
Vie in Freshwater Beach del grado selezionato

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Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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Freshwater North End Beach Boulders
V1 Slopesville

Fun little number

Tracciata: Dylan Soin

FFA: Dylan Soin

FA: Dylan Soin

Boulder 3m
V1 Shalf

Sit start, hands on the shelf, up the right arrete and out

FA: root

Tracciata: root

Boulder 2m
V1 Slopestyle

Start on the sloper shelf, up on slopes & jug

FA: root

Tracciata: root

Boulder 2m
V1 Floz

Start matched on the big jug, up around the left and out

FA: root

Tracciata: root

Boulder 2m
V1 Chimps

Start on the sloper/pocket, up using the sandy crimps

FA: root

Tracciata: root

Boulder 2m
Freshwater North End Freshie North Shore
V1 The Nose

Start with left hand in the pocket on the side facing the beach and right hand on the other side on crimp. Top out to complete the climb.

FA: Sean Ealey, 23 Ott 2020

Tracciata: Sean Ealey, Inigo Hungerford, Ducan Easter & Rory Connors, 23 Ott 2020

Freshwater North End Rock Platform Overhang
V1 Just Jug It

Lip is out until the end.

Boulder 3m
South End
20 Damocles

8m left of Gawkers. Up to platform with huge block. Move 4m left to vertical groove in centre of East face of block. (Gawkers heads up the North face). Platform at top of block. Up overhanging layback. 2 new SS BB.

CAUTION: The large overhanging block left of the layback has crack almost completely around it.

Start: Start: 50m along cliff face from beach. Head left up diagonal crack in blank wall.

Sconosciuto 28m
V1 cracked fingers

go up the crack and top out to complete

FA: Sean Ealey, 15 Ago 2021

Boulder 3m
V1 Slab of Corona

start with feet on pockets, hands wherever. head up the slab, top out to complete.

FA: Sean Ealey, 15 Ago 2021

Boulder 3m

Tutti 10 vie visualizzati.

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