
Ascensioni in Stati Uniti d' America da Daphne

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1 - 100 di 166 ascensioni.

Grado Via Stile equipaggiamento Qualità
Dom 11 Feb 2018 - Smith Rock State Park
The Wooden Ships West Ship River Face
5.9 Phone Call From Satan Sportiva 29m
5.10a Caffeine Free Sportiva
Dom 11 Feb 2018 - Smith Rock State Park
The Wooden Ships East Ship Shipwreck Wall
5.11a 5.11b Blue Light Special Sportiva 15m, 6
5.11a More Sandy Than Kevin Sportiva 15m, 6
Dom 11 Feb 2018 - Smith Rock State Park
The Wooden Ships West Ship Cocaine Gully
5.10c Deep impact Sportiva
5.11a Armageddon Sportiva 9
5.10b Chicken McNuggets Sportiva 24m, 9
5.11b Vomit Launch Sportiva 25m
5.11b Shake 'n Flake Sportiva
Sab 15 Lug 2017 - Leavenworth
The Enchantments Dragontail peak
5.8 5.8 III Serpentine Arête Alpinistica 610m Molto buona
Choose your own adventure up to the big pillar. Three obvious 5.8ish pitches - one hand crack and then two right facing corners. After that, sticking to the ridge or else slightly climbers right of it (easier) results in scrambling or low fifth to the summit. Just below the summit block, trend left to wrap around the back of the mountain to hit the summit.

Dom 14 Mag 2017 - Frenchman Coulee
Millennium wall
5.8 Gas Sipper - con Bertin Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
Looked harder than it is . fun route

5.10a The Big Finish - con Bertin Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
Looked easier than it is. Reachy

5.8 Lucky Dogs - con Bertin Trad 18m Buona
Fun crack route

5.10b Nazi Boyfriend - con Bertin Sportiva 18m, 6 Media
The roof start felt ridiculous to me. The rest I felt I could have redpointed if I tried. Didn't feel 4* to me

5.11b Frank Black - con Bertin Sportiva 21m, 7 Media
Bertin got sandbagged by another party into doing this one. Interesting but it sucked.

5.10c No Time to Deviate - con Bertin Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
I didn't like it that much, but maybe I was also really tired.

5.10c Ten-A-Cee Waltz - con Bertin Sportiva 20m, 6 Molto buona
I didn't like this too much until the giant hand eating pockets at the top. So fun!!

5.9 Y2K Crash - con Bertin Sportiva 15m, 5 Molto buona
Really fun!! lots of little pockets and an easy roof.

5.10a Heel Higher Crescent - con Bertin Sportiva 15m, 5 Molto buona
Awesome route.. now that I read the name of it, I guess getting your heel higher on the crescent would help.

Sab 13 Mag 2017 - Frenchman Coulee
Riverview Park
5.7 A Walk in the Park - con Bertin Sconosciuto Media
Never climbed a 5.7 with a v2 boulder start before. No feet and overhung, but at least there were good jugs

Sab 13 Mag 2017 - Frenchman Coulee
Riverview Point
5.8 Masticate Expectorate - con Bertin Sconosciuto Pessima
Unmemorable. One of the only routes with no massive roof to start., Saw another party ground fall.

5.10a Black Belt Internet Sprary Masters - con Bertin Sconosciuto Molto buona
Pretty fun route! No overhang, balancy moves.

5.10a A Genius Bruing - con Bertin Sconosciuto Molto buona
Fun route. Another hard start - felt more 10+ than 10-. The top was fun.

5.10a Bob is Real - con Bertin Sconosciuto Pessima
The first move is some weird hand jam overhang with no feet. The rest is about 5.6. Weird route, didn't think it was 4*

5.10d Crescendo of the Sarcophagus Breeding - con Bertin Sconosciuto Molto buona
Another tricky bouldery first move, and then tons of fun above. Felt I could have redpointed this without the first move.

5.10b Rio Vista - con Bertin Sconosciuto Buona
Another roof start. First move was not 10-. Rest was ok.

5.8 Oh Coulee, Oh Coulee - con Bertin Sconosciuto Media
I was told by other parties that this was an awesome 5.8, but I didn't think so. Hard to read. Kind of fun stemming between two columns.

