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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 137 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Blue Mountains Lower Blue Mountains Mulgoa lookout Dopest
V7 Rawhide

From the back wall up the left side slapping some slopers

Chris Beers

PA: Chris, Jun 2021

Búlder 4m
V7 Magnum Dopest

In the mini cave from the back ledge head out the roof via pinch and blobby bulge Mega Classic

PA: Chris, Mayo 2021

Búlder 3m
Blue Mountains Lower Blue Mountains The Surgery
V7 Problem Solved

Awesome new 20 move problem with a dynamic crux at the start and solid rock nearly the whole way. Starts on the big pocket of Say Ahhhhhhh, a couple of easy start moves set you up for a big move out left from a bad off angle right before joining Hopes In Slopes..

PAL: Ben Jenga, 13 Dic 2015

V7 Sign Of The Times.

Jug the Teflon start then long reach and hard match to move into Mosquito clamps start jug and continue. Only hard for 3 moves really but rad the whole way.

Jared Tyerman

PAL: Ben Jenga, 9 Ag 2017

Búlder 4m
Blue Mountains Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
28 Marxism
1 23/24 25m
2 24 25m
3 28 12m

Wonderful wall climbing. First pitch is a good single pitch sport route with lower-off at grade 23/24. Link into the 2nd pitch for an epic 50m 24 - and if you are really keen continue up the final crimpy finale at 28 for the mega pitch to the top. A couple of long draws and a single length sling are useful for the link-ups. Pitch 2 and 3 were first climbed before pitch 1 - with a belay on the small ledge. If you plan to belay from the ground and link into pitch 2 you will want a 70m rope minimum (and still need a rethread).

Marxism is the 2nd line of rings left of Ben Trovato's p1 crack.

  1. 30m (24) One of the best pitches on the wall. Intricate face climbing finding a line of weakness amongst blankness. The best way to do it is to start up Vespasian's Wall for 3 bolts, then traverse right into rising line of bolts. (The original grade 23 start used to have a large dead tree to stand on to reach the first holds. Now its a stick clip and awkward batman, so just do the new start which is longer and more sustained).

  2. 25m (24) The right line of bolts directly above the three bolt belay. Long sustained orange wall - a couple of crazy fragile features spices things up. Finish at last good jugs at lower-off.

  3. 12m (28) Link this from pitch 2. Either belay from P1 mini ledge - or the ground. Really awesome climbing on thin edges with a long vertical crux move to undercling a shallow flake!

Equip: Mark Baker (pitch 2 & 3)

PA: Phil Sage (pitch 2 & 3 in one big pitch), 2002

PA: Neil Monteith (P1 via tree start), 2010

PA: Neil Monteith (via Vespasian Wall start), 2023

Deportiva 62m, 3, 22
28 Fashionista

Starts as for Marxism (pitch 2), then trends a bit left! Weaves around quite a bit, eventually finishing at DRB 6m below the top.

PA: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 30m, 18
28 The Old Sleepy Horse

The direct finish to The Young Violent Pony past at least three more bolts and some very thin moves. Finishes on small ledge and lower-off.

Equip: Neil Monteith, 2009

PA: Steve Grokovic, 2014

Deportiva 26m
28 Zoncolan

Go up Reigning Steel for 4 bolts then left up the sustained crimpy wall. Could be 27 according to Steve.

PA: Steve Grkovic, 2014

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Dogface Gorgo Wall
28 Gargantuan

Similar to 'Gorgon' in grade and nature. Again most of the climbing is free.

Start: 'Trident' cracks on left wall of 'Leviathan' corner

PA: J Ewbank & A Campbell, 1967

Artificial 110m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Mr Wall
28 Super Goo

The pumper extension to Mr Magoo through the roof, the holds are good but the pump is mega.

PA: Justin Clark, 1999

Deportiva 22m
28 Mr Puniverse

Bypasses the top crux of Mr Universe by traversing right into Mr Carpet Burn and then climbs back across the jugs at the top of MCB to the chains of MU. Some have climbed this thinking they were doing MU but in fact missed the crux of MU. Still a fun outing nonetheless.

Stu Rhys

Equip: Ben Cossey Kim Carrigan

Deportiva 18m
28 Hairline 2000

The first climb at DF, and widely considered to be one of the absolute best routes at any grade in the whole Blue Mountains. Giles sure knows how to pick them.

