
El Camino



Ethic inherited from Aragon

  • La piedra caliza es blanda - por favor, limpie tus zapatos de la suciedad con el fin de evitar asideros y pasos pulidos.
  • No instale top-rope directamente a través de anclaje o anillos - usa tu propio material en su lugar.
  • Limpia las marcas de tiza con un cepillo.
  • No dejes papel higiénico.
  • Recoge la basura - también las colillas de cigarrillos.
  • Aparcar con consideración (los tractores deben poder pasar también el fin de semana).

  • The limestone is soft – please clean your shoes from dirt in order to avoid polished handholds and steps.
  • Don't toprope directly through anchors or bolts – use your own material instead.
  • Clean chalk and tickmarks with a brush.
  • Don't leave toilet paper.
  • Pick up rubbish - also cigarette butts.
  • Park considerately (tractors should be able to pass also at the weekend).


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Set: G.M.G.C

Set: J.Olivan, 2007

Set: J.Olivan, 2000

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: Cristian

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

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Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: B.Ulmann

Set: G.M.G.C, 2009

Set: Novato & Daniel Chakaua

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: J.Olivan, 2007

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: Juileta Montoya/ Tomas

Set: G.M.G.C

Set: J.Olivan

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Author(s): Maria Torres, Victor Fernandez, and Carlos Logroño

Date: 2019

ISBN: 9788469750469

A definitive guidebook describing all the rock climbing, sport climbing and bouldering at Rodellar across 44 different sectors, covering many 100’s of routes.

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Fri 8 Sep
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