
Chockstone wall




Access issues inherited from Toohey Forest

'Toohey Forest' is owned by the Brisbane City Council. It's an important habitat for 400 plants and animals, and is very popular with walkers, joggers and picnicking families. Therefore the usual rules of taking out your rubbish, keeping noise to a minimum, cleaning any chalk marks and so on are particularly important here if climbing is to remain an acceptable activity in the eyes of the community.


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Start on diagonal rail and throw to left hold and mantle out.

Straight up to good hold from diagonal rail, mantle out without using R foot on neighbouring boulder

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.

Start with both hands on the ledge under the moveable chockstone (which is now gone?), then straight up left onto the next ledge to match. A thin traverse follows along the obvious horizontal crack until you reach the ledge far left on the boulder face. From there straight up to the top.

Undercling the movable chockstone and use it to top out (chockstone removed/missing/long gone). Well harder now.

Start where chockstone previously sat and traverse R, finishing up 'Squashed Rat'.

Start on small flake and throw to large L rail and then high R hold, large L sidepull for top out.

Straight up, using the L arête and flake to the R. Mantle out.

Straight up, using only the flake to top.

Large pocket for R hand and large ledge for foot hold, L on flake and then throw R to top. Large holds over the top.

Sit start low right with 2 jugs, traverse left on rail, throw to high sloper and mantle out.

Set: Rob Medlicott, 2013

FA: Elijah Van, 2013

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Did you know that you can create an account to record, track and share your climbing ascents? Thousands of climbers are already doing this.

Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): Jimmy Blackhall & David Jefferson

Date: 2021

ISBN: 9377779499658

Hidden within the ordinary people of Queensland there exists a tight-knit community of scabby knuckles, grazed knees, massive forearms and iron-clad wills. This guidebooks seeks to shed light on this community and blocks of choice with all the information, skills and knowledge to open the door for you to explore all the bouldering that Queensland has to offer.

Author(s): Simon Carter

Date: 2018

ISBN: 9780958079068

A few years ago there was basically Frog Buttress and Coolum. Since then there has been more development than Barangaroo and South East Queensland should be on any climbers radar no matter what your style. Except ice climbing, definitely no ice climbing. But over 1250 routes with hard sport, multipitches and quality trad to make a great trip.

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Thu 7 Sep
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