5.10c Newton Clips - con Bertin Sconosciuto Molto buona
Really hard to read but super fun! I would potentially come back for this one.

5.10d Mortal Memory Magnet - con Bertin Sconosciuto Buona
5.11a Resting Effort Emptiness - con Bertin Sconosciuto Molto buona
A lot more fun than the 10d next to it.

5.11a Psychogenic Fugeue Thus Far - con Bertin Sconosciuto
5.10c Awareness Drooling - con Bertin Sconosciuto
Dom 12 Mar 2017 - Frenchman Coulee
Kotick Memorial Wall
5.4 Carnival ride - con bertin Sportiva
5.9 Falsies - con bertin Sportiva
5.10a Wild dogs - con bertin Sportiva
5.10a Silhouettes - con bertin Sportiva 5
5.9 A Game of Inches - con bertin Sportiva 5
5.10a Carnage in the Temple of the Damned - con bertin Sportiva 6
5.8 The Rod of God - con bertin Sportiva 4
5.10b Well Preserved - con bertin Sportiva 6
5.10a Wild Thing - con bertin Sportiva 5
Sab 11 Mar 2017 - Frenchman Coulee
Sunshine Wall
5.9 Ride 'em Cowboy - con bertin Sportiva
5.10b Air Guitar - con bertin Sconosciuto
5.8 Vantage point - con bertin Sportiva 30m
5.10a George and Martha - con bertin Sconosciuto
5.10c Boschido - con bertin Sportiva
5.10c Professor Pogue's Precarious Pinnacle - con bertin Sportiva
Mer 4 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Second Pullout The Black Corridor South Wall, Lower Level
5.9 Bon Ez - con Jason Sportiva 20m, 7
5.9 Bonaire - con Jason Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Mer 4 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Second Pullout The Black Corridor North Wall, Lower Level
5.10d Heavy Hitter - con Oscar Daigo Sportiva 18m, 10 Molto buona
5.10d Friend - con Oscar Daigo Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
5.10d Heavy Hitter - con Oscar Daigo Sportiva 18m, 10 Molto buona
Thin start leads to super fun huecos and a pumpy ending

5.10d Friend - con Oscar Daigo Sportiva 12m, 5 Molto buona
Fun huecos to a reachy throw. Fun!

5.11a Foe - con Oscar Daigo Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
Fun huecos until a tricky spot before the lip

Mar 3 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Pine Creek Canyon Bridge Mountain Spectrum Area
5.7 Birdland - con Jason, Oscar Daigo Trad 150m Mega Classica
Amazing route with a bit of everything. Most fun multi at RR

Lun 2 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Riding Hood Wall
5.9 Big Bad Wolf - con Jason Sportiva 67m, 26 Molto buona
Dom 1 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Second Pullout The Black Corridor North Wall, Lower Level
5.10d Nightmare on Crude Street - con Jason Sportiva 20m Classica
5.10d Nightmare on Crude Street - con Jason Sportiva 20m Classica
So much fun! Hueco hueco hueco!

5.11a Foe - con Jason Sportiva 12m, 5 Buona
Dom 1 Gen 2017 - Red Rock
Second Pullout The Black Corridor South Wall, Lower Level
5.10a L2 - con Jason Sportiva 17m Media
5.9 L3 - con Jason Sportiva 17m Buona
5.9 Bonaire - con Jason Sportiva 18m, 6 Buona
Sab 31 Dic 2016 - Red Rock
Pine Creek Canyon Mescalito Mescalito, South Face
5.6 Cat in the Hat - con Jason Trad 210m Classica
Ven 30 Dic 2016 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Moderate Mecca
5.9 Pending Disaster - con Jason Trad Molto buona
5.11a Feelin' Groovy - con Jason Trad mista 15m, 7 Molto buona
Gio 24 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
First Pullout Civilization Crag
5.7 East India trading co - con bertin Sportiva 15m, 5
5.7 The three kingdoms - con bertin Sportiva 21m, 8
5.4 Super Tsardom - con bertin Sportiva 18m, 6
5.10a Umayyad Caliphate - con bertin Sportiva 18m, 7
5.10b The Fall of Rome - con bertin Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
Crimpy but fun

5.10a Manifest Destiny - con bertin Sportiva 20m, 6 Buona
Jugs jugs jugs

Mer 23 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Oak Creek Canyon Solar Slab Area
5.6 5.6 III Solar Slab - con bertin Trad 370m Classica
Super fun route, route finding a bit difficult in the dark but able to follow the chalk. Rappel was a nigjtmare!

