
Vie come sportiva in Vịnh Lan Hạ

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Tutti 71 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Mit Beach
5a Tarzan House
Sportiva 15m, 6
6b Quinn
Sportiva 20m, 9
6b+ World Play
Sportiva 10m, 5
6b Chicken Wings

Fun boulder start.

Sportiva 10m, 5
5b Zoom Zoom II
Sportiva 10m, 4
5c Team Work!

Share the same anchor as "What Now?" route

Sportiva 10m, 5
5c What Now?

Share the same anchor as "Team Work!" route

Sportiva 10m, 5
Moody's Beach
5a Mao De
Sportiva 22m, 10
6b+ Barefoot Vietnamese
Sportiva 18m, 10
4c Khong Co Gi
Sportiva 15m, 6
5a Honeymooner's Delight
Sportiva 12m, 6
6a+ Routine Heaven
Sportiva 23m, 9
5a Do It For Billy Joel
Sportiva 21m, 8
Offenheimer's Creation
5b Little Red Scooter Gang
Sportiva 25m, 8
6a Little red scooter gang extension
Sportiva 30m, 11
7a Spit & Let Live
Sportiva 25m, 13
7b Snake Skin
Sportiva 23m, 10
6b+ 11 Months in the Womb
Sportiva 23m, 12
6b+ Uterine prolapse

11 months in the womb extension

Sportiva 38m, 21
6a Spotlight
Sportiva 18m, 8
6a+ A Walk on the Mirror

FA: Nick Benson, 2015

Sportiva 18m, 10
Slo Pony Wall
7b Bird's Nest Soup
Sportiva 13m, 8
6a Abandoned Rice Woman
Sportiva 27m, 13
7c Vietnamese Working Style
Sportiva 24m, 16
Peanut Butter & Jelly
  1. 5a, 22m, 10 bolts. The first pitch follows the inside of the cave to a ledge. Belay from the sand or from a small boat.

  2. 6a+, 20m, 12 bolts. Climb up a series of tufas to the top of the cave and traverse out to the face. Warning: Verbal communication between anchors can be difficult. The use of rope-tug commands/radios are crucial, á í the ability to ascent the rope with a prussik in the case of a fall.

  3. 5b+, 8m, 6 bolts.

  4. 5b, 22m, 11 bolts.

Rappel three times from top: 28m from the top to the anchor of pitch 2, 10m to the anchor of Vietnamese Working Style (7b on the left), 25m to the beach.

Sportiva 72m, 4, 39
5c Ichibon
Sportiva 14m, 7
Pirate's Belly
5b Coalition of the Willing p1

FA: Neil Monteith, 2004

Sportiva 25m, 9
7b Coalition of the Willing p2

FA: Neil Monteith, 2004

Sportiva 28m, 15
Temple Amphitheatre
6a Dễ vỡ
6c+ Top 'n' top, pitch 1
Sportiva 13
8a+ Duncan Project
SportivaProgetto 15m
Van Boi Trong
5c Renate
Unnamed 1
Sportiva 9
Unnamed 2
Sportiva 9
6a Mu
6c Figgluise
6a+ Emma
6b+ Schiff Ahoi
Flying Fish Wall
7a+ Fish Wings

FA: Lynn Hill, 1996

FA: Lynn Hill, 1996

Sportiva 15m, 8
8a+ Giang

FA: Scott Milton, 1996

FA: Scott Milton, 1996

Sportiva 17m, 9
7b Bac Ho

Lyn Hill & Todd Skinner

FA: 1996

Sportiva 17m, 9
7a Squid Legs

FA: 1996

Sportiva 16m, 9
7a+ Bridge Walker

Rusty bolts.

Sportiva 10m, 4
Water puppet
The Face
7b License To Climb
Sportiva 25m, 13
7c License To Climb Harder
Sportiva 32m, 17
7b+ The Face
Sportiva 30m, 14
5b Photo solo no more
Sportiva 12m, 8
Saigon Wall
7a Saigon Wall

Rebolted 2010.

Sportiva 18m, 12
Taxi Girl
8a Perfect Line
7c Taxi Girl
7a+ Seui en vol
6c Tien bien le fou
7b Chaos Bang
7b+ Ho Chi Minh
6b+ Dien Bien Phu
6c Indochine
Hon Dua
No name
Luy Tam Biet
7b Vampire State Building
Sportiva 3
6c+ Eliza Kom
7a Shaman The Great
6b+ Bum Bum Massage
Monkey wall
7b Unnamed 1
7a+ Unnamed 2
7a+ Unnamed 3
7a Unnamed 4
6c+ Unnamed 5
6c Unnamed 6
6a+ Unnamed 7
6b+ Unnamed 8
6a+ Unnamed 9

Tutti 71 vie visualizzati.

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