
결제 절차 관련 도움말

Making a subsequent payment on the same card as last time내용으로 돌아가기

Hopefully you love the site enough to continue your subscription. If you have previously paid then the last card you used is available to make a subsequent payment. This makes it quick and painless.

Please note that credit card details are not stored on theCrag servers, but rather go directly to an accredited gateway. theCrag only knows the last four digits of your credit card and your expiry date, the full number and security code is never seen by theCrag servers.

You may remove your credit card from the gateway from the same page.

Making automated monthly payments내용으로 돌아가기

Go to your payment page, click monthly payment radio button, select the amount, complete your credit card details and click the subscribe button.

Upon successfull payment we will email you a receipt, or a GST receipt if you are paying in Australian dollars. Each month from the first payment date you will charged the same amount automatically and emailed a receipt.

You credit card statement will be clearly identifiable as being from theCrag.

You may cancel your plan whenever you want from the same page.

Please note that credit card details are not stored on theCrag servers, but rather go directly to an accredited gateway. theCrag only knows the last four digits of your credit card and your expiry date, the full number and security code is never seen by theCrag servers.

Canceling a monthly plan내용으로 돌아가기

You can cancel your monthly payment plan yourself at any point.

Go to your payment page, select the cancel subscription radio button then click the cancel subscription button at the bottom of the page.

You may also cancel your payment plan by removing your credit card details.

Changing a plan payment amount내용으로 돌아가기

You may change the amount you want to pay each month at anytime.

Go to your payment page, select the new amount and click the change plan button.

You will be charged the new amount at the next payment due date.

Changing a plan credit card내용으로 돌아가기

You may change credit cards on a plan.

Go to your payment page, select to swap to another card, complete the card details and click the change credit card button.

Removing a credit card내용으로 돌아가기

You may remove your credit card yourself at any point.

Go to your payment page and click the 'remove this card' link on the form.

Note that if you are on a plan then removing your credit card also cancels your plan.

What happens when my credit card expires내용으로 돌아가기

Currently we do not have any process to remind you that your credit card is about to expire. If it does expire then it will no longer be available to charge and your plan will be cancelled.

About the payment gateway used by theCrag내용으로 돌아가기

Secure Credit Card payments on theCrag are made through Stripe.com payment gateway.

Your submitted Credit Card information goes directly to the Stripe payment gateway. Your full card number and CVC is not stored or seen by theCrag servers. theCrag only has access to the last 4 digits of your credit card and the expiry date.

You can read about Stripe's security here:


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