



Access issues inherited from Valle del Sarca

Many crags in the area of Arco are located on private land and the huge popularity of climbing and the resulting crowds brought it with it, that issues with land owners popped up in the past and continue to pop up from time to time. Please be sensitive to regional closures and limitations to access. Stay informed and stick to local regulations.


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Grade Route
1 5- 35m
2 6- 25m
3 6 40m
4 6- 35m
5 5+/6- 30m
6 6- 15m
7 5+/6- 40m

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill, Sandra Schieder & Andrea Farneti, Jan 2019

1 6
2 6
3 5
4 3
5 5+
6 6
7 6
8 6-

Set: Heinz Grill, Franz Heiss & Florian Kluckner, 2006

1 6+ 35m
2 5+ 25m
3 6 25m
4 6 25m
5 6 30m
6 6+ 30m
7 5+ 30m

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill & Franz Heiss, Dec 2014

1 3 15m
2 7 40m
3 6 45m
4 6+ 25m
5 6+ 45m
6 6+ 45m

Set: Ivo Rabanser, Stefano Michelazzi & Marco Furlani, 2010

1 5c 25m
2 6c 40m
3 5c 45m
4 6b 20m
5 6c 50m
6 5b 45m

3rd pitch crosses Via Bon Ton.

Set: Diego Mabboni & Federico Cazzanelli, 2006

1 6a+
2 6a+
3 5c
4 6b+
5 5c
6 6b - c

Set: G. Mantovani, 2004

1 6a
2 6b
3 6b
4 5b
5 6b+
6 6a+
7 5c

2 medium sized friends recommended.

Set: Heinz Grill & Florian Kluckner, 2007

Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
1 5+
2 5+
3 5+
4 6
5 6
6 5
7 4+
8 6

FFA: H. Grill, F. Heiß, F. Kluckner, A. Kluckner, S. Königseder & U. Grothen, 2006

1 6
2 5+
3 5
4 4+
5 4
6 6
7 4+

Set: Heinz Grill & Sigrid Grill, 2006

1 6 28m
2 5+ 30m
3 5 30m
4 4 25m
5 7+ 25m
6 5+ 25m
7 5- 40m
8 4+ 40m

Shares the first 4 pitches with La Fuga dall'Hades and joins it again in the 2nd last pitch. Pitch 5 can be climbed in 6/A1.

Set: Heinz Grill & Florian Kluckner, 2006

Beautiful and fun climbing on solid rock. A few sections, on the third and fourth pitch, are truly spectacular. The line is logical and elegant and the protection is always good and sufficient. The route's difficulties make it one of the hardest on this face.

FA: H. Grill & S. Königseder, 2007

1 6b
2 6b+
3 5c
4 6b
5 6a
6 6a

Set: R. Galvagni & D. Filippi, 2004

1 5+ 25m
2 5 15m
3 5+ 25m
4 7- 35m
5 5+ 40m

6a, with a move of 6c/A0. A pleasant and fun route, varied, up slab cracks and dihedrals. The red slab on the second pitch is beautiful. Excellent rock, the protection is on bolts and rock tunnels. Beware: there are a few unstable boulders throughout the route.

The routes was slightly modified in 2017 to lead through cleaner rock for the first pitch and last 2 pitches.

FA: Dario Cabas & Pierangelo Masera, 2007

1 6b
2 6a
3 5a
4 6a
5 6a
6 5c

Set: Diego Filippi & Roly Galvagni, 2004

Warning Rock: Massi instabili all'ultimo tiro primo dello strapiombo! Attenzione!!!

1 6- 30m
2 4 48m
3 5+ 30m
4 5+ 15m
5 6- 35m

This is a newer variant of Via Argo. It climbs cleaner and with less vegetation.

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill & Franz Heiss, 2014

1 4 30m
2 4 50m
3 5+ 35m
4 5+ 15m
5 4 25m
6 5 30m

Set: Dario Cabas & Pierangelo Masera, 2010

1 5+ 20m
2 6- 35m
3 5+ 40m
4 5 28m
5 6- 30m

Set: H. Grill, F. Heiss & F. Kluckner, 2007

1 5
2 6+
3 4+
4 5+
5 5

Aufgrund der Kirche unterhalb der Route darf an Sonn- und Feiertagen nicht geklettert werden. No climbing allowed on Sundays and bank holidays due to the Mass held in the small church.


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Grade Route
1 5
2 6a+
3 6b
4 6b
5 5b

5c obl. Last pitch about 50m!

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill & Sabine Bauer, 2013

1 6
2 6+
3 6
4 5+

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill & Franz Heiss, 2013

1 4+ 30m
2 5 35m
3 5+ 30m
4 4+ 30m

Set: H. Grill, F. Heiss & F. Kluckner, 2007

1 5
2 5+
3 4-
4 6-
5 6-

Set: Florian Kluckner, Heinz Grill & Martin Mocek, 2013

1 5+
2 3
3 4
4 4

Hard route finding on the last pitch, it should exit all the way to the left on III grade ramps

1 4 27m
2 5+ 32m
3 5 35m

FA: Dario Cabas & Pierangelo Masera, 2014

1 4 20m
2 5+ 35m
3 4 30m

FA: D. Cabas & P. Masera, 2014

1 4+
2 6
3 5

Relatively short route with quite much vegetation. The second pitch contains a rewarding section with a small roof (UIAA 6, maybe easier). The protection is appropriate for the grades, with anchors at trees. There are slings and a few bolts in between.

FA: Dario Cabas & Pierangelo Masera, 2014

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Im Kletterführer Arco Plaisir stellt Florian Kluckner 105 lange Plaisirwege vor. Der Großteil der Routen verläuft im 5 Schwierigkeitsgrad - max. Schwierigkeit von 6b+.

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