
Main Area




The main boulder cluster.

Ethic inherited from Winjan Boulders

Climbing is a privilege not a right – please respect the bushland and the rock. Where possible preserve the natural flora and keep to tracks to minimize impact. Clean tick marks and caked chalk with a good scrubbing. No chipping or gluing. Take your rubbish out with you.


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Sit start at the base of the finger on good crimps and up the awesome feature.

Sit start on obvious RH minijug and left hand sidepull jug. Compress up feature to dicey top moves. Easier if you're taller!

FA: Mitch Woodward, Aug 2019

Sit start as Leftovers, then up and traverse right to finish as Happy Tree friends. Flowy climbing!

FA: Mitch Woodward, Aug 2019

Sit start up incut arete, then left under tree then straight up.

FA: Glen Ludlam

Sit start with crimps. Shouldery sequence to gain the start of 'Freestyler'

FA: Michael Taran, May 2020

Stand start up obvious crack. Nice and high with awesome moves.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

The same as Freestyler but instead of bailing at the top of the crack, head up left to top the whole boulder. Falling is not an option, only worth it if you have a huge ego to maintain.

Start up flake then launch off crimps and high smears to rail, then delicately to top. High.

FA: Jurek Stefanski, 14 May 2019

Stand start on good crimps, move up to incut rail.

FA: Andy Conlin

Sit start on mossy pockets and smears. Straight up the seam

FA: Fraser, Aug 2019

Sit start with left hand in mossy pocket. Pull up and traverse right into the stand start of 'Full Breach'.

FA: Robin Yang, 2018

Stand start on good holds under break, move right to good crimp then long reach up and left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start on jugs as per 'Iron Man'. Traverse left into the stand of 'Full Breach'.

FA: Robin Yang, 2018

Sit start on good holds move up to crack.

FA: Joe Conlin

Easy Arete Cimb.

Sit Start on obvious under cling, the through the crimps to the good rails at the top.

FA: Ash Thomas, 13 May 2018


Unclimbed Project

Sit start, straight up.

FA: Simon Peters

Sit start then press up and delicate traverse right.

FA: Simon Peters

Sit start under the slight belly in the rock. Head up to small dimple crimps.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start and squeeze your way up the features to gain the two good sidepulls. First move is the crux

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start with right hand on the sloping sidepull - long move left to a crimp. Slap up to the lip and slabby topout.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start with right hand on slopey crimp, up sharp flake to small crimps.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start, then up the arete. Tricky.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

Avoid opposing boulder.

Squat start far right, traverse left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Stand start on good crimp rail, then mantle up to slab finish.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Stand start, small mantle to good holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Stand start up to nice crimpy moves.

FA: Angus Griffin

Sit start on good rail. Straight up to cool undercling.

FA: Glen Ludlam

Same start as Squatta then trend left.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

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Sit start on good rail, head up to slopers.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start on small crimps to desperate moves.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start on good rail up to jugs.

FA: Claire Girdlestone

Sit start on blocky holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start on slopey jugs.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

Sit start on incut holds.

FA: Jason Girdlestone

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