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Affichant les 78 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Lake Cliff Left Side
5.11 To Sarnia with Despair

Direct technical line up to anchors of From Kingston with Love. Looking for consensus on a letter grade.

FA: Daniel Snelson, 14 Mars

Sportive 25m, 11
5.10d From Kingston With Love

Start on Brokedown Palace. At the fifth bolt, cut left across the roof then head up a technical, crimpy crux before mantling onto a large ledge. Look left and finish up the inside corner.

Hardware provided through a climbing community fundraiser.

Équip.: Derek & Frank, 2022

FA: Derek Smalls, Juin 2022

Sportive 25m, 11
5.10+ Training for the Alpine

Start at a tree beneath the overhanging wall about 5m left of Termagant Dihedral. Climb the dead tree until you can step across onto the slab. Climb the nice slab on good rock until it is possible to escape right before the roof. Better protection and easier climbing to the right may be possible if slab is cleaned.

FFA: Danny Guestrin, 2012

5.10+ It Mai Be Karma

Start at the tree grouping about 30 feet left of the obvious arrete. Make your way up and right to reach the crack system. From here, the climbing gets gradually harder. The original FA went through the roof, but escaping right is possible making it a number grade easier. Beautiful movement on beautiful rock!

Modern free variation of Training for the Alpine

FFA: Nicolas Seguin, 9 Sept 2023

Sportive 24m, 9
5.10 The Falcons Strike Back

Not a sport route! Recommend stick clipping first bolt. Start on the right side of this very distinct aréte, delicately dance to the left and up past another bolt. Step left into a small groove from which some stellar crack climbing starts. Follow the crack up and then left to finish on a pedestal, bolted anchor. Single rack.

Accessible from the top by lowering from the rap-in anchor (see decription for Termagant Dihedral) and aiming climbers left.

FA: Nicolas Seguin & Jeff, Nov. 2020

Trad mixte 26m, 2
5.10+ Hanging Dihedral

This climb starts at the base of the huge boulder that divides the "Left Side" and "Right Side". The first climbs at "Right Side" are right next to this one, but start on top of the huge boulder right of this climb.

Start behind a large arrowhead shaped block that threatens to turn you into a hand puppet the higher you climb past it. Climb atop the block, then up the thin flakes to the first bolt, then pull onto the face to reach a stance. Continue past a large hollow looking flake then make delicate face moves to reach the first overlap. A few thrilling moves with bolts take you up and right to the base of the right-facing hanging dihedral. Continue up dihedral and make awkward exit to the left onto the large ledge shared with Open Book. Climb ledges to the shared 2-bolt anchor (30m rap).

Can be top-roped with some rope-drag by accessing the anchor from above using the rap-in anchor. Recleaned December 2022.

FFA: Danny Guestrin & Dominic Ngo, 2012

Trad mixte 25m, 4
Lake Cliff Right Side
5.11a The Killing Perch

This route has a bit of everything, with an outstanding view!

Stick clip a high first bolt and work through a techy slab boulder before you mantle onto the ledge. Climb through another crux to progressively easier climbing until you reach the no hands rest. Find the your way through the bulges to a pumpy crux where the anchor is in your face but you can’t clip it.

The ledges around the no hands rest are used by the falcons to clean their kills before feeding them to their young. In years where falcons are using the nest don’t be surprised if you’re climbing through the remains of their kills in fall.

Équip.: Larry David & Cosmo Kramer, 2023

FA: Larry David, 2024

Sportive 20m, 12
5.11a Earthers around the globe

Shares the first 6 bolts with Illuminati. After bolt 6 follow the diagonal crack up and left. Clip the first sleeve bolt (no nut/thread) and use some citizen science creativity to get through the crux. Power through the small holds and NASA propaganda to clip the anchor. Congratulations, the earth is still not flat.

For bonus points, at bolt 5 use the undercling/side pull out left to stay on the face.

FA: Larry David, 2022

Sportive 17m, 8
Main Cliff (Summer - Rock) North End
5.11a Slippery When Wet

Just right of Breakfast in Vienna is a second bolted line with a faded plaque.

A good candidate for your first 5.11

Originally put up as a rarely climbed mixed route, now retrobolted as sport in hopes it will see more traffic. Two new bolts have been added to replace the need for gear on the easy upper slab. If you wish to climb it in the original style do not use bolts 3 and 5.

Fa/developer unknown.

Sportive 15m, 5
Main Cliff (Summer - Rock) Star Trek Sector
5.11 Late Night Pizza

Between "Breakfast Cookie" and "Tipytoe" are a couple bolts, after the 2nd one the route heads up through a fairly substantial roof on gear.