PA: Giles Bradbury, 1994

Deportiva 18m
28 Fresh Goats Milk

A 2m variant which usefully avoids some crumbled sandy holds on the original. Most people do Hairline 2000 this way.

PA: Ben Cossey

Deportiva 18m
28 To Infinity and Beyond

Classic jugging! Sustained climbing following a great line on great rock for 40 meters!

Start: As for SKOB but keep traversing far right and up to a massive horn. Continue right for one bolt then make your way up through 3 rooflets, taking the right line of bolts. Traverse right under the final roof and finish topped out above Saturation Point.

PA: Andy Richardson, 2009

Deportiva 40m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Frog Buttress
28 No Macnkat

PA: G. Miller, 2000

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Farside Main Wall
28 Strong Movements

You can get a good idea of the crux from the ground, hard moves past the first 4 draws then the great orange wall above. A hold has snapped at 3rd last bolt but there's still a good sequence.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 22m, 10
28 Bad Dog, Bad Dog, No Biscuit

Up the boulder seam through a mini roof then classic and sustained steep wall climbing to a tricky finale.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 22m, 9
28 Snout Hog (linkup)

Link-up of the first half of Snout Counter and the top half of God's Gift to Wart Hogs at a moderate grade. Long pumper on mostly big holds with 3 little boulder problems.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 24m, 9
28 God's Gift to Wart Hogs

Great consumer climbing with plenty of good jugs and some thin, long pulls. The bolting is a bit spicy but safe.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 24m, 9
28 Bumbalong Road

A great resistance route with nothing too hard, the most popular 28 at Farside. A dynamic start gets you established on route, where the slow burn continues right up until the anchors.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 25m, 14
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Farside Outskirts
28 Deflatable Daisy Extension

Only really 3 bolts above the first half but adds a fair amount of pump. Continue up and left from the first set of anchors. Mega.

PA: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 33m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Boganville Fever Face
28 Auto Bling Century

This climb is a proper bang for your buck route. It may look short but it packs in a lot of climbing and styles that is never to hard but on till the oddly place anchors. Horizontal crux down low then big moves between positive holds, with a sneaky finish..

Soft at the grade but still not an easy tick.

PAL: Steve Grkovic

Deportiva 18m, 9
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Pit Sector 'Pit Fighter'
28 Pit Fighter

The steep crack, hard though well protected. A Blue Mountains gem. Take double cams from 0.4 Camalot (yellow Alien) to 3 Camalot as well as single set of nuts. Double ring lower-off

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2013

Clásica 30m
28 Sentinel

7m left of Point Insertion, starting at small cairn. Long move into quality climbing and great rest. The flake feature above the rest requires devious beta followed by some pumpy crimping. The demise of the start tree has added an extra move at the same grade.

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2013

Deportiva 25m
28 Lapland

An awesome link-up featuring the easier halves of two pit 30's. Start up Circling Vultures for the mega dyno then after a brief rest step left into the top headwall crux of North by Northwest. The inverse linkup, connecting the brutal crux of North by Northwest into the less brutal crux of Circling Vultures, is an open project dubbed "Mt Druitt" (a "western circle" reference).

PAL: brecon

Equip: Scott Boladeras

Deportiva 25m
28 Pit Fit (linkup)

A great pit-link of Ebola Noodles to the big undercling flake then pump right into a hard clip on North By Northwest and continue up this into a crimpy headwall.

Deportiva 30m
28 Sword Of Damocles

Third route in from the left side of the wall. The massive namesake dead tree hanging off the top of the crag is no more. Classy power-endurance route, popular with the pundits. Was a debated 27/28 for a while but many recent repeats the 28 grade has been settled. Ben

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2013

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Pit Sector 'Sunny Side'
28 Pit Viper

Links Force Cannon into Farkenright. Climb all of the hard bit of FC to the horizontal break just before the ledge. Now bust directly right via a tricky boulder, then across the break to the hourglass hold, continuing R as per Farkenright. Lots of roof climbing!

PAL: Lee Cujes, 10 Ag 2018

Deportiva 25m
28 Pit Boss

Start 5m right of Magnitude. Big roof. Big holds. Big moves. Harder than it should be.

