Tutti 5 pubblicazioni visualizzati.
Autore/i: Chris Baxter
Data: Autumn 1999
This Pocket sized edition is free in Rock no 38. Slip-on covers are avaliable $2.10 each ($2.90 overseas).
Aree: Australia
Autore/i: Jim Truscott
Data: Autumn 2000
This Pocket sized edition is available with a plastic cover.
Aree: Australia
Autore/i: Jeff Boyton & Robert Cowan
Data: Summer 1998
This Pocket sized edition is free in Rock no 33. Slip-on covers are avaliable $2.10 each ($2.90 overseas).
Aree: Australia
Autore/i: Alastair Lee
Data: 1997
ISBN: 1852842377
The only comprehensive overview for Australian Crags. 85 plus crags, heaps of useful info. Ideal for traveller or native alike to get you going in the right direction. Sorry but the photos are v.poor only had an instamatic camera at the time!For some real photos see www.posingproductions.com -what a site!-
Aree: Australia
Tutti 5 pubblicazioni visualizzati.