
Lézard qui danse

  • Grade context: FR

Access issues inherited from France

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with

Ethic inherited from France

Park where indicated, take care of the environment, buy the local guidebook when possible (this is one of the ways you can help local route setters), clean up your shoes before climbing, don't spray beta, be polite.


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Grade Route

Set: Jean-Marc Belle, 1986

Set: Jean-Marc Belle, 1986

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1985

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1985

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1985

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1985

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1985

Set: Philippe Theolier, 1990

1 5c 20m
2 7c 20m

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1986

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1986

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1986

1 5b
2 5b

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1984

1 5c
2 5a

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Rémi Cook, 1984

Set: Jean-Marc Belle & Alain Salomon, 1984

Set: G. Bourgeois, 1997


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A climbing guide full of multi-pitch routes on large and small walls along the Drome and its side valleys / a multilingual glossary helps to choose the right route

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The Climbing Guidebook describes 23 climbing areas between Crest in the west and Lus la Croix Haute in the east on the impressive outskirts of Vercors.

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Tue 18 Apr
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