
Ascensões em Buderim tendo Beta

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 204 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sun 18th Feb 2024 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V6 Pararibulitis Boulder 3m
Still hard, first move might be close.

Sun 12th Nov 2023 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V6 Pararibulitis — 6 attempts - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 3m
Sam Bycroft
Sent this after 4 hard sessions on it. Such a cool climb

Fri 1st Sep 2023 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V5 Holistic Detective Agency Boulder 4m Very Good
David Jefferson
Start is bunched, stand is better.

V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Very Good
David Jefferson
Don’t get to boulder on basalt in a rain forest very often. Pretty sweet.

VB- Marina Cardenas Boulder 3m Good
David Jefferson

VB Hector Cardenas Boulder 3m Average
David Jefferson

Fri 11th Aug 2023 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Enchanted Cave
V7 Feelin Dandy Boulder 4m
Tim Janetzki
Gonna call this one a soft 7, not too hard to get to the ledge, but that mantle is spooky as. Gets the grade as you gotta know what you're doing up there. Would be a bit easier if all of that soil got a shift, but no way that's happening

Sun 25th Jun 2023 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Very Good
Paddy Taylor
In the dark with the help of my spotters phone light. Fun stuff, solid 4 imo.

Tue 20th Jun 2023 - Buderim
Milne Park Milne Park Main Wall
V5 Direct Action - with Crofty11 Boulder 3m
Sam Bycroft
Finally sent after 3 sessions

Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V5 The Crabalyst - with Crofty11 Boulder 5m
Sam Bycroft
Got up to throwing to the top hold

Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V2 Wolff-Parkinson-White - with Crofty11 Boulder 3m
Sam Bycroft
Surprising hard mantle

Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 Of Magic and Alchemy Boulder 3m
Sam Bycroft
Fun slab with scary feet

Sat 10th Dec 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V5 Project Incubus - with Katie McKeon, Harrison Stevens, aster Boulder 5m Classic
Tamati Kennedy
Worked on top rope.

Mon 14th Nov 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V0 Murder Mystery - with Jeff Boulder
Justin V
hold broke on flash go

Fri 28th Oct 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand - with Sam Bycroft Boulder 4m Classic
Myles Hartnett
Super fun - Top out felt terrifying the first time but got better with repeat.

V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand - with Myles Hartnett Boulder 4m Classic
Sam Bycroft
Very nice

Mon 26th Sep 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Coughing Bullets Boulder
V2 Coughing Bullets Boulder 3m Very Good
My hips hurt

Mon 26th Sep 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Such an awesome route. Watch those feet!

V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Such an awesome route. Watch those feet!

Sat 20th Aug 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand - with Sean, LJ Boulder 4m
Lots of fondling while shitting myself in fear. Outdoor bouldering is insane. Lost count of the number of times I pulled on to actually attempt it. Probably... 3 or 4?

V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand - with Sean, LJ Boulder 4m
Shaky legs, fear tears, and heart pounding as I slapped through to the finish. Had more than one "why the f**k am I doing this" moment.

V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand - with Sean, LJ Boulder 4m
Repeat was way less scary, but still had jelly legs.

V6 Pararibulitis - with Sean, LJ Boulder 3m
Spent a fair bit of time on this one. Not quite as scary as Holistic. Good fun, bit more powerful. I think there's a chance of ticking it in the next session or two if I can figure out how to do the second move. I plan to return to get this one done.

Wed 27th Jul 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Harrison Stevens
Super sick line!

Sun 24th Jul 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V6 Pararibulitis Boulder 3m
I have some sloppy beta for the top half. The first few moves feel crazy hard though. Very fun.

Sun 26th Jun 2022 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V5 Wolff-direct Boulder 3m
Stephen Thompson
Couldn't get enough weight on the left foot - blaming my tight hips

Sun 26th Jun 2022 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V6 Bennett Foddy Boulder 3m
Stephen Thompson
Cool problem, was able to get all the moves except for dropping into the left hand crimp

V2 Of Magic and Alchemy Boulder 3m Very Good
Stephen Thompson
Really enjoyed this one

V4 Equivalent Exchange Boulder 5m
Stephen Thompson
Felt like I would have topped this but didn't feel comfortable going higher solo

Wed 22nd Jun 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Declan Coogan
Fun line, worth having a close look at the holds up top before attempting to send!