Lee Cujes

Equip: Emil Mandyczewsky, Feb 2018

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 26 Mayo 2018

Deportiva 20m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau Marchant's Canyon Crags Highlander
28 The Macleod

Starting on far left of wall just right of handover rope. Boulder up under roof, reach through to big jug on arete. Bouldery sequence to ledge. Traverse left and up as it steepens into the technical crux. If that goes well, make your way up and left, navigating around the huge flake feature and final big move to top out. 10 bolts to lower off.

Equip: Lee Cujes, 2016

PAL: Lee Cujes & Emil Mandyczewsky, 3 Nov 2016

Deportiva 20m, 10
28 Men Will Fear You

Big move off undercling down low and huck to monster jug rail. Past hole to right side of rooflet. Up on edges to ledge and final wall to top out. Dynamic climbing. 9 bolts to lower off.

Equip: Lee Cujes

PAL: Lee Cujes, 22 Oct 2016

Deportiva 17m, 9
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau Marchant's Canyon Crags Waylander
28 Gumption

3m left of Waylander, start at Gritstone slab/layback. Recommend to stick-clip first bolt. Bouldery crux at first roof (permadraw) and then a further 28m of fine, pumpy and varied climbing.

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, Dic 2016

Deportiva 38m
28 Water Hazard

Novel tree start down and left of Hard Reset. Cruxy face leads to base of headwall and good rest. Upper section is engaging and continuous on superb rock.

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, En 2018

Deportiva 36m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau Elphinstone Main Wall
28 Pollux and the Pussycat

Start off the large cairn and head straight up the left side of the arete and wall above to some long moves. Has a couple of runouts but on quite easy moves. From the 2nd bolt to the top crux bolt is good 24-25 mileage climbing, if using the easier sequences through half-height.

PAL: Chris Coppard, 2012

Deportiva 25m
28 Palomi

Short version of Palomino, to the roof then step R to Ristretto anchor. Not significant by Elph standards but would be the best route at many Mtns crags.

Deportiva 20m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau Elphinstone Dumbo Love Sector
28 One Inch Punch

Shared start with The Last Ninja. Head up to desperate boulder problem and right through intimidating roof flake.

PA: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2013

Deportiva 25m, 10
28 Fists Of Fury

Amazing line with a tough little beta crux.

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2012

Deportiva 25m
28 Chao Wa Punch Kick

Bouldery start to gain the saw tooth feature at 10m, and then straight up the never ending wall.

PAL: Emil Mandyczewsky, 2012

Deportiva 35m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Ngula Bulgarabang/ Radiata Plateau The Egg
28 Five Point Exploding Heart

Hard and sustained edges from half height, is considered solid for the grade now with the direct finish.

PA: L.Cossey

Deportiva 20m
28 The Floating Line (homage to an angel)

The climbing and the rock is awesome, a grade harder after every move! . Hard for 28 but who wants a soft tick?

Equip: Chris Coghill

PA: T.Wolf, 2007

Deportiva 22m, 7
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Little Italy The Den
28 Sim Diddy

On right hand edge of cave, 3 metres left of MacDaddy. Awesome steep bouldery climbing with a great mix of holds. A few good rests split the climbing but you really have to hang on tight to the top.

PAL: Simon Wilson

Deportiva 15m
28 Activation

Activate Baby. The first route you come to when arriving at the crag (hint: look straight up). Bolted ground up on lead by Macca and Vinnie. Directly above where the track hits the crag. 2 meters right of One on One Up obvious slab to the overhanging corner. Left to arete, up and right to top, then jump.

Equip: Macca & Vinnie

PAL: Zac Vertrees, 2006

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Katoomba Area Little Italy Sunnyside
28 Seamstress

First route on the left end when facing the cliff Climb up log (a long way) then left to the jug near the first ring - no higher.

PAL: Dave Gliddon, 2005

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Medlow Bath The Underworld
28 Bolt to the Brain

A bouldery little route in a small amphitheatre up from the main crag.

PA: Matt Burnett, 17 Sep 2017

Deportiva 10m
Blue Mountains Medlow Bath DG's
28 Voyage to Voltaren

The route right of Angiotension. Good steep sustained climbing with a dynamic finish. New crux beta = new grade. Gifted to Gary from HK.

