
Ascensions dans North Wall comme Tick ou First ascent

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 133 ascensions.

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Mer 28 Déc 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Dav Myl Artif 300m Bon
Joel Penson
Three tough days in the sun. Slept at the base night before, then Big Grassy day 1, under Gledhill roof day 2 and topped out day 3. Awesome experience with great gear and exposure. But even after getting more water on the first night 4 litres per person each day was not enough on 30 degree days. Ended up severely dehydrated and with an upset stomach couldn't eat for the last day and a half which made progress really slow.

Either way this line is a serious undertaking. Glad we spent a few days practicing aid and hauling technique in the lead up and that we both have a wide range of rope skills under our belt. Definitely not the place or conditions to be learning new skills.

The nut off the fifth anchor is actually on the right at the base of the climb. Didn't realise that's where it came from until day 2.

Jeu 22 Déc 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Classique
Jack Seawright
Part 3: Yim and i spoke briefly on the walk out about whether we would become aid climbers, probably a fairly standard conversation to have after australias 'the nose' of aid climbs that initiates so many into the world of the big walls. Yim mentioned he was keen to use the skills for exploratory trips (new routes) one day but wouldnt really make established big walls a priority over free climbing. For me, it was time to come clean about my feelings for big wall climbing: Categorical fuck no, not interested. I cant understand why one would put up with all that faff, routine 3 hour belays, sleeping and eating like animals, all to not even climb rock? There were for sure some good moments, but on the whole, i recall being uncomforable, tired, abit stressed (probably more a symptom of poor preparation) and generally distainful that i could see a stack of 3 star free climbs from the wall that we had foregone to tether our way up this wall. Whats more is that we were doing the best aid route in the country with ideal weather conditions.

Im tremendously grateful to have had this experience and owe our mate yimbo a beer (that he'll not doubt drink a quarter of and go make himself a hot choccy instead) for book sourcing all our literature and coordinating most of the gear we used for the trip. I think alot of people never try things like this because they assume they wont like it or convince themselves their life is good enough to not bother having an experience like this; if it werent for yims enthusiasm and zest for new experiences, i would have been one of them. I suspected i wasnt cut out for big aid missions. I was right in this case. Im glad to know this now for sure. Keen to continue reserving my aid climbing for free routes a little above my paygrade and continue kicking around climbing rocks!

10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Classique
Jack Seawright
Part 2: The following morning, first light woke us and the beautiful views of the sun lighting up the porepunkah valley were juxtaposed quickly by the first event of the morning: Laying cable into a fucking sandwich bag. Yim captured the literal second of mine on camera and im not sure how i feel about it; yet to see the photo. Ill decide on instagram worthiness later on. We packed up the circus and i got into climbing (almost without the haul line). I got back to the start of the 22 and decided i was too cunted to put climbing shoes on and aided the pitch, something i still kind of hate myself for. It was my mistake at the end of this pitch though that dished us the biggest epic of the journey. I set up at the wrong anchors (the carrots at the top of the corner). Only 4m from the real anchor on the arete but the pig did not agree with being pulled up the slab on the 6th pitch and promptly got itself trapped on a bolt. Unable to lower the pig out of its predicament, yim used the hexagonal fixture on his nut tool to try to loosen the bolt, only to have the bolt explode out on him and fall to the valley below. We have included a separate note on the route description in relation to this, please refer to that if this is of concern to you. The pig was free and dragged up to the carrots. We made a pretty efficient go of the roof, yim evidently turned the corner on cam hooks, which i realised on the prussik up the corner above that was pretty free of trad gear. It was my job as seconder of the roof to free the pig and due to our anchor location, our poor piggy that wed become close with in the last day was about to take a king swing across the wall. I was reasonably sure all the waterbottle tethers had been prepared but i still couldnt bare to look as the load soared through the air along a sagging arc. The pig handled the exposure like a champ and didnt spray plastic and shit everywhere to our relief. Looking pretty good for time, we tucked into lunch at gledhill. The fang pitch (8th) was my lead and is a truly unique pitch, which i think can still be enjoyable (and awkward) as an aid lead. Supposedly 22 but definitely would be nuts to free. Yim got us to the plaque at about dinner time just as it was starting to dim and i knew after the haul line faff that i was about to become apart of the benightment club, after such an improbable run of all daytime finishes. The jap curry was now well and truly sour and even our hungry, depleted bodies were rejecting the concoction. Aiding the offwidth with the lights of bright(?) glowing in the distance was an oddly calming experience. "I prefer stars; natural light" yim hit back after i offered my thoughts. Ok mate. The no.6 that we only included on the rack upon recommendation from pauly and brad in the carpark on monday was as essential as a climbing rope to get up thr final 5m! Wrapped my hand around the tourist lookout rail at 10pm, ripped yim up the final pitch so we could commence the walk back to the car and our bivy spot at echo point which now seemed like the marriot penthouse.

10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Classique
Jack Seawright
Part 1: Lot of work for a 10.