Wed 13th Apr 2022 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V4 Equivalent Exchange - with Lena Boulder 5m
Iain Hunter
Was in the area, came for a look-see. Shouldn't have bothered so soon after rain; the rock was extremely crumbly. No sends today.

This one was a fun problem though! Something to come back for when it's dry.

Sat 29th Jan 2022 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Mists of Time Boulder
V2 Rites of Time Boulder Good
Tim Nicholson
Quick and slightly damp visit in passing. I’m sure conditions weren’t their best

Sat 23rd Oct 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m
Made it to the top out, but had to bail cause it's scary af

Wed 6th Oct 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 Stitch Boulder 8m Good
Tsevi Leib
sport climb i am just a simple boulderer, please

V1 Jareg Boulder 4m Very Good
Tsevi Leib

V5 Saddle Club Boulder 5m
Tsevi Leib
someone cut trees down in front and now they are danger spikes. do not fondle the danger spikes on if you fall

V0- Tree Knob Boulder 2m Classic
Tsevi Leib
croc send with VS's on the inside for extra grip. trust me it works.

Wed 6th Oct 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Nose Bloc
Boulderers are Beavers Too (Squat Start) Boulder Classic
Tsevi Leib
I enjoy fondling this nose. not much progress, linked the start moves from SIT to the squat where Reagen wants to squat start it.

Wed 6th Oct 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V5 V6 The Catalyst Boulder 3m Very Good
Tsevi Leib
hard yakkas for a lil span boi. itll go one day

V2 Wolff-Parkinson-White Boulder 3m Very Good
Tsevi Leib
i did it very gracefully

V3 V2 The Catalyst Stand Boulder 2m Good
Tsevi Leib
Did this practicing the top section of catalyst direct, counts right? lol

V3 Oh Wolff Boulder 4m Good
Tsevi Leib
makes you feel like a springy boy.

Wed 29th Sep 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Creek Bed
V1 Lady of the Lake - with Isaac Buckingham Boulder Very Good
Lee Prescott
Wanted to start lower and throw for the lip before mantling.. but hold in the middle of the face blew when I pulled on :'(

Wed 29th Sep 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V4 V5 The Crabalyst - with Isaac Buckingham Boulder 5m Very Good
Lee Prescott
Maybe only a v4 if using the toe hook on the v2. Definitely harder without.. crux is avoiding swinging into the left boulder!

V2 Memento Mori - with Lee Prescott Boulder 3m Good
Isaac Buckingham
Bring ya crack gloves

Wed 29th Sep 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V5 Holistic Detective Agency Boulder 4m
Lee Prescott
Had a play around.. doesn't seem worth it. Bit too low

V5 Project Incubus Boulder 5m
Lee Prescott
Gotta work those top moves on rope I reckon. Probably only a move away

Sun 26th Sep 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V0- Hot Feet Boulder Very Good
Albert Tate
I misread the topo for of magic and alchemy and made this

Sat 25th Sep 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 Of Magic and Alchemy - with Mia Balogh, Kieran Pates, Oliver Rickford Boulder 3m
Albert Tate
Took a fair few goes in the heat. Fun committing movement on this one.

Sat 28th Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Very Good
Matty Cull
The crimp towards the top of the Boulder pulled off during an attempt today however there is a positive 2 finger pocket left in its place which doesn’t affect the grade or beta of the problem.

Mon 23rd Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Hayden Clarke
That was pretty sweet!

Sat 14th Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
Project Shoulder Boulder 8m Mega Classic
Feel on the last move up to the right, tried to use the intermediate but it was a but damp and pinged off. Unfortunately fell badly so will be a few months before I can come back for the send. Still thinking maybe 8 or 9.

Wed 11th Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
Project Shoulder Boulder 8m Mega Classic
Links are coming together, still in 3 sections but only 2 moves left to put in from the sit start (blaming conditions). Should go next session if conditions are better. Start of Rowdy is hard when it is damp and humid. Feeling like a V6/7 into another V6 finishing up a v5 but slight rest when you hit the v5. Not sure if V8 or maybe V9...

