
등정들 Arapiles에서 전통등반로서 Cameron Roy에 의한

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등급 루트 장비 스타일
월요일 8번째 6월 2015 - Arapiles
Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
19 The Ferrets Are Coming - 누구와 timmi 전통등반 12m 좋음

일요일 7번째 6월 2015 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
15 Resignation - 누구와 Ben Phillips, James Metcalfe 전통등반 96m 클래식
Guiding. Scout climbing course.

토요일 6번째 6월 2015 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
15 Resignation - 누구와 Samantha Klose, Timmi 전통등반 96m 클래식
Guiding, Scout climbing course. Very wet after rain. Linked 1+2 to save time but the rope drag was pretty bad.

일요일 8번째 3월 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
18 Oceanoid (Oceanoid P1) - 누구와 elisa Chaplin
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
전통등반 75m 클래식
Led p1 after Elisa bailed. Abseiled off. Doubles and a few long slings helped subdue any rope drag.

일요일 8번째 3월 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Huey and Satellites
18 Huey - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 16m 클래식
Man i love placing wires like this! Stellar route.

금요일 6번째 3월 2015 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
16 16 R The Confession - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 45m 아주좋음
A few moves above your gear

14 Gecko - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 48m 좋음
Seconding Elisa but we traversed off to the lower anchors

수요일 14번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
Bluffs Bluff Major Bluff Major West Face
15 Bulger 전통등반 60m 아주좋음
Guiding. Great shady climb. High in the grade.

화요일 6번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
9 8 Spiral Staircase 전통등반 100m 아주좋음

월요일 5번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
15 Resignation 전통등반 96m 클래식
Guiding. Started early to avoid the heat, then went around and did Bulger.

월요일 5번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
11 Agamemnon 전통등반 40m 클래식
Guiding. Did as 1 pitch.

일요일 4번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
11 Agamemnon 전통등반 40m 클래식

일요일 4번째 1월 2015 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
8 Tantalus 전통등반 35m 좋음
Guiding. 2nd pitch is always a winner.

일요일 30번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
18 Virginia - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 25m 클래식
Awesome line. Very sustained. Gets steeper and steeper as you go. Great summer climb.

토요일 29번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs John's Pinnacle
18 Shanghai - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Crux leaving the ground with no gear. Really nice climb after that. Loose blocks on top

토요일 29번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Morfydd Wall
18 Kinkaid (Kincaid) - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 20m 좋음
Nice route despite appearances. Climbed past bolts and up to alis.

금요일 28번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Right Fork
18 King Rat - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Required a bit of grunting to get up this. No time to hang around! Gear was pretty good but the rock is a bit average in places - i knocked a bit out while placing a cam.

금요일 28번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
15 The Venus Trap - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Cool climb. Not sure about putting gear behind some of the flakes on the traverse.

12 Lights in the Sky - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 15m 좋음
Didn't have to spend that much time inside the crack.

13 Bites in the Pie - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 10m 좋음
Deceptively jammy.

월요일 10번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Yo Yo - 누구와 Elisa
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Elisa
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Elisa
3 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
전통등반 90m 아주좋음
Not exactly sure where the 2nd belay is supposed to be - the selected guide indicates it's immediately after traversing right into the bottom of the chimney. There's hardly any ledge here - a semi hanging belay. Alternatively there is a good ledge about 8m higher up the chimney?

Anyway we climbed the first 3 pitches and then rapped off.

일요일 9번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Area Below Tiptoe Ridge
18 Free Beer - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Pretty good. Funky move at the crux.

일요일 9번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Tiptoe Ridge Area
14 The Green Singer - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Elisa
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
3 ~에 의해 선등된 Elisa
전통등반 130m 좋음
Having another look at this route. Some cool bits on P1 and P2.

일요일 9번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Preludes Wall
17 Preludes - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Jam on!

토요일 8번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Lois Lane Wall
17 Reunion - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 25m 좋음
I'm 193cm tall. Placed a high cam at the start at full stretch to protect the crux rockover move.

토요일 8번째 11월 2014 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
14 Tarzan - 누구와 Elisa Chaplin 전통등반 33m 평균
Really Hard off the ground. Mediocre thereafter and designed for maximum rope drag.

월요일 27번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
19 Tannin - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 35m 클래식
Alzheimers onsight - seconded this 3 years ago but didn't remember anything. Heaps of excellent protection available, I placed 18 pieces! Great climb for double ropes. A bit too much chalk for my liking.

일요일 26번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
15 Necrophilliac - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 25m 좋음
Pleasant route, nice looking line.

17 Cruxless Knickers - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 25m
Exciting route but it's only 2 moves long. Didn't see any loose blocks (as mentioned in the description.) There was one large flake though.

