
Ascensioni in PB Gully che possiede Informazioni sui passaggi

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Tutti 18 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Lun 1 Apr 2024 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
23 PB Trad 23m Classica
Rob Watson
Great hidden gem

23 ~22 PB Trad 23m Molto buona
Alex MacAdam
Really nice climbing, good gear in the seam before the crux.

Mar 18 Apr 2023 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
25 ~24 Heavy Horses - con Hannah Rose Trad 25m Classica
Patrick Munnings
I hope this stays as the most sandbagged 24 at Araps instead of being upgraded. probably harder than most 25s around and some of the 26s. Went first lead attempt without inspecting the gear, however this could have been a good idea. Got to the crux where I was sure a blue hex would slot in but found it to be too big for any of the gear I brought with me. I ended up stacking a red and blue hex which seemed to not be going anywhere, committed to the crux move and sent. stoked! A bum rock classic!

Sab 15 Apr 2023 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
25 ~24 Heavy Horses - con Hannah Rose Trad 25m
Patrick Munnings
The hardest 24 at Araps according to HB. Set up a toprope and did the move. Hopefully I get a chance this trip. A great line on awesome rock.

Sab 7 Dic 2019 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
23 PB Trad 23m
Thought id need rps they would've been nice if i hadent forgotten them at camp. Bd #5 nut fits nice though to protect crux

Dom 18 Mar 2018 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
23 PB Direct Start - con Ramon Francis Trad 25m
Dale Rankin
Just the bottom half. It's good

25 PB Direct Finish - con Ramon Francis Trad 23m
Dale Rankin
Top rope. Wowser!

Mar 21 Feb 2017 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
23 23 R PB Direct Start Trad 25m Molto buona
Vanessa Wills
Found this less reachy than PB, had the start protected

19 Tangent Trad 20m Buona
Vanessa Wills
Pretty sure I seconded Neil on this several years ago, but not logged? Can't recall

Ven 16 Ott 2015 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
25 Heavy Horses - con Kieran Lawton Trad 25m Buona
Douglas Hockly
Good route apart from the crux! The rest is about 22.

Gio 15 Ott 2015 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
25 PB Direct Finish - con Billy Lukin Trad 23m Buona
Douglas Hockly
How hard is this really? Utterly desperate.

23 PB - con Billy Lukin Trad 23m Molto buona
Douglas Hockly
A hard and scary start. These days I do Tangent and chuck in a cam on rap after the start and preclip it. A much easier start if you're tall is moving R onto the ledge and up the thin wall to the break. About 19 for me but gear is on the ledge so if you fell off it'd be an ugly fall.

19 Tangent - con Billy Lukin Trad 20m Media
Douglas Hockly
Rock is Ok but it wanders around a lot.

Dom 11 Ott 2015 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
24 Impasse - con Nicky Sunderland Trad 20m Buona
Douglas Hockly
Wandery but good.Took me two days, that was when I realised I wasn't going to do all the Moorhead '81 routes in a year!

25 Blockade - con Gordon Poultney Trad 30m Molto buona
Douglas Hockly
Great climbing and great rock once you stop traversing right and left and actually go up.

25 Temporary Imbalance - con Paul Hoskins Trad 20m Pessima
Douglas Hockly
Too short.

Dom 27 Mar 2005 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
22 PB Trad 23m Molto buona
Susy G
With Cate. Strong gutsy onsight by Cate. I found the crux to be pulling from the traverse into the jam crack.

Mar 13 Apr 2010 - Arapiles
Far North PB Gully
22 23 PB Trad 23m Buona
Wendy Eden
difficult and poor gear to start


Tutti 18 ascensioni visualizzati.

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