Equip: Eww

PAL: 25 Feb 2023

Deportiva 16m
28 Mans Physical World

Intense and athletic blast through much steepness. Pronounced crux at second bolt took many shots before hold was dry and heel stayed put. Consider bringing a small blowtorch if its not windy. Stick clip first two ubolts in roof. A small belay bolt keeps rope out of the way also.

PAL: Hurok Daparti

Deportiva 16m, 7
Blue Mountains Medlow Bath Carne Wall The Point
28 Chilli Con Carne

PA: Dave Gliddon

Deportiva 2
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley Riverbed
V7 Crack Like Candy

Starts to the right of FOHS on the big juggy shelf and heads out the roof via a long move to join FOHS for the top

PA: Ben Cossey, 2013

V7 Black Scabs Away Búlder
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley The Jungfrau
V7 Up To The Onions

Starts as for BOB and SIAST but sticks to the right arete and tops out via cool sculpted holds

Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley Donkey Mountain
V7 Tippy-Toe Freight Train

Traverse flake-thing, quite techy on pockets and gastons.

Benjamin Cossey Jared Tyerman

PA: Ben Cossey, 1 Jul 2020

Búlder 3m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley The Ice-Vovo Boulder
V7 Ekers Tears Sit

Low sit-start half under roof and an edge on the face. Thuggy move leads to the start of the stand. Top out's the same

Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley Upper Upper Jungfrau
V7 Unknown v7

Same starting hold and finish hold as the five but you head left and punch the lip on small crimps. In the small cave on the left of the amphitheatre

Búlder 4m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Ukulore Valley Haunted Area
V7 Whistle-Whistle Crack

High splitter crack that you cannot miss. Sit-Starts low in pod and climbs up to high jugs above. Pretty good landing on fluffy dust and built-up sticks. To say the name correctly, reverse a "wolf-whistle" in F#m. Think - "how would you answer a wolf-whistle" OR, more specifically, "how you'd decline the frisky advances of someone off-putting (but not threatening) using a wolf-whistle to indicate they're desirousness of you". For further information phone 1800-whistle-whiistle

Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Logan Brae Main Cliff

Just squeezed in but still popular for the grade. Good, funky Logan Brae climbing with some holds that seep. Some filling down the bottom, no drilling.

PA: M.Law, 1997

Deportiva 18m
28 Big Hit with the Kids

Shared start with HTTBC then after the 5th bolt bam out right and up.

PA: A.Richardson, 2002

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Tank Top HillTop
28 State Of The Art

varied thin face climbing. Blunt arete feature in the middle of the wall.

PA: Josh Mackenzie & Sarah Williams, 2020

Deportiva 30m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Big Top
24 - 28 Funnel to Oblivion

The route is all too obvious - a bottomless chimney hanging over your head like gaping dinosaur jaws. A unique experience, not soon forgotten.

PA: S.Grkovic, 1999

Deportiva 30m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Equaliser Wall
28 Equaliser

Was once the hardest route at the crag, and was originally graded 31! Fairly quickly downgraded to a solid 28, but since then some holds have crumbled/gone, making the route more sustained, and better! Maybe still 'just' a solid 28, or maybe 29, but whatever the grade, its a bloody ripper power endurance testpiece so just get on it!

Start on the right hand side of the huge scoop near the left hand end of the railing. Please stick clip and batman - do NOT trample the vegetation.

The anchor has 2 clip-n-go captive biners. These are the dodgy cast style and need to be replaced ASAP, probably by hacksawing them off. They shouldn't be trusted in the meantime.

PA: G. Fieg, 1995

Deportiva 20m, 6
28 De-Equaliser

After the first 2 bolts of 'Demoraliser' there is a bolt to the left which lets you link into 'Equaliser' via some thin 26ish moves. This eliminates the batman, but presents a nasty pendulum fall potential if you blow it getting to the 2nd bolt of Equaliser, and also creates rope drag once you're further up Equaliser, so its not much of an improvement over the batman.

28 La Forche Be With You

Links the first 4 bolts of 'Equaliser' into the finish of 'Pooferator', avoiding both cruxes. What a train station in Paris has got to do with this route is anyone's guess.