토요일 25번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Cheops Buttress
19 Cheops - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Kind of hard to see where to go starting off the tree. Went up little depression between bulges heading towards leftmost crack. Seemed a bit dangerous so I'm feeling this is closer to 19 than 18.

The rest of the climb was great though.

토요일 25번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Spellbinder Area
17 Spellbinder - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 27m 아주좋음
Really nice line, well worthwhile.

토요일 25번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Upper Central Gully Mari Buttress
17 Mari - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 35m 완전 구식
Got a bit scared at the jam crack so built a belay and brought Elisa up. Got braver and headed up. Super awesome climb. Placed more gear than was necessary but that's what I do when I'm peaking...

금요일 24번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Frenzy Pinnacle
15 Viagra - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Cool climb. Nice boulder on top to tie a bowline around.

금요일 24번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Grotto Wall Area Pan Grove
15 Celeste - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 25m 좋음
Exciting enough. 15 in the mentz and tempest guide.

일요일 19번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Ali's Area
10 Debut - 누구와 Anton 전통등반 80m 평균
Ok, but nothing special.

일요일 19번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
18 Daily Planet - 누구와 Anton 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Continually absorbing. Fiddly gear at the start, good thereafter.

토요일 18번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
9 Conifer Crack - 누구와 Anton 전통등반 80m 아주좋음
Nice enough

토요일 18번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
14 15 Toccata - 누구와 Anton 전통등반 50m 아주좋음
Smooth and slippery down low, a bit of a wake-up call. I wonder if it may be becoming more polished with traffic. Nice route though.

목요일 9번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
18 18 R XI - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 30m 클래식
Great route, more gear than I expected. Continually exciting. Excellent way to finish the trip.

수요일 8번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Far North Hum Terrace
16 Hum - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 30m 좋음
High 1st piece.

수요일 8번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Far North Lower Curtain Wall
18 Entertainer - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 20m 완전 구식
Stellar route. Good protection. Very sustained after the low crux, strenuous to place gear there, then continuously absorbing before the final climax through the roof.

수요일 8번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Death Row Pinnacle
18 Death Row - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 45m 클래식
Thought I might have been condemned in that cell for life. Eventually worked out how to escape (there is chalk everywhere and most of it is no use.) The second crux at 2/3 height is also pretty nice.

수요일 8번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Voodoo Area Voodoo Buttress
18 Voodoo P1 - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Phil
전통등반 65m 아주좋음
Rapped from the bolts.

화요일 7번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes D Minor Pinnacle
14 D Minor - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 35m 아주좋음
Pleasant enough.

화요일 7번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs Bluff Major Bluff Major North Face
17 Missing Link - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
Good to second this after leading it a couple of months ago. Thought provoking but not as dangerous as its reputation.

화요일 7번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
18 Eurydice - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur
1 18 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
2 18 ~에 의해 선등된 Philippe Brodeur
혼합 고전등반 65m, 2 클래식
Move onto the belay ledge was spicy! It rained while we were on the ledge so I got scared and Phil did the 2nd pitch.

화요일 7번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Left Side Frenzy Pinnacle
18 Dude Boobs - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 혼합 고전등반 15m, 2
I felt the 2nd bolt wasn't required. It could be 17 with 2 bolts or 18 with just the 1st bolt.

화요일 7번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes D Minor Pinnacle
18 Aardvark - 누구와 Philippe Brodeur 전통등반 18m 아주좋음
Made me work a bit.

월요일 6번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
13 Hell For Leather - 누구와 Dickon and Ryan 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Pleasant jug haul.

일요일 5번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
21 No Future - 누구와 BJ 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Hard moves at the traverse. Not sure if you're supposed to move back left and through rooflet or just continue straight up on jugs.

18 Falcon - 누구와 Peter and BJ 전통등반 30m 좋음
Pity about the big ledge in the middle.

일요일 5번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
14 14 R Hot Flap - 누구와 Daniel Heritage and Mark Corbett 혼합 고전등반 170m, 3 아주좋음
Linked P2 and P3, but belayed just short of the siren belay. Then tried to climb through P4 - had double 60m ropes but only one of them reached the next belay. Not recommended.

토요일 4번째 10월 2014 - Arapiles
Bushranger Bluff Back Wall
15 Rubbery Under Arms - 누구와 Pat and Morgan 전통등반 12m 좋음
Not much to it.

화요일 2번째 9월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
18 Skink - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 110m 완전 구식
Yeah baby! Superb line, awesome climb.

Got a couple of wires stuck in the belay so had to abseil down with a rock.

월요일 제 1 9월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Kitten Wall Area Kitten Wall
15 Siamese Crack - 누구와 Nick 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Full on! I think I'm still on my jamming L plates.

월요일 제 1 9월 2014 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Baby Buttress
17 Mexican Madness - 누구와 Nick 전통등반 10m 좋음
Pretty goey moving up to the flake! Placing gear was strenuous.