Sat 7th Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
Project Shoulder Boulder 8m Mega Classic
Sorry should have created this route instead of logging interconnect. This route is amazing and shaping up how i imagined it. Some strong moves in it but so much beta. Feel like this will take a few weeks mostly just building up the endurance. Look forward to working it with people once lockdown is over.

V5 Project Incubus Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Really good problem, took a couple of shots to figure out the top. Fairly scary top without a spotter and just 1 pad.

Interconnectedness of Everything Boulder 9m Mega Classic
May need another route as at this stage i plan on this one just topping out up through Incubus. Every move is now done and linked in 3 sections with overlap in them all. I think endurance will be important here as i worked out it is 17+ moves all fairly powerful. A bit of a rest as you hit Incubus. Probably the most i have been excited on a project in a long time.

V7 The Rowdy 3 Boulder 4m Mega Classic
Repeated to get beta right. found a much easier start beta and feel this should be downgraded as it seems this is what others are using as well. Happy to get a consensus on this though before changing it.

Thu 5th Aug 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V5 Plum Bob Cocktail Boulder 5m
Tamati Kennedy
Spent an hour on this after BF. Need to figure out the booty position to move the right foot up.

V6 Bennett Foddy Boulder 3m
Tamati Kennedy
Spent two hours on it. Have two moves left to do. I'm about it..

Mon 2nd Aug 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 Stitch - with Sam Bycroft Boulder 8m Good
Beautiful Boulder and traverse line

V0 Lilo - with Sam Bycroft Boulder 5m Average
Nice traverse, weird sit start doesn’t add much and already great line.

Mon 2nd Aug 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V5 Project Incubus Boulder 5m Classic
Tamati Kennedy
Worked it on rope today. Did all but two moves in the middle and the first move. Awesome movement throughout.

V5 Project Incubus Boulder 5m
Calvin Atkinson
Done all the moves. Last attempt was from the bottom and falling on the mantle ...typical.

Sat 31st Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V6 Bennett Foddy - with Jimmy Blackhall, Oliver Rickford, cynthia Boulder 3m
Tamati Kennedy
Only a couple of shots. Pretty cooked from the day. Keen to jump on this properly though.

V5 Saddle Club - with Oliver Rickford, Jimmy Blackhall, James Hembury, cynthia Boulder 5m Very Good
Tamati Kennedy
Hello world, come and see.

Cut loose beta is so cool!

Wed 28th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V4 Equivalent Exchange - with Oliver Rickford Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Tamati Kennedy
Super proud of this. Big tall balancey thing. Hard to grade since it was still cleaning up so the feet were super sandy and the top needed a good inspection because of big block, but probably somewhere between V3 and v5 maybe. Will need some more repeats. Cheers Oli and Tsev for getting everyone stoked on mons and for coming and hanging out.

Mon 26th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V5 Wolff-direct - with Oliver Rickford Boulder 3m
Tamati Kennedy
Put an hour+ into this today. Just gotta learn how to hold any holds and move off them and I'll be fine.

Sun 25th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V5 Project Incubus - with Alexander Jones Boulder 5m Classic
Jake O'Sullivan
Thought I could work some links but had no beans from the night before. This is going to be a gem

V5 Project Incubus - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 5m Very Good
Alexander Jones
Very sick. Huge start into a mystery finish. Will be a great V5(?)

V7 The Rowdy 3 - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 4m Classic
Alexander Jones
Working session into send shots but the red X got me today. Foot popped at top out reaching for the two finger pocket -- I thought I had freeeeee sends :0

Sun 25th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 Memento Mori Boulder 3m
Hand jamming hurts

Thu 22nd Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Enchanted Cave
V1 Snail Rail - with Oliver Rickford Boulder 5m
Tamati Kennedy
Much dirt

Thu 22nd Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V4 Equivalent Exchange - with Oliver Rickford, Nelson Athanasiou Boulder 5m Classic
Tamati Kennedy
Need to brush both sides of the arete and some more at the top. But also georgetakeiohmy.jpg

Thu 22nd Jul 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V7 The Rowdy 3 - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 4m Classic
Calvin Atkinson
Fell off the mantle twice before finally sending.

V7 The Rowdy 3 - with Calvin Atkinson Boulder 4m Mega Classic
Jake O'Sullivan
End of session send, such a wicked boulder problem

Thu 22nd Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V1 Harry High Step - with Oliver Rickford, Nelson Athanasiou Boulder 2m
Tamati Kennedy

Thu 22nd Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V2 Scoop-diddy-whoop - with Nelson Athanasiou Boulder 3m
Tamati Kennedy
Double mantle!

