
Vias em Elis

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Mostrando os 33 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Kaiafas Climbing Park
5a Dievro Sport 6m, 4
5c+ Tsipourini

Shares anchor with Barbouni

Sport 6m, 3
5c Bardouni

Shares anchor with Tsipourini

Sport 6m, 4
6a Melrose Sport 8m, 6
6b Sfinaki

Starting variant of Melrose

Sport 2m, 2
6b+ Micro Extreme Sport 8m, 5
5b Micro Cafe Sport 7m, 5
5b+ Ta Paidia Paizei Sport 7m, 5
6a Oi Geroi Peinaei Sport 8m, 6
Supporting theCrag is not only good for your Karma
it also gives you access to great benefits on theCrag and beyond.
6c Dirigo Diribye Sport 30m, 11
6c Rebel Warrior Sport 30m, 12
7a+ Deus Ex Machina Sport 30m, 12
6b Anigros Sport 30m, 11
6a Akidantas Sport 28m, 11
5a Free Solo Sport 30m, 8
6b+ Free Kalymnos

Left variant of Kalymnos, shares the shame anchor

Sport 35m, 11
6c Kalymnos

Shares anchor with Free Kalymnos

Sport 30m, 12
6b Nessos Sport 35m, 15
5b+ Neron

An easy mix up of Nessos and Xeiron starting from Nessos and bailing out to the mid anchor of Xeiron.It needs elongated quickdraws.

Sport 12m, 6
6b+ Xeiron

Equipted with middle anchor point before the crux. It remains a solid 6a+ until that point due to a crimpy start.For easier start use Nessos.

Sport 35m, 13
6a+ P.C.C. Sport 15m, 6
7b+ P.C.C. ext.

Needs rebolting above the P.C.C. anchor point.

Sport 40m, 13
6b Athirostomos Sport 15m, 7
7b A Midsummer Nigtht's Dream

Needs rebolting.

Sport 15m, 8
5c+ Koinopraxia

It will feal more like a 6b if you don't use stemming, drop knee and other techniques required for this type of rock formation.

Sport 15m, 7
6c Koinopraxia ext.

It's a 6a/6a+ to the next anchor point of A midsummer Night's Dream and then straight up for a full experience.

Sport 20m, 12
6c Fanatic

The anchor has been relocated to the left.It doesn't share an anchor with Te Quiero Puta anymore.

Sport 15m, 8
7b Te Quiero Puta

At the time shares anchor point with Fanatic and serves as the mid anchor of Ston Pyrgo Leitourgane.

Sport 15m, 7
6c+ Ston Pyrgo Leitourgane

Shares anchor point with Fanatic (currently) and Te Quiero Puta (permanently)

Sport 15m, 8
8a Ston Pyrgo Leitourgane ext. Sport 25m, 12
5b Vareli Sport
5a PataGonia Sport
6a+ Teotihuacan Sport

Mostrando os 33 vias.

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