading!

Geoff Cooper replied 3 years ago.

I believe I also had this experience. Climbing above a bolt with a jammed bolt plate half on was very character building

Eww replied 3 years ago.

Maybe next climber can put a 10mm mallion through it and leave it at that?

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