
Ascensioni di Repentant Thief

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Tutti 15 ascensioni visualizzati.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità Arrampicatore
Mar 26 Mar 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief - con jackaa Sportiva 9m
Lluis Alsina
Lun 11 Mar 2024 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Buona
Nick Morgan
Gio 26 Lug 2018 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m
Ziggy Samways
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m
Ziggy Samways
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m
Ziggy Samways
Dom 8 Ott 2017 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Media
Grabbed the draw at the anchor. Many of the clipping stances felt insecure

Mer 21 Dic 2016 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Molto buona
Kevin J
Ven 19 Dic 2014 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief - con Steveo Sportiva 9m Molto buona
Tom Reid
Thanks for the draws and beta Steve. Lucky just as I started cooking the anchor appeared!

Sab 10 Set 2011 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Buona
4th try today. Felt harder than I r3emembered. Fell at top on try two and three.

Sab 6 Nov 2010 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Media
Short & steepish. Fun! 2 falls, last route of day. Would have ticked if had a second shot. Next time.

2008 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m
Ven 26 Dic 2003 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Buona
Lee Cujes
Felt like a gimp in my new shoes, but stuck it out

23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Buona
Phil Box
I`ll hafta work a bit harder to get up the best that Hillwood can offer

Lun 15 Apr 2002 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m
Gareth Llewellin
Sab 8 Lug 2000 - Hillwood (private land)
Matto Grosso Golgotha
23 Repentant Thief Sportiva 9m Molto buona
gary burgess

Tutti 15 ascensioni visualizzati.

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