
El Moro

  • Grade context: FR

Access issues inherited from Siurana

Excellent walking access to endless crags.


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Selected Guidebooks more Hide

Author(s): David Brascò & N. Campillo

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9788409472536

A definitive guidebook coversing the rock climbing and sport climbing at Siurana, in the Sierra de Prades Mountains, detailing over 2,000 routes across a wide range of grades (F3 to F9b+).

Author(s): Pete O'Donovan & Dani Andrada

Date: 2023

ISBN: 9780956700667

The Catalan province of Tarragona in eastern Spain is a dream destination for climbers. The comprehensive guidebook includes climbing areas such as Siurana and Margalef, with a total of over 4800 routes spread over 11 areas.

Accommodations nearby more Hide

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Fri 8 Sep
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