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Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Gio 15 Feb 2024 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton P2
2 Trad
Trad 40m
Yi 逸
Mar 30 Gen 2024 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
19 No More Mr Nice Guy - con Arjan Trad 25m Classica
Aaron Wong
A burly, slightly overhanging climb that makes it rather hard to onsight if you don't route read very quickly. Or just be stronger.

Excellent climbing. Awkward, slightly flary jams add to the fun. Sketchy, unprotected traverse adds more fun.

Mer 3 Gen 2024 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
28 R Fodiator Trad 47m Mega Classica
Michael Lehmann
Another lead in bad conditions, wondering if I'll ever see the bottom free of spooge. Climbed clean to the crux and couldn't hold the slopers in full sun. Another time perhaps!

Sab 16 Dic 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Hayden L
1 Trad
2 Da secondo
Trad 40m
Mac Labine-Romain
Lun 4 Dic 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Pascoe Dunphy Trad 40m
Jack Leerson
Went down to NMMNG but found the belay spot to be underwater... Decided to try going up the first pitch of Tetragrammaton but had some sort of crack death instead.

Dom 2 Apr 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Chris Speer Trad 40m Molto buona
Cameron Duff
Good Job Rachel on the Lead. Chucked in the deep end and tried my best. Failed hard on the first pitch but gave the second a better go. Motivated me to keep learning crack climbing skills before attempting something this hard again.

Sab 14 Gen 2023 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Dura Tetragrammaton - con Meredith Apple Trad 40m Classica
Maxwell Cullen
Smooth as hell up the first 20m (to the first anchor) then got demolished about a millimetre from the top in a surprise savage fist jamming sequence which I never made it to last time I was here. Overhanging fist jams and ringlocks on a 20? Yeah sick.

21 Tetragrammaton - con Maxwell Cullen Trad 40m
Meredith Apple
....happy to support

Lun 26 Dic 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Henry Burt Trad 40m
Patrick Chambers
Just the second pitch, exiting from NMMNG. Engaging would definitely be an accurate descriptor. I don't know what conditions the route is usually under, but it was definitely an exhausting process putting in a jam, realising that the crack is lined with dirt, removing the jam, brushing down as much of the crack as possible with my arm, wiping my hand down on my shirt and pants, then placing the jam back into the slightly damp crack, ready to repeat with the other hand.

Thanks to Henry for donating me the only 3 grains of chalk he had left when I realised I'd foolishly forgotten to refill my chalk bag. I can't say it did much to help with the actual climbing but it did warm my heart.

Gio 24 Nov 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 40m
Vanessa Wills
First pitch clean, second pitch found the lower bit fine but spat off a metre from the top when it’s way too wide for my fists

Lun 7 Nov 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
26 Exocet - con Hannah Rose Trad mista 50m, 1 Molto buona
Patrick Munnings
What a position! I was scared and tired while trying this and felt almost completely incapable of any moves. So much faff to try and TRS this route.

25 Down Under - con Hannah Rose Trad mista 18m, 6 Classica
Patrick Munnings
This climb is spectacular! So steep and the belay stance is epic. Traverse moves around the arete on slopers is one of the best sequences of climbing I've done. Really keen to try this when the low crux isn't a waterfall. Might have a chance at pulling the moves then.

Dom 30 Ott 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
19 No More Mr Nice Guy - con Rach Trad 25m
Dane Evans
Either I'm climbing like crap, or this is harder than expected. That or I'm climbing in the sun ...

Lun 29 Ago 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
19 No More Mr Nice Guy - con javed riaz Trad 25m Mega Classica
What a crazy day. It rained in the morning but we were so psyched that it didn't stop us. Javed's slippery lead proved that it didn't dry up. Took one big whip, collected his thoughts and wiped the spooge off his shoes and kept going up. The unprotected traverse had him sobbing and laughing simultaneously. On second, it began raining just as I began the unprotected traverse, looking forward at the seven metres of sopping wet traversing was a low point in psych and a high in concentration. All in all, great climb but do it when it's dry.

Lun 14 Mar 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
28 28 R Fodiator - con shane Trad 47m Mega Classica
Michael Lehmann
Two big whippas, so, so wet! Condi's are a massive crux for this route.

Gio 10 Mar 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
28 28 R Fodiator Trad 47m Mega Classica
Michael Lehmann
Linked in two sections, got all the moves dialled. Need to sort the pre-rack and tie in for the lead!

Dom 6 Mar 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
28 28 R Fodiator Trad 47m Mega Classica
Michael Lehmann
Diabolically technical! Sacrificed some skin finding dyno beta. The final move mantling the hanging off-width is mental! Feels low percentage and condition dependant. Going to go for the link next session.

Sab 26 Feb 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Fraser Trad 40m Molto buona
Alex Lawson
Body needed more rest, hands needed more skin. Will come back.

21 Tetragrammaton - con Fraser Trad 40m Molto buona
Alex Lawson
Jamming muscles were dead, hangdogged up on second Only did the first pitch. What a quality line.

Gio 17 Feb 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 15m Buona
Jarrah Turner
P2. Hard fist jam move.

19 No More Mr Nice Guy Trad 25m
Jarrah Turner
Spooged out of lower jam. Tricky to start.

Mar 8 Feb 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
28 Fodiator Trad 47m Mega Classica
Dylan Tubaro
An absolute masterpiece. Managed all the moves, but feels really hard at the moment. Exciting

Lun 17 Gen 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Cédric Trad 40m Molto buona
Josephine Roper
21 huh, sure did feel beat up by the wide bit on the second pitch. First pitch was nice, second is a bit dirty & sandy in places.

19 No More Mr Nice Guy - con Cédric Trad 25m
Josephine Roper
Came to do this but the waves were breaking on the belay

Sab 15 Gen 2022 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Roxy Trad 40m Classica
Maxwell Cullen
Really good

Really hard

Haven't been this chewed up and spat out by a crack in a loooooong time.

Mer 3 Mag 2017 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
22 The Little Red Hen Trad 40m
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 40m
Sab 24 Dic 2016 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 40m Classica
Rene Provis
Followed first pitch, led second. Worth three stars but it is hard! So so moist with sea mist

Lun 25 Apr 2016 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton - con Dave Chiam Trad 40m Classica
Scott Godwin
Tried to finish up the top pitch as a direct finish to NMMNG. Found it much harder than it looks. Dave ended up sending a line down for me to prussic up after I fell off and ended up swinging in space.

Lun 8 Giu 2015 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
19 No More Mr Nice Guy Trad 25m Buona
Best to rap in. 40m+. Set your rope line up with the Tree at the edge right of the crack and that will drop you in on the start. start close to waves was too slippery and wet so we bailed out looked like a great line will be back some day!

Lun 12 Feb 2007 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 40m Molto buona
Failed to stay focused.

Mar 24 Gen 2006 - Freycinet National Park
Coastal Cliffs Tetragrammaton Buttress
21 Tetragrammaton Trad 40m Media
found it very to hand jam a crack bigger than my hands


Tutti 32 ascensioni visualizzati.

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