Trad mixte 12m, 2
Main Cliff (Summer - Rock) The Far End
5.11- PG13 Solo Nut

A jagged overhanging crack with an offwidth start, just left of "Cream Puff". The bouldery moves leading to the 2nd gear placement can be a little balancy at best... Power through to the next bomber placement, and enjoy the bulge and slabby finish. Shares anchor with "Cream Puff".

Protection: 0.2 to #3 cams and small nuts.

FFA: Jeff Rivard, 12 Sept 2020

Trad 15m
5.10d Tampon Applicator

The crux is at the roof, the 3rd bolt. Beneath the roof is a nice finger pocket for the left hand and then a nice layback for the right. Just above the roof line is a good right hand and then fire up and to the right of the 3rd bolt by a couple feet for a very good jug.

Name stone at base suggests grade is 5.11a.

Sportive 13m, 5
5.10d Res-Erection

Crimp and layback into the roof. Finger the pocket and fire for the finger lock.

Sportive 13m, 5
5.10d She Got Thrilled

Marker at the bottom of the climb. Easy climbing to a roof. Mantle over it (crux) to easier climbing.

Sportive 12m, 5
5.11a Tidy Diner

Unknown sport route right of She Got Thrilled. Climbs slightly left of the bolt line to get the proposed grade (temp, 5.10d, 5.11a?).

Please update if you know the details.

FA: unknown

Sportive 12m, 5
5.10d Hawt for Hilti

Easy climbing to an abrupt, thin crux that rewards good footwork and a plan.

Sportive 15m, 8
5.10d E.B.

5.9 climbing to very high first bolt. Find a way over the first bulge, cruise though some easy slab moves to the rightward trending dihedral. When the dihedral runs out get your slab game on for some delicate thin slab up to easy ground and a fun overhanging exit.

Sportive 23m, 7
5.11 The Brotherhood

Thin crimps and some arete compression gets you into the jugs under the roof. Traverse right under the roof until you can find a way up. Find holds on the bleak slab and make your way up onto good holds and easy climbing to the chains.

FA: JP Thomas, Nov. 2016

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders The White Tower
V2 Razorblades

Sit start, pinch the right arete. Work your way though up the overhanging face on thin crimps and the arete. Try not to bleed all over the problem.

Bloc 14m
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Gatekeeper
V2 Gatekeeper

SDS matched in wide shelf in the overhang. Moove up the shallow corner and topout.

Bloc 2m
V2 Solids in Suspension

Small boulder just past Gatekeeper and before frigid cave. Sit start on the right side of the steep overhang and move up and left to top out.

Bloc 2m
V2 Sunspot
Bloc 2m
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Art
V2 Negative Space
Bloc 3m
V2 Trianglism
Bloc 3m
V2 Walking Stick
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Gateway
V2 The Gate

Stiff for the grade, start low and follow crimps and rails to top.

See the beta here:

Bloc 3m
V2 - 4 Put All Your Fears to Rest

Start on the big ledge and dyno/deadpoint to the top of the boulder. One-move wonder.

Grade greatly varies on where you start, how you climb it and your height.

V2 First Aid 101

Start as per Mantling 201, but traverse the ledge and up through The Gate to top out

V2 Mind the Mossy Knoll
Bloc 2m
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Nine-Tenths
V2 Feature Press
Bloc 4m
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders West Nile
V2 The Tempest
Bloc 2m
V2 Moby Dick
Bloc 2m
V1/2 Rescue

Starting on a juggy rail with large feet, either dyno to the top of the boulder or use the intermediate crimps on the right side, then bump to the top.

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders The Highball
V2 Watership Down

Start on the left side of the face, on two opposing sidepulls. Climb up the face to the jugs above the corner

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Arete
V2 November Sunshine Low

Sit start for November Sunshine

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Alcatraz
V2 The Forgetten

Needs topo and description. See guidebook.

V2 Crotch Notch

Climb up the right-center of the slab

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Marsh
V2 Snowbird
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Apathy
V2 Ivory Tusk
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders The Chief
V2 Bolting on Lead Low

Sit start on block under roof then move into Bolting on Lead

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Copeland
V2 Broken Dreams
V2 Reflection

FA: Jason Allemann & Kristal Dubois, Mars 2020

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders North Africa
V2 Resurrection Stand Start

Go in small like cave left of Tsunami. Start standing with your hands on good ledge above head. Sit Start is around V5.

V2 Riptide

Sit start matched on the low sloping triangle. Top out above

FA: 2006

V2 Colin's Prow

Climb the blunt prow. A slightly harder extension to this starts on the lip to the right of Riptide

Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Africa
V2 Monkey Face
V2 Morpheus
V2 Hercules
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Frontier
V2 Bloody Kristal Direct
Calabogie Boulders Main Boulders Borderland
V2 Uncivilized

SDS, left hand on obvious pocket jug, right hand on any of the bad crimps or underlings. Follow the lovely pockets and side pulls up.

