
线路 如同传统攀登 in Disbelief Cave

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Showing all 7 线路.

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23 Disbelief

This is the short version of the climb Beyond Belief. It goes slightly overhanging on good hand jams to heavily overhanging on wider hands/fists. It basically stops close to the turning point where the proper ceiling is starting. You'll know if you're just in "Disbelief" or willing to go Beyond Belief at this point. Grade can feel on the soft side if you have large hands.

自由首攀: Jacques Beaudoin, 25 7月 2018

传统攀登 15m
28 Beyond Belief

Mind blowing line along the lip of a huge cave going from the bottom right to the top left. 15m of increasingly steep hand to wide hand/fist crack. Then 25m ceiling with a variety of fist/offwidth/jugs/chimney, ends where the ceiling crack meets the other side of the cave. No topout, backclean. If you stop at 15m just before the crack opens up and steepens to 80deg overhanging you can call it Disbelief (24)

Very well protected all the way. Steep section C4 1x#0.75, 1x#1, 2x#2, 3x#3 Ceiling section 8x#4, 2x#5, 1x#6

The whole crack is protected from rain and sun but will start seeping after several days of proper downpour.

自由首攀: Jacques Beaudoin, 26 2月 2019

传统攀登 40m
28 The Great Divide

Amazing finger crack dividing the Disbelief Cave in two. Tricky easier start to shallow hueco below clean splitter (handy Z4#0.1 and bomber C4#4). From there, the angle is about 45-60deg and most of your body weight will be held up by 3 consecutive solid finger locks in some of the most outrageous moves with footwork at head height. Progress on good but shallow huecos to juggy section. Return to ceiling crack with several finger locks up to a fix wire at the end of the finger crack. Always dry and drizzle free. https://youtu.be/Wsu631XwrWU?si=GrCxwJvDCp9SW7Dq

自由首攀: Jacques Beaudoin, 9 1月 2023

传统攀登 15m
21 The Left Crack

The obvious hand crack to the right of the amazing beyond belief cave.Up flared hands much harder then it looks into corner system and right under roof finishing up A Right chimney.

首攀: zachary vertrees & jamie corkins, 7 3月 2019

传统攀登 40m
22 Center line

The central crack line up to flake joining A left crack, to finish up A right chimney..Extremely good.

自由首攀: zachary vertrees & Macciza a.k.a. Macca, 24 3月 2019

传统攀登 40m
19 A Right Chimney

About 10m right of cave in shallow alcove. Nice hands and fists corner crack leads to slightly thrutchy offwidth section and into small cave and rest. Back out of cave and up into chimney to top.

A bunch of large cams as needed, plus some medium stuff for in or above Chimney section. Best to belay from very base of route. Grades from 18 to 20 were suggested so we averaged it out to 19... enjoyable old school climbing ...

自由首攀: zachary vertrees, Macciza a.k.a. Macca & J Corkins, 2 3月 2019

传统攀登 40m
21 The Gob-smacking Brute ??

The gob-smacking brutish looking line opposite the main cave. The type of line that looms over you daring you to step up and give it a try... Does it even go?, how hard?, how wide?, how wild? and that roof... wow ...

A steepish offwidth start (after bouldering up initial section to reach the first gear) arcs up, narrowing into merely a wide crack then a brief loose section before reaching the belay in alcove at roof. Some loose stuff about here so be careful. Gr 20? ~35m?

Novel moves horizontally out a wide bell/bombay slot then drop down weirdly into good fist crack to turn lip and easily to top. Belay off large chockstone or bollards. Rap-off bollard on double ropes. Gr 21? ~20m?

Gear: 1 or 2 BigBro #4's, a few #6 Cams, a couple of 5's, a few 4's, and singles down to Purple, vary number of large gear depending on how solid you feel... Belay takes good #2-4 cams, best to hang out near edge.

自由首攀: zachary vertrees & Macciza a.k.a. Macca, 31 3月 2019

传统攀登 55m, 2

Showing all 7 线路.

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