
Long Way Guidebooks

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San Vito lo Capo


Author(s): Karsten Oelze & Harald Röker

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9783938680483

A comprehensive guidebook describing the sport climbing at San Vito Lo Capo, near Trapani in northern Sicily, covering over 1,200 sport routes, including many multi-pitch routes up to 400m long.

Author(s): Manuel Senettin and Thomas Hofer

Date: 2013

ISBN: 9788898495047

This guidebook describes the sport climbing around the seaside resort of San Vito lo Capo in northwest Sicily, covering 25 crags and nearly 800 single pitch sport routes across a wide range of grades (F3a to F9a).

Author(s): Daimon Beail

Date: 2021

ISBN: 9781873341681

A comprehensive guidebook covering the rock climbing areas around San Vito Lo Capo, and Palermo detailing nearly 1,500 routes. The crags covered are Scogliera di Salinella, Macari, Castelluzzo, and Custonaci at San Vito, and Monte Pellegrino and Monte Gallo around Palermo.



Author(s): Massimo Cappuccio & Giuseppe Gallo

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9788885475854

A definitive guidebook describing all the single pitch rock climbing and sport climbing areas on the island of Sicily, covering 122 different crags, and many 1,000s of routes across a wide range of grades.

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