PA: S. Grkovic, 2002

Deportiva 18m
28 Demoraliser

Start 2m R of 'Equaliser'. Stick clip advisable because the first holds aren't positive and are usually wet, even if they don't look it. Wobble up onto the fence, and delicately step onto face. Up the steepening wall with each move getting a bit harder than the previous one... Lower off the huge bizarre single ringbolt with a double-coiled 6-inch eye.

PA: J.Clark, 2001

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
28 The Eviscerator

Excellent. Very thin and technical up the orange wall to a nip in the tail. Save it for a cool day. Straight up off the log.

PA: Megan Turnbull, 2001

Deportiva 30m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Sandwiches Wall
28 X Argentine Deadline

Just right of POPV, out roof on really great rock. Boulder and toe hook, slap and lob up to anchors of POPV. Coach bolts - they are total death.

PA: B.Cossey, 2001

Deportiva 10m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Junket Pumper Area
28 R Nightmare Merchant

Ben says it is hyperclassic. One look will make you think otherwise. The worst route in the area? The rock in the top half is terrible. Start about 60m right of the 'Junket Pumper' terrace. Walk along the path - not through the bush.

PA: B.Cossey, 2002

Clásica 7m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Main Wall
28 Bernie Loves Tofu

As for Apraxia, almost to its 4th bolt (don't go right at the 3rd bolt, that's Bernie Loves Sausages). Don't clip Apraxia's 4th bolt, instead swing 2-3m R into a cool boulder problem. Has a one-bolt extension through the bulge to a higher anchor, presumably an open project.

PA: I.Geatches, 2001

Deportiva 18m, 4
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Porters Pass Rough Trade Wall
28 Rough Trade

Classic test piece. Giles never really believed he could climb so hard. Start about 50m to the right after the waterfall. Still has some fragile rock; best to stick clip 1st bolt. Can be done only on the bolts, but a few cams are prudent (#1, 0.5/0.3, 3), as are rollers and extenders. 60m rope minimum.

PA: G.Bradbury, 1987

PAL: lee cossey, 2004

Clásica mixta 30m, 7
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
28 My Pheramone

The Wipe Out extension. A very impressive line through the biggest part of the huge roof above Wipe Out, 40m above the ground. Take a collection of long slings and roller biners. Back-jump to clean or top out, untie and leave your draws there! Considered 29 if linked from the ground.

PA: Lloyd Wishart

Deportiva 45m
28 Free Willy

If 'Sail Away' is a cruise then do the 10m extension to the top of the cliff past 4 or 5 more clips. Step R at SA's final bolt to clip the first bolt on the extension and up the steepening face. Despite appearances from below, this extension only climbs the face above SA, it doesn't touch the big roof.

PA: N.Campbell, 2006

Deportiva 35m
28 Returnity

Start 0.5m R of B. Runout bottom half (3 bolts where Black Heathen has 6!), excellent top half.

PA: M.Law, 2002

Deportiva 25m
28 Cockatoo Country

Bolted over 10 years ago by Rowan, it lay asleep for many years waiting for a keen Muppet to come along and wake it up!! If you're into journeys to other dimensions then this has got your name written all over it. There's a lot of awesome and absorbing climbing. A 80m rope will just only just get you back down if you jump off the top. Or you can walk off the back to the car. The original start to the right will add a few grades and test your reach! Add a No.1 BD cam at the end if you want.

Equip: rowan druce

PAL: stephan meng, Abr 2020

Deportiva 45m, 13
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Porters Pass Self Portrait Wall
28 Self Portrait with Pipe and Bandaged Ear

Blasts straight up the awesome wall, albeit a bit squeezily between Vanity Case and Self Portrait, then continues up the dirty vertical headwall a long way to the top. Treat the grade with suspicion; the prolific cobwebs don't suggest a popular soft tick. Start as for Vanity Case for 4 bolts to the ledge, then the middle line off the ledge.

PA: Ben Cossey, 2004

Deportiva 45m
28 Vanity Case

One of the classic Mountain hardies. A good route on good rock. Start on the high ledge about 20m right of Chook Raffle. Access by climbing up near the creek. 4 bolts to ledge then the lefthand line.

