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Mostrando los 4 vías.

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The Roaches Lower Tier Elegy Slab
E6 UKT:7b A Little Peculiar

The direct over the imposing roof features the hardest mantelshelf in the world - a free hanging one-armed flip, with no footholds! Good holds lead to the lip but above there is precious little with which to make progress. If you manage the desperate gymnastics, casually saunter up Elegy to finish. Protected by side-runners (a chockstone in the crack) and RPs low down.

Clásica 14m
The Roaches The Roaches Bouldering Lower Tier Inertia Reel Area
{FB} 8A+ The Inertia Reel Traverse


The Roaches The Roaches Bouldering The Five Clouds Nth Cloud
{FB} 8A+ Nth Power Búlder
Churnet Valley Peakstone Amphitheatre Witness the Churnetness
{FB} 8A+ Burly McFreewilly Búlder

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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