15 ScarIet Sage - 누구와 Nick 전통등반 10m 아주좋음
Great gear. Good to get back on the sharp end after a slightly sore shoulder over the past few days. A few tough moves at the top.

18 Wascal - 누구와 Nick 전통등반 10m 좋음
Reachy. An excellent wire at the crux helped a lot.

일요일 31번째 8월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
12 Didgeridoo - 누구와 nick 전통등반 35m 좋음
I've now climbed all the 12s with stars in the guidebook

목요일 14번째 8월 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Golden Fleece Wall
18 Golden Fleece - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 35m 클래식
Great route, good gear. Small footers through the crux.

수요일 13번째 8월 2014 - Arapiles
King Rat Area King Rat Gully Left Fork
15 Scylla - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Exciting, great route.

18 I'm A Little Dinosaur - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 25m 좋음
I found the crux a little harder than asteroid, but I thought asteroid was more sustained and enjoyable. Missed the dinosaur but Elisa pointed it out while seconding.

18 I'm A Little Asteroid - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
More sustained and enjoyable than dinosaur.

화요일 12번째 8월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Heckle and Jeckle Area
15 Mr Hyde - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Get your limbs inside the crack! Take a bd 4. A 5 is handy too.

13 13 R Rush of Blood - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 18m 아주좋음
As much as I love double ropes, this seemed fine on a single. Nice climb, good name.

화요일 12번째 8월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
17 Dirge - 누구와 Elisa 전통등반 85m 아주좋음
Didn't remember much from last time, quite pleasant.

월요일 9번째 6월 2014 - Arapiles
Bluffs Bluff Major Bluff Major North Face
17 17 R Missing Link - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 30m 완전 구식
Gear much better than expected. Placed a couple of tiny wires but also lots of bomber big wires too. Crux for me was at 3m. Then arrange good wires before an easy traverse and some more gear. After that it was consistently thought provoking but not scary.

Great route!

Looks like I toproped this 5 years ago so it's a mere redpoint, but I didn't really remember anything useful.

일요일 8번째 6월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos The French Crack Area
17 French Crack - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 11m 아주좋음
Finally able to get up this today. Took a fall on my first attempt but then worked out a sequence

토요일 7번째 6월 2014 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
17 17 R Checkmate - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 85m 아주좋음
Redpoint, but 3 years since I seconded it so I didn't really remember anything. That block below the crux freaked me out big time. Then some very hard moves, but the gear was better than I was expecting.

금요일 6번째 6월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
15 Necrophilliac - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 25m 좋음
Jams are not my strong point, but I got through it. There was only really one section that didn't have any face holds.

금요일 9번째 5월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Death Row Pinnacle
17 Garden Gnome - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 20m 아주좋음
Was a little worried after seeing it was previously rated 18 here on thecrag, but it felt like an easy 17 to me. My reach might have helped.

Takes great pro, I laced it up waiting for the crux that never came.

목요일 8번째 5월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
17 Discord Direct - 누구와 Nick Chappell 혼합 고전등반 25m, 2 클래식
Loved it. Gear was sufficient. Didn't see the old carrot mentioned in the guide.

목요일 8번째 5월 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
10 Syrinx - 누구와 Nick Chappell
1 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
2 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
3 ~에 의해 선등된 Nick
4 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
5 ~에 의해 선등된 Nick
6 ~에 의해 선등된 Nick
7 ~에 의해 선등된 Nick
전통등반 170m 클래식
Led the variant on P4 - quite exciting. A good route.

수요일 7번째 5월 2014 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
17 17 R Oedipus Rex - 누구와 Nick Chappell 전통등반 150m 아주좋음
Unprotected boulder problem off ground, took me a few attempts. I suggest anchoring your belayer/spotter. After that it was a fairly pleasant route. Traverse on P1 exciting. Some nearby climbers made some suggestions for pulling around the roof on P4.

일요일 27번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Northern Group Harlequin Cracks Area
10 9 Beau Geste - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 140m 클래식
An absolute ripper at the grade. Sam led P1, I had the rest.

토요일 26번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
16 Coming on Chris - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 25m 아주좋음
Felt tough, but well protected so all good. Quite sequency traversing left.

토요일 26번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae Muldoon Area
17 lphigenia - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 45m 아주좋음
Felt really strong on this, or maybe it's soft at the grade? Bit of farting around to get off the top.

금요일 25번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae Muldoon Area
12 Clytemnaestra - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 45m 아주좋음
Led the 2nd pitch as Sam didn't want to commit to the slick initial moves of the chimney. I quite enjoyed it, reminded me of the great chimney at Moonarie.