PA: Giles Bradbury, 1986

Deportiva 30m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Porters Pass The Birdcage Area
28 Twisted Reality

10m left of the Birdcage. First pitch can be used to access the ledge above.

  1. 35m (22) Long ringbolted slab with mossy start. Belay on ledge.

  2. 20m (28) Headwall above.

PA: R.Bombala & V.Day, 2007

Deportiva 55m, 2
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Gateway, Doomsday & Fort Rock Gateway
28 Gateway

Beware the evil eyes are apon you. The frost covered ground will show you the path, take gentle steps. The gorgeous rock will hold your hand your mind concerned only with the foot you must land.

PA: B.Cossey, 2003

Deportiva 10m
28 Super Sprinkle Cake

Cool jumpers and wooly lockin'.strip clubs the world over will sing your praise.

PA: G.Miller, 2004

Deportiva 18m
28 The Professional

Traverse the lip to finish at 'Middle Earth' anchors.

Start: Starts up 'The Amateur'.

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Rock Hudson
28 Low Earth Orbit

Access as if you were walking to Jimmy Cliff, but when you drop into the (second) creek and come up the other side, don't go R along the path, instead go straight up to a smooth rock pillar/shelf under the roof. Stickclip high first bolt, then truck left along the rail to set up for a knee-related crux on Nowra-like stone. Then take it to the top. A roller on the belay bolt helps with boinking.

PAL: Lee Cujes, 5 Sep 2020

Deportiva 17m, 12
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Oliver Stone
28 Prince Of Darkness

Start a couple of metres L of AATM. Steep wall climbing past the "moonboard crux", then the mega popcorn ceiling. A few sandy holds can be avoided in the last couple of easy metres to the anchor, no biggie. Recent comments suggest it might be harder than 28, opinions welcome.

PA: Lee Cujes, 24 Mayo 2020

Deportiva 18m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Celebrity Crags Sharon Stone
28 Broken Flowers

5m L of Basic Instinct. A boulder route with tricky sections split by ledge rests. Cool iron-cross boulder moving L under roof then up to ledge. Extremely steep elevator doors scoop section to more moderate headwall finish.

PAL: Lee Cujes, 28 Jun 2019

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Browntown
28 You Can Float

PA: I.Geatches, 2002

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Upper Wall
28 mailorder meercat

Norry admittedly has 'no idea' what grade it is...i suspect its got a very hard crux. Straight up Finishing at BIB anchor.

PA: Mathew Norgrove, 2012

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Waterfall Wall
28 Chupa Pollo Pendejo

Shares the first 2 bolts with Luft. Second half is some of the best rock in the mountains! Doesn't look very promising from the ground, but it's amazing climbing ....

PAL: stephan meng, 26 Abr 2019

Deportiva 35m, 12
28 Intergalactic MoOnwalker

Climb up IHST to the last bolt, then continue slightly right all the way up to the anchor of Soak up the Atmosphere. A 65m rope only just gets you to the ground.

PAL: stephan meng, 22 Feb 2019

Deportiva 38m, 14
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Atlantis
28 She Male

Steepness Plus. As for He Man but straight out through the roof. Great climbing through very steep terrain.

PA: S.Grkovic, 1999

Deportiva 15m
Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Perry's Lookdown
26 - 28 Blind to Context

Incredible rock, incredible climbing and incredible position. Take plenty of draws (18ish), especially for pitch 2. Generously bolted (I think). Interested to hear what people think .

  1. 25m (20) - Easy slab, face climbing. Up corner, flakes and crack. Some fragile rock. Take care on top out. There is loose rocks your belayer won't want on their head. DBB for P2

  2. 40m (26-28?) - Insane pitch up crack and arete to upper bulge. The crux at 2/3 height is very cool. Come out of the corner, onto arete and face and span to a committing pop. Then easy and to ledge and TBB (18ish bolts?)

  3. 25m (26-28?) - Pull mini roof to some balancy face climbing. Scoot around little prow then up and right, then back left and up to ledge and TBB. (Not sure what is happening with old rope, gear. Needs taking out).

  4. 30m (26-28?) - Easy off ledge to little roof boulder. Airy and committing through roof. FA involved swinging wildly off the jug to establish toe hooks and heel hooks on lip then hands follow. Up balancy prow to ledge and TBB.

