
Vie in South-East Mt Difficult Range del grado selezionato

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Tutti 11 vie visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Popolarità
Forrest Rock
17 Sir Percy Blakeney

The thin crack up the steep wall just left of the first pitch of The Scarlet Pumpernickel finishing up that climb.

FA: Peter Cody, Bernie Whitelock & Philip Armstrong, 24 Apr 2022

Trad 12m
17 Forrest Gump
  1. 20m (17) Up L) arete of Don’t Wet The Car Buttress past 4x FH, into crack system via trad. Continuing up past 2x FH to DBB.

  2. 30m (11) from the belay tending up and right through weakness in bulge. From here, tending back left to continue up arete to top of pillar.

FA: Luke Baxter & Grant Baxter, 2022

Trad mista 50m, 2, 6
17 La Porte des Tours

Start at the foot of The Khazi of Kalabar chimney. Head up and left past a fixed hanger to the horizontal crack though the bulge. Swing left on this then up to join Bastide de Domme at the ledge. Continue up the rib on BdD to the abseil bolts.

FA: Philip Armstrong, Peter Cody, Kathy Matic & Bernie Whitelock, 20 Gen 2023

Trad mista 28m, 1
17 The Khasi Of Kalabar

Chimney line 10m right of 'Carry On Up The Chimney'.

  1. 40m Start in the back of the chimney and chimney up and out to front. Up line to big ledge below steep walls.

  2. 15m [crux] Steep wide crack in back corner of bay.

FA: Philip Armstrong & Jerry Maddox (alt), 2006

Trad 55m, 2
17 Stodge City

The corner just right of Melon Peel

FA: Philip Armstrong & Kathy Matic, 7 Mar 2020

Trad 18m
17 Pierrefonds

Two metres right of Alcazar. Climb the short buttress just right of the wide crack to a ledge with a large tree. Up a short crack to get onto the right arete of the buttress. Up the arete and headwall to DBB/lower off. Some small cams and wires are useful.

FA: Philip Armstrong, Peter Cody & Kathy Matic, 28 Nov 2021

Trad mista 24m, 5
The Watchtower
17 Soul To Soul

Starts R of HH and 5m down L of Jugular Pulse. Up flakes to rooflet below top. Finish up the L side of the flake that forms the rooflet.

FA: Stephen Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 1991

Trad 20m
17 Weak Pulse

Looks like the linking ring bolt on this has been chopped. See Chockstone for the diatribe.

Trad mista 15m, 3
17 Negative Gearing

Slabby wall 3m R of Empty Pockets then step L and finish up crack. Probably not a good idea to make this your first Grade 17 trad lead, as there isn't a great amount of pro in the first 8m or so.

FA: Chris Baxter, Stephen Hamilton & Ben Holko, 1991

Trad 15m
17 Some Corner of a Foreign Field

“Sensational Arapilesian climbing on beautiful rock”.

  1. 20m (crux) Seam from tiny cave 1m above ground and 1.5m right of 'Voodoo Chile'. When this peters out, climb direct up grey face to steep, orange rock. Up this to prominent grey groove, then ledge.

  2. 10m Climb headwall midway between crack on left (VC) and small grey flake on Pump Up the Volume.

FA: Chris Baxter & Stephen Hamilton (alt), 2004

Trad 30m, 2
17 Crosby
Trad 10m

Tutti 11 vie visualizzati.

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