
Sewer Walls

  • Contexto de grado: UK
  • Ascensiones: 14




A magnificent buttress with a wet and mossy lower left side, and a popular right side.


The buttress is hampered by its damp and mossy lower left-hand side. Further right is better when things totally dry out, those mossier routes are very worthwhile.

The rightmost side of this wall has the most popular routes, which is understandable. The walls to the right of ‘Starlight’ are usually lower in quality and rarely climbed.

Restricciones heredado de Harrison's Rocks

Harrison's Rocks is owned by climbers and is managed on their behalf by the British Mountaineering Council with funding from the English Sports Council. Car Parking is Pay and Display. If approaching from the train station, do not trespass the private property to get to zig-zag wall, instead follow the path to the left.


Use the Top Path Approach. This is easily recognisable by the fallen tree leaning against the wall, on its damp left-hand side.

Ética heredado de Harrison's Rocks

The Sandstone is very soft -- leading is not allowed. Most climbs are top-roped, and ropes should be extended over the edge and set up in a way such as to minimize the wear on the rock. Top-out and down-climb is preferred to lowering. Abseiling is, also, forbidden.

More details: https://www.thebmc.co.uk/southern-sandstone-guidelines https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmcNews/media/u_content/File/access_conservation/access_publications/Sandstone%20Code%20of%20Practice.pdf



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A challenging ascent up a narrow crack, typically starting with a wet surface.

Depart from The Nuts by veering to the right and ascend the face situated between the two cracks, finishing by scaling the overhanging nose.

It's advisable to avoid this route as the first section, the crux, remains consistently wet.

Should the lower gully be dry, traverse from the right into the crack of Rowan Tree Wall and conclude up here

Turn left to ascend the lower set of stalactites. Ascend the crack immediately to the left of the arête. This route is seldom attempted due to the lower wall's condition.

Ascend the left side of the central block, with the typically unfavourable and wet start.

Ascend the right-hand side (which is more strenuous) of the block via a widened crack. Necessitates some awkward back-and-forth technique.

Ascend the arête to the right of the gully after navigating a damp start on The Sewer

Ascend the first crack to the right of the gully following a damp start on The Sewer

Traverse along the break and conclude up the flared crack located a few metres to the right of the arête. Requires various belay setups above.

The crux is the initial mossy moves off the deck. The upper half improves significantly, featuring a tricky last move over the bulge.

Begin by traversing from the low break to the left of Psycho, moving right under all the routes on the wall, and concluding on the ledge right of Moonlight Arete

The lower half is eliminate and tends to be very mossy. The upper half provides a better experience and can serve as an alternative finish to Orangutang

A hidden classic featuring solid holds, particularly when dry. Preserve some energy for the final moves before reaching the slab.

An intense direct start leading up to and concluding with the final crack of Monkey's Necklace

A challenging direct route up the face, which is often in superior condition compared to the routes on the left side

Start just left of the right edge of the front wall, and climb onto a small pedestal, then hand traverse leftwards to a short crack and finish up it.

Similar to Monkey's Bow, but traverse left along the next break up.

Start just left of the right edge of the front wall, and clamber up to stand on a small pedestal, then continue straight up the wall.

Step off the boulder, traverse in, then climb up the scooped wall a couple meters left of the gully.

Start as per Moonlight Arete, but climb the broad arête to the right of it, instead.

Begin just to the right of Starlight, within the gully. A sub-standard route.

Start in the passage, under a boulder, facing outwards. Bridge up to some ledges, move forwards to the mouth of the passage, then up via a stump until backed against the boulder. Use a hold on the lip to turn-around and pull over.

The vegetated groove just right of the passage

Demands a considerable reach and exhibits a degree of power!

Climb the bulging arête at the right end of the wall, just left of Noisome Cleft 1

Climb the crack to the top

The wide crack in the corner.

Traverse from just below the top of Noisome Cleft 1 to Noisome Cleft 2

Start on Noisome Cleft, but at first break, climb diagonally up and right. Finish up a crack and over a boulder to a birch tree.

Ascend directly through the breaks

Ascend directly with extreme difficulty. Utilise vegetation at the top to assist in your exit.

A disgusting, green crack climb

Scale the centre of the face, positioned between the two cracks.

Dog-leg crack.

Scale the face located a metre right of Squank

Starts 2m left of Passage Chimney. Climb up trending leftwards to a niche, then continue straight up. Finish either direct, or leftwards.

Start 2m left of Passage Chimney, climb straight up to finish over the bulge 1.5 m left of the chimney.


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