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Life Aquatic Wall
17 Ranger Dave Saves The Day

Carrots now in place for top roping. Safety line required to set up anchor.

Perform a mantle between DDD and DS. Head left through the forest and hope that Ranger Dave is there to save the day if you can't commit to the crux.


Corda dall'alto 11m
18 Dislocate Then Elevate

Carrots now in place for top roping. Safety line required to set up anchor.

Start same as Dislocation Station - Climb up pocket filled area behind the park bench and move right along obvious ledge, slapping and smearing.

At large, deep letter box, ascend straight up following drill line near top of the cliff.

Big high ball, with little choss once you blow the dust off the holds.

One of those climbs worth doing once to really get the heart pumping!

Originally a V4 highball problem set by Ranger Dave. A big thanks to my BIC for permission to bolt his problem. Sharing the love!


Corda dall'alto 5m

Tutti 2 vie visualizzati.

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