Wed 21st Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Nose Bloc
Boulderers are Beavers Too (Squat Start) - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder Classic
Still trying to work out sections of this, long way off a send shot still haven't even managed many of the moves or how the top will go.

Wed 21st Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V6 Bennett Foddy - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 3m Mega Classic
Wow...... This was everything I was hoping it would be. Took about 10 shots with help from Jake on the Beta (saved many shots by giving cheeky foot beta for the start). climb requires a high level of micro beta and wasn't able to just thug through it. Grade at V6 seems good but could be 6/7

V4 V5 Saddle Club Boulder 5m
Really cool problem, very fun, Probably did it wrong with a big swing out of the heel hook but was a fun time. Mantle was fun to.

V2 Memento Mori Boulder 3m
As Flash of Saddle club

Wed 21st Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V2 Wolff-Parkinson-White Boulder 3m Good
Good problem, nice warm up problem with a few others along this section.

V2 Scoop-diddy-whoop Boulder 3m Good
Cool couple of moves

V2 V3 Oh Wolff Boulder 4m
Again good warm up, 1 of these not a flash due to having done the other first.

Wed 21st Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V2 V1 Jareg Boulder 4m Very Good
V1 LOL great little lowball problem though, this will become a good stitch up.

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V5 Saddle Club Boulder 5m
Elias Harris
hard, next time

Sun 18th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V3 V2 Wolff-Parkinson-White Boulder 3m
Realised this problem requires a sit start, which I didn't do.

Wed 14th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V7 The Rowdy 3 Boulder 4m Classic
Jake O'Sullivan
Took forever but did the 2nd & 3rd move in isolation, Psyched to come back fresh & dial in the 1st move/ links.

V5 Project Incubus - with Tsevi Leib Boulder 5m Classic
Jake O'Sullivan
Spent a good few hours with Tsevi trying to find some beta for the middle/ top section, broke a hold but in the end finally found a sequence that went. Can't wait for the send burns

Mon 12th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V1 Jareg - with Alexander Jones, Grace Marshall, Tsevi Leib Boulder 4m Very Good
Jake O'Sullivan
Absolute banger, almost turned into a project

V1 Jareg - with Jake O'Sullivan, Grace Marshall, Tsevi Leib Boulder 4m Very Good
Alexander Jones
Ticked off the mini proj hahaha

Sacrificed blood on the knee, finger and shin for this huge line.

V6 Bennett Foddy - with Grace Marshall, Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 3m Very Good
Alexander Jones
Pretty cool! May end up harder grade. Crazy FA on this.

V6 Bennett Foddy Boulder 3m Very Good
Jake O'Sullivan
Sat in this hole for 3 hours slowly piecing together beta, could be v5. Really cool boulder problem regardless

Mon 12th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V2 Wolff-Parkinson-White (Crown Of Knowledge) Boulder 3m
Jake O'Sullivan
Needs a good clean

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V4 V3 Mono Obsession - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 2m
James Shapter
Attempted first few moves

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V1 V2 Of Magic and Alchemy - with Jake O'Sullivan Boulder 3m
James Shapter
Work in progress

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V3 Mono Obsession - with Jimmy Boulder 2m Good
Jake O'Sullivan
Short and sweet! Nice work Tsevi! I think all the footholds are fairly solid now

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Buderim Village Park Holistic Detective Agency Boulder
V4 Holistic Detective Agency Stand Boulder 4m Classic
Mathew Channer
Fun problem on good rock. Happy I got it in one session. Thanks to the people who developed this area. I'll be back soon to tackle the harder problems!

Sat 10th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park Main Wall
V2 The Catalyst Stand (Oh Yeah!) - with Grace Marshall, Oliver Rickford Boulder 2m Good
Alexander Jones
Really whacky. Feels like a hard gym-style low mantle to get up.

Sat 10th Jul 2021 - Buderim
Mons School Road Park The Blocs
V1 Jareg - with Oliver Rickford Boulder 4m Good
Alexander Jones
Befell to the wet. Jareg returns.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 204 ascensões.

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