  5. 30m (25) - Fantastic swooping pitch across vertical wall. Could be a sting in the tail. Up to ledge and DBB.

  6. 15m (10) - scramble through vegetated corners out left to topout. Clip bolt on small exposed slab after top out then belay off big gum tree out right. 120cm sling or use your climbing rope as anchor.

PA: Tom O'Halloran, 26 Sep 2022

Deportiva 170m, 6, 80
28 Upstaged

Climbs the right side arete and face of the same proud buttress as Regular Route.

Access by abseiling down A Date with Density. Starts 2m left of A Date with Density.

  1. 40m (26) Steep blunt black arete to DRB (which you rapped in off).

  2. 30m (23) Drift L around the arete and up the lovely polished orange face to same 2nd belay stance as for Regular Route.

  3. 30m (28) Straight up to big ledge.

  4. 45m (28) Steep start to gain stunning overhung orange wall.

  5. 30m (24) - As per The Regular Route

  6. 30m (22) - As per The Regular Route

  7. 35m (23) - As for A Date with Density Pitch 5.

PA: lee cossey, 2015

Deportiva 230m, 7
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Janicepts Area
28 Old Stealthbelly

Start as for Thin Time. The right hand route.

PA: G.Child & G.Bradbury, 1990

Deportiva 35m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
28 Onions (Extended Dance Mix) Digitally Remastered 2017 Edition

Start 3m L of Onions. Boulder your way up to the first link bolt of Aneurysm then straight up into Onions. Hopefully frees the Onions start up a bit.

PA: Stuart Simons, 30 Sep 2017

28 Onions (Extended Dance Mix)

This ones for those who like to get full value from their climbing experience. Having reached the anchors of Onions keep chugging, move right and up and finish at anchors now shared with Don't Believe the Tripe. Originally 27.

PA: Kim Carrigan, 1992

Deportiva 25m
28 Green Eggs and Ham

Traverse. Onions start, then head R as for Tripe, then traverse the lip all the way to the right. Back jump to clean.

PA: M.Baker, 1992

Deportiva 22m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area XXXX
V7 X Marks The Spot

Surely been done, but seems obvious and is a good bit of climbing, even as a bit of an eliminate. Sit start in the low slot to the right of Garths Arete. Move right hand to small lip slot, left hand up to a glued edge. Move to ironband rail and make a big thwomp up to a small edge before moving right to a tricky gaston and up to finish the 4. Avoiding the left arete jugs the whole time.

V7 Delete
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mitchells Ridge Eastern Block
28 R Cirque de Soleil

Headpointing comes to the mountains. First ascent was done using toprope rehearsal in order to clean and find the line. A ground-up ascent is possible just committing.

Start on arete at base off steep gully and at the beginning of the left leading diagonal break.

PA: Lee Cossey, 2004

Clásica 30m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Mt York Bouldering Wolf Cave
V7 Block Town Pinch
Búlder 4m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Mount York Mt York Bouldering Fargoid Boulders
V7 Where Wolf

Stand start on jug rail under rooflet and dyno up to juggy sloper around lip.

Landing isn't as bad as it looks

PA: Emmanuel Madayag, 7 Nov 2022

Búlder 3m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Adults Only Cave
28 The Way of All Flesh

Boulder problem to pumpfest. Start freed by Mark Baker.

PAL: Mark Baker, 1992

PA: S.Butler, 1992

Deportiva 25m
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Goats Meat Cave
28 Half the Fun

Up small wall,Boulder through horizontal roof and into orange corner via arette jug. Could be soft. Could be sandbag....depending on if your a boulderer!?

PAL: Eww, 1 En 2016

Deportiva 13m, 10
Blue Mountains Mount Victoria Area Zap Crag Upper Zap
28 Guilty as Charged

Same start as 'Charged' but continue straight on the face instead of going R.

PA: M.Forestier, 2007

Deportiva 18m
28 Pulse

The end of another long affair. Great moves, technical with a dynamic finish. Generally considered easy for the grade, but then a hold snapped in 2011. Now its more solid, and a bugger to get a draw onto the 5th bolt.

Start: Start under the short vague arete 1m left of the Stolen corner.

PA: W.Payten, 2006

Deportiva 20m, 7

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 137 vías.

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