5.6 5.7 Johnny Vegas - con bertin Trad 120m Classica
Started in the dark and simuled the route. Really fun and well featured

Mar 22 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Black Velvet Canyon Black Velvet Wall
5.9 Epinephrine - con bertin Trad 680m Buona
Chimney horror. The route seems to go on forever.

Lun 21 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Moderate Mecca
5.11a Feelin' Groovy - con Bertin Trad mista 15m, 7 Molto buona
Fun huge huecos. Fragile rock feels like you might break it.

5.3 Penny Lane - con Bertin Trad Buona
Solo'd this to get to Goose Poop Roof

5.4 Abbey Road - con Bertin Trad 28m Buona
Fun face climbing with cracks for pro

5.8 Muckraker - con Bertin Trad 18m Buona
Fun, you use the roof for pro and don't actually pull it.

5.9 Pending Disaster - con Bertin Trad Molto buona
Hard first move at the roof and some cool moves.

Lun 21 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Riding Hood Wall
5.6 Physical Graffiti - con Bertin Trad 94m
Did this in the dark, really fun and chill route.

Dom 20 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Cannibal Crag West Side
5.11c Have a Beer with Fear - con bertin Sportiva 9m, 4 Buona

Dom 20 Nov 2016 - Red Rock
Calico Basin Red Spring Area Riding Hood Wall
5.9 Big Bad Wolf - con Bertin Sportiva 67m, 26 Molto buona
Really cool rock

Dom 20 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Upper Gorge Gorgeous Towers
5.10b Wacked Scenario - con bertin Sportiva 38m
5.10a Giveaway - con bertin Sportiva 20m
Sab 19 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Upper Gorge Gotham City
5.10c Superfly - con andrea Sportiva 55m, 18 Molto buona
Really pumpy, hard 10c

Sab 19 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Upper Gorge Holy Trinity Wall
5.9 One Gun Salute - con Bertin Sportiva 21m, 7

5.11a Pick Pocket - con Bertin Sportiva Classica
Really cool pockets and leads to an awesome ledge

5.10c Crack of Dawn - con Bertin Sportiva 30m Buona
Good until it wasn't. Weird top

Ven 18 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Upper Gorge Flavin Haven
5.9 Nice Jugs - con bertin Sportiva 90m, 10 Media
Seems a lot harder than the 10a/b we did at Gorgeous Towers

Ven 18 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Upper Gorge Dihedrals
5.11a O.R.G.asm - con Bertin Sportiva 27m
5.10a Slackjaw - con Bertin Sportiva 24m, 8
Gio 17 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Abandoned Gorge Weird Corner
5.7 Weird Al - con Bertin Sportiva 21m
5.10c Creaky Hollow Fracture Show - con Bertin Trad 50m
5.9 Unknown Face - con Bertin Sportiva 21m
Gio 17 Nov 2016 - Owens River Gorge
Central Gorge Banana Belt Area
5.9 Nuke the Whales - con Bertin Sportiva 24m, 8
5.10c Pocket Dance - con Bertin Sportiva 35m
Tons of fun, like gym climbing. Holds are great.

5.10b Wedge-O - con Bertin Sportiva 27m, 12
Really fun, big jugs

Mar 15 Nov 2016 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Main Wall
5.7 Corrugation Corner - con bertin Trad 140m Mega Classica
More flakes, dikes, massive ledges, jugs, and amazing jams. Super exposed second pitch arête was so so good.

Mar 15 Nov 2016 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap West Wall
5.10a Hospital Corner - con bertin Trad 73m Mega Classica
Amazing! Fun dike hike jug pulling hand crack first pitch followed by amazing hand crack finger crack stemming juggy joy second pitch. So good!

Mar 15 Nov 2016 - Lake Tahoe, California Side
Lover's Leap Lower Buttress
5.10a Surrealistic Pillar Direct - con bertin Trad Buona
Offwidth... Leads to more offwidth... Then flaring crack. Blargh


1 - 100 di 166 ascensioni.

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