금요일 25번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Dunes Buttress
16 Arab - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 110m 좋음
Started in wrong R facing corner (closer to eskimo nell.) Linked P1+2 (horrible rope drag) Crux felt very hard at 15. A solid 16 I would say!! I went across and back about 7 or 8 times before committing to a very awkward sequence. Sam led the final 2 pitches. Ropes got stuck on top part of abseil

목요일 24번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Gully Organ Pipes Gully Right Side
16 Stentor 3rd Pitch - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 12m 클래식
A little gem.

목요일 24번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes D Minor Pinnacle
17 Crescendo - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 35m 좋음
Easy since I knew the moves.

수요일 2번째 4월 2014 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes D Minor Pinnacle
17 Crescendo - 누구와 jay 전통등반 35m 좋음
Finish seemed like it would be hard if you were short.

수요일 8번째 1월 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
16 Deathwatch Beetle (Deathwatch Beetle Linkup The Lute Direct) - 누구와 Anton Steketee
1 13 링크 업 The Lute Direct , ~에 의해 선등된 Anton
3 16 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
4 10 ~에 의해 선등된 Anton
혼합 고전등반 130m, 1 좋음
Climbed Menz + Tempest version. Crux pitch very nice - very thin face moves followed very closely by steep jugs - contrasting. The rest of the route was a bit mediocre though.

화요일 7번째 1월 2014 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
15 Smooth Journey - 누구와 Anton 전통등반 44m 클래식
Great climb. Surely worth two stars if it wasn't for the bees.

We finished at the Gay Olympics anchor.

월요일 6번째 1월 2014 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Skylark - 누구와 Anton Steketee
1 16 ~에 의해 선등된 Cameron
전통등반 85m 아주좋음
One definite crux - very pleasant though.

목요일 25번째 7월 2013 - Arapiles
Mitre Rock South Mitre
13 The Baptism - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 30m 좋음
Got a serious wake up call on this. Apparently I'm a bit of a non-jamming bumbly and thus had to try and layback the crux, which got the blood pumping. It's quite steep for a 13.

수요일 24번째 7월 2013 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
13 14 Chameleon Connection - 누구와 Sam, Craig 전통등반 110m 좋음
Linked 1+2. Low crux was quite strenuous. Got a bit lost on P2 and went too far right, it worked out eventually though.

화요일 23번째 7월 2013 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos The French Crack Area
17 French Crack - 누구와 Sam Moffat 전통등반 11m 아주좋음
Got burnt by this again, this time accessing it via 'The Shroud' and a traverse from the tennis court past 'Five Fingered Mary'

Required several sits and plenty of hard work to get to the top. Need to practice my jamming...

월요일 10번째 6월 2013 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
14 C.S. Concerto - 누구와 Callum Hue, Simon Barnett 전통등반 50m 좋음
I have a dim memory of climbing this before, but I can't be sure. Good climb anyway.

목요일 23번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos The French Crack Area
17 French Crack - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 11m 아주좋음
Had to have a sit on this - jamming isn't my style much. Probably felt much harder after just doing Oceanoid.

목요일 23번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
17 Oceanoid - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 75m 클래식
Hard hard hard! Pushed me to my limit. I was stoked when I was through the crux on P1, but there was plenty more to come. Used all draws and cams on P1, used all draws on P2. Messed up double ropes on P2 twisting them around each other. Step across scary and hard. Bottomless chimney challenging! Led all the way up to French Crack - the last overhang isn't easy either.

목요일 23번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
Far North Vandal Area
17 Vandal - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 45m 아주좋음
Linked P1+2. Start fairly strenuous. Second pitch nice. Third pitch superb.

수요일 22번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Plaque
10 Camelot - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 13m 좋음
Damp and slippery in the walking shoes. Viv remembering what trad is all about.

수요일 22번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
16 Watchtower Crack - 누구와 Viv Hughan 혼합 고전등반 95m, 3 완전 구식
Linked 1+2 again. Had a BD 5 cam, would be easier with a 5 and a 6.

화요일 21번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Golden Fleece Wall
16 Jason - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
some slick moves through the initial corner.

16 Jason - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
some slick moves through the initial corner.

화요일 21번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
15 Ejaculation - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 50m 아주좋음
first pitch quite nice, stellar curving sickle layback on second pitch, then mediocre

화요일 21번째 5월 2013 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
15 Kaiser - Resignation - 누구와 Viv Hughan 전통등반 99m 클래식
first pitch had one awkward bit, second pitch through overhang felt good, third pitch super awesome, 4th pitch mediocre.

화요일 29번째 1월 2013 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
16 Decibel - 누구와 Toby
1 ~에 의해 선등된 me
전통등반 50m 좋음
Climbed P1 only. Ambling until the quite pronounced but well protected crux.

9 Keyboard - 누구와 Toby 전통등반 25m 평균

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