Grade Route Gear style Popularity
Septic Sector
14 AGB (Another Gully Buster)

Up the right side of the first ledge, sharing 1st bolt with Long Drop, then directly up to second ledge. Think about dinner as you wander up the grassy gully (unprotected) for a few metres to the 2nd bolt & up for an enjoyable finish.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 8m, 2
14 Long Drop

Up the right side of the first ledge, moving left around the rooflet (slightly exposed) and then up to ledge & DBB.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 6m, 3
19 Über Skid

A direct line from the start of Super Skid using the face and flake, topping out at the ledge to the left of Long Drop. After the difficult crossover at bolt 1 position your feet for a good hold in the higher horizontal crack below bolt 2. Left crack & right pocket to layback until you're high enough to get good right holds on the flake. Clip bolt 3 & continue up the flake, using the big pocket at the top to move left to DBB or heelhook to ledge.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 3
19 Super Skid

Start at left side of ledge for a direct start to Skid Marks. Up the right side of the arete moving left to meet 2nd bolt of Skid Marks.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 3
19 Wattle Wipes

A great link up following the 3 bolts of Skid Marks, delicately right to 3rd bolt of Uber Skid, more delicately right (find the side pull) to the 3rd bolt of Long Drop, then up to Long Drop anchors

FA: Cameron Lindsay, 2014

Sport 15m, 5
16 Skid Marks

Up to ledge on good (but reachy) holds then move right for a couple of moves before reaching the crack. Up the crack and arete for a tricky finish.

Named because it was first climbed on trad & there is zero protection for the first 2/3 of the climb.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 10m, 3
6 A Crack In The Pipes

An easy 5m crack for quick free solo (or trad, if falling in the water isn't your thing) access to Shit Line, Prairie Dog & Hung Like A Sewer Rat.

Easier than scrambling back up, around, and down the cliff.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Trad 5m
20 Prairie Dog

Up easily to start & slightly left. Find a right hand crimpy side pull on the otherwise blank face to make the ledge. Up from there through the rooflet then some awkward moves to the chains.

FA: Andrew Stevenson, 2014

Sport 10m, 4
18 Hung Like A Sewer Rat

Slightly overhanging and pumpy start on good jugs. Nice climbing through the low crux (well-protected) to an easy finish.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

FFA: Mick "Dr. Dirt" Hughes, 2014

Sport 10m, 4
18 Hung Like A Sewer Rat

Slightly overhanging and pumpy start on good jugs. Nice climbing through the low crux (well-protected) to an easy finish.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

FFA: Mick "Dr. Dirt" Hughes, 2014

Sport 10m, 4
13 Blinky The 3-Eyed Fish

Named because no matter where you look you'll find something to hold on to. Nevertheless quite a fun climb, particularly above the ledge.

Shares 2nd bolt & DBB with TPWP.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 15m, 5
15 The Problem With Poop

What looks like an interesting bouldery start is actually very easy but has some fun eliminates. Up the pocketed face trending left, traverse right (exciting) & up to ledge. From there directly up with a short layback (more exciting) & crack climb to DBB.

15/12/2019 - block with last bolt before anchor removed with bolt in situ, first bolt tagged with red tape.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 15m, 5
Cave Routes
18 Visit The Head

Starts 1 m right of the rightmost of the four belay bolts. Crux is the boulder problem start, which is easier for the tall. Very high first bolt, followed by delightful moves up to bolts and anchor shared with Better Out Than In. Named for a big flake that turned out to be loose and hit the route setter in the face on their first outing.

Set: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 17m, 3
18 Better Out Than In

2m left of first (rightmost) belay bolt. Head up and right on solid holds until you reach the vertical wall. Heel hook over it and walk up to DBB.

A variant finish probably exists up the crack system, not yet climbed.

A variant, slabby, start can be made from the 2nd belay bolt.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 20m, 5
20 Gas Mask

Easily up trending right starting from the 3rd (right) belay bolt.

The 3rd bolt is an easy reach up from the cave.

Crank through the roof, staying as far right as you dare, then up the headwall (move right then heel hook left) to the middle DBB.

Named for a wonderful smell that was blowing in from the sewage plant when I finally freed the headwall (solo).

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 20m, 5
14 Waste Not, Want Not

Follow Gas Mask to the 3rd bolt then move left around the cave roof to another bolt (14) and continue up and left to the leftmost DBB.

FA: Caleb Baker, 2014

Sport 20m, 4
10 Cleaning The Pipes

Start from either 3rd or 4th (right) belay bolt, passing 1st bolt of Drank The Slab and following the parallel left-leaning cracks on good micro RPs to 3rd bolt of DTS. Finish up GM or WNWN.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Trad 15m
14 Drank The Slab

Start from the 4th (right) belay bolt, moving up then traversing left before going up again and traversing right (crux) after the 3rd bolt to meet the 3rd bolt of Gas Mask & finish up GM or WNWN.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 25m, 4
18 River Phoenix

Follow DTS but head up when you're on the tree ledge rather than traversing right to cross a rooflet. Move right (crux) to meet 4th bolt of WNWN.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 25m, 5