
Zugang: Orroral Fire and Bimberi Wilderness Closure

The Orroral Valley Fire, which began on the 27 January, has been declared extinguished as of 27 February 2020. The fire burnt over 80% of Namadgi National Park, which remains closed until further notice. This includes all the crags in this section.

The Bimberi Wilderness (a remote part of southern Namadgi) was also closed due to fire risk until further notice. Please respect this closure. Most of the crags under this section (Mount Gudgenby, Mount Scabby, Rendezvous Creek Pinnacle etc.) are within the Bimberi Wilderness area. For more information please see https://www.environment.act.gov.au/home/home-news-listing/bimberi-wilderness-closed-for-public-safety

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Erstellt vor 4 Jahren




Contains the areas south of ACT including Mount Scabby, but not including Michelago (see River Crags for the limestone crag in Michelago).

Einschränk. übernommen von Australian Capital Territory

If you have benefited from climbing access and infrastructure in the ACT, please consider joining the Canberra Climbing Association (CCA). The CCA spends considerable behind-the-scenes time and effort managing access for the climbing community to ACT climbing areas.

Membership is inexpensive and provides a great way to keep up-to-date with access issues, codes of conduct and general goings on in the ACT climbing community. Membership also provides discounts for local outdoor retail and climbing gyms.

For CCA details visit: http://www.canberraclimbing.org.au/

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