Calabogie Boulders Cliff Line Boulders Signpost Wall
V2 Robloxian

SDS on nice rail. Head left and up though small edge or slopers and fire for the jug-sidepull.

Calabogie Boulders Cliff Line Boulders Great Roof Area
V2 Fire One

Climbers right of Great Roof.

SDS on the good rail. Find your spot, get your heel up and fire for the top. One move wonder but what a lovely move.

FA: Jim Clark

V2 The Prow

Sit start on the obvious prow.

Calabogie Boulders Cliff Line Boulders Birds Nest
V2 Bird's Next Sit

Sit start on the sloping jugs in the middle of the curved face.

Calabogie Boulders Cliff Line Boulders Pyramid
V2 Razor Jug

SDS on holds under the sharp jug. Up to lip and jug and topout.

V2 Razor Burn

SDS left of corner. Awkward.

V2 Breaky Face

SDS left hand on arete right on jug. Topout directly above.

Calabogie Boulders Cliff Line Boulders Midcliff
V2 Squamish Buttress
V2 Dreamcatcher Variant Finish

Start on Dreamcatcher. Instead of going straight up on the jugs reach right into the sloping rails. Work right and topout.

V2 Heavy Fest
Calabogie Boulders Beta Quadrant
V2 Hull Breach

Start on the big horizontal shelf/hold in the middle of the rock. Climb up through the vertical crack to top out.

FA: Andrew Staal, 4 Avr 2015

V2 Number One

Climb the featureful arete on the boulder to the right of To Boldly Go. Start low on a shelf, climb up and left using superb crimps. Mantle on the left side of the bulge.

FA: Clarrie Lam, 20 Sept 2014

V2 Kolinahr

On the same "Vulcan Slab" rock as Arie'mnu. Start with hands in small huecos and a good left foot. Climb the tallest part of the face on crystals and micro crimps.

FA: Andrew Staal, 16 Mai 2015

Calabogie Boulders The Expanse Portal Portal Boulder
V2 Dark Matter

Climb up the center of the slab, between Milky Way and Spiral Galaxy.

V2 Brown Dwarf.

Just east of Portal, right side. SDS on right crimp and left on arete.

V2 Main Sequence

Just east of Portal, left side. SDS crimps left of arete.

Calabogie Boulders The Expanse Portal Underfling
V2 - 4 Dust Bunny

SDS on triangle sidepull and low right crimp. Up though the small crimps. Hight dependent.

Calabogie Boulders The Expanse Wormhole High Wall
V2 Belter

Crimps on the arete. Topout to the right.

Calabogie Boulders The Expanse Wormhole Low Wall
V2 Broken Kneee

SDS Left on sidepull right on crimp.

Calabogie Boulders Lake Cliff Boulders Radioactive
V2 Fallout

Sit start under under the corner on opposing sidepulls. Get into the bucket and join Goggles on the great pinch. Possible start further under the boulder?

FA: Jim Clark, 23 Avr 2018

Calabogie Boulders Lake Cliff Boulders Cubert
V2 Overclockwise

Start on the great rail. Fire up to the jug and the horn and top out.

FA: Kevin Lee, 23 Avr 2018

V2 Ugg
V2 Nerd Academy

SDS on sidepull. Find a way though the roof.

FA: Kevin Lee, 4 Avr 2018

V2 Parallel Doomsday

SDS on sidepull. Head left to arete and up.

FA: Kevin Lee, 23 Avr 2018

Calabogie Boulders Skywalk Boulders Talus Boulders Alt. Rock
V2 Wonderwall

Start matched on the right angled sloping ledge with small feet spread wide. Move left to two crimps, and awkwardly press up towards the high crimp to top out.

Équip.: Andrew Serack, 18 Avr 2016

FA: Andrew Serack, 18 Avr 2016

Skywalk Skywalk Main Cliff Upper Wall
5.10d Duck Feet

Start in the dihedral and at the third bolt. Extending the third draw will help with rope drag. Shares the same ending as the project to the left.

FA: Joe skopec, 2022

Sportive 9
5.11a Two Toques

Starts in a crack just right of Sugar and Spice. Move right at the first roof then traverse left under the second roof. Clip the last bolt and move right into the crack.

FA: Dan Hannah, 2022

Sportive 7
5.11a Apophenia

Shares a start with Theophany then climbs the left face of the arete. Find which tiny feet work for you and balance your way up. A gem for the technicians out there.

The first bolts a spinner and needs to be sawn off. Stick clip the second bolt for now.

FFA: Derek Smalls, Nov. 2023

Sportive 18m, 7

Affichant les 78 voies total.

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