First time here? is a free guide for rock climbing areas all over the world, collaboratively edited by keen rock climbers, boulderers and other nice folks.You can log all your routes, connect and chat with other climbers and much more...» go exploring, » learn more or » ask us a questionAuthor(s): Sandro von Känel
Date: 2023
ISBN: 9783906087580
A selective guidebook describing a selection of rock climbing and sport climbing routes at grades from F6b and above, in the Western Swiss Alps, including Freiburg, Bernese Oberland, Vaud, plus the entire area of the Valais.
Author(s): Sandro von Kanel
Date: 2019
ISBN: 9783906087535
A selective guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing in the Western Swiss Alps and the French Alps, covering an area from Annecy in the French Alps to Big in the Swiss Alps.
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