Monday arvo was when the adventure started. We lugged the gear from the base of angels to the ground bivy at the base which was way harder than i anticipated. Bushbashing with a portaledge and haul bag is exhausting work and yim seemed completely depleted of energy; a great way to be at the start of a 2 day aid route. I have to admit i was within a hair of turning us around and not going through with the climb a few times on this approach, especially after the creek crossing. We found the base at 9pm and bived down. Surprisingly good sleep. Up at 6, i refilled our 8 waterbottles (which frighteningly were coming undone from their tethers on the walk in because i had incorrectly copied the knots from a youtube tute) and ushered yim to get to work setting the pig family up at the base (the big marn takes some encouragement to wake up at the best of times). We were on the wall aiding at 8ish. P2 was my coming of age with cam hooks; Only good experiences for me, but that all changed on yims lead of P3, taking no less than 5 (five) [V if roman numerals are your choice for counting] whips in half an hour. Id never seen an aid whip before but ive now seen 5. Impressively, he stepped out the top of the crux that had beat him up on a triumphant skyhook (!) and continued to big grassy. Having never successfully set our ledge up on the wall, i was keen to stop decorating our wall lodge with fixed lines and gear displays and get to making sure we could lie down for the night. It was yim that made the break through wed missed at kp which was loosening the fuck out of all the straps to fit it together, a fairly obvious sounding solution in hindsight, but with old gear, i fell into the trap yet again of assuming the worst of the uqmc club gear (sorry lachie). We had the ledge set at 6pm just in time to pack some food in before fixing the pitches above. This was one of the best moments of the wall experience, providing some reprieve from the anxiety of this big undertaking we were backing ourselves on. The japanese curry wed cooked 8 serves on was starting to sour abit but by portaledge standards it was fine. I fixed p5, wanted to free p6 (best 22 at buffalo) but didnt have enough appropriately sized gear so rapped down to do it in the morning. The sleep was again surprisingly decent on the ledge, and it turns out sleeping mats actually arent essential we found out as i lay comfortably while yim laughed and told me to look where my sleeping mat was. I thought it was under me. It was under my feet and 70% hanging off the end of the portaledge. Fuck. Dig heels in, do a sit up, and grab the mat that was all to happy to oblige to the evening breeze that was wishing to claim it as another piece of ozymandian space junk.

Dim 18 Déc 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
25 Ozymandias (free version) - avec Dave Cook
3 25 30 Moulinette

Too wet and scared

4 24 35 En second

Psyched to get this one while removing the wires with a nut tool - calf pump was real!

5 22 30 En second

2 sits, what a wild pitch amazing moves. So cold belaying as the corner went into the shade

6 22 35 En second

Pulled on 2 carrots, mossy, wet and cold tips!

7 19 15 Trad

Needed more #2’s didn’t commit to any run outs

8 14 20 Trad

Wet and mossy, stood on the piton - on route to the trolls toll to the boy soul

9 10 25 En second

Rope got stuck so self belayed! Lost a gate, a small price to pay the toll troll to enter the hole!! Sunshine was welcomed

Trad 190m
Ryan Macpherson
Abseiled into big grassy! 1 shivering night on the ledge, freed 90% despite dogging every pitch other then the 24 and the troll toll hole to sunshine glory. Dave really was the MVP - the power of friendship got this one done! A little above my pay grade but stoked to aim to free this rig with little to no climbing of late

Jeu 17 Mars 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
25 Ozymandias (free version) - avec Tom, Tristan, Duncan Brown, Emily
1 21 25m grimpé en tête par Duncan Brown
3 25 30m
Trad 55m Super classique
Will Vidler
Pretty rad to be down playing on this wall. Not sure how many opportunities i’ll have to try the route whilst working on this film about Duncan with Tristan and Tom for TNF but was cool to have a play as Duncan rested. Seconded pitch one first go which was pretty chill and then did three back to back laps on the 25 pitch. I went up it first to figure it out and fell off a few times, came down to the stance just above the balancy start and climbed from there to the top but figured I should do it properly so lowered back down to the belay and did it pulling the rope through the grigri the whole time which was a bit brutal. Hopefully it feels easier on lead.

Sam 19 Fév 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m
Jonah Bellet
Lun 14 Fév 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
24 Defender Of The Faith Direct Variant - avec danny l Trad 40m Excellent
jack jane
This is an excellent pitch of climbing.

It was brushed feb 2022

Dim 13 Fév 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
20 Defender of the Faith Direct Start - avec benwiessner Trad mixte 50m, 1 Bon
jack jane
Ven 11 Fév 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
20 Defender Of The Faith Variant Finish - avec benwiessner Trad 80m Excellent
jack jane
alternative start is dirty but good.

Sam 15 Jan 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Jacinda
1 M2 25m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
2 M4 35m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
3 M4 40m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
5 M3 35m grimpé en tête par Jacinda
6 M2 30m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
7 M4 37m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
8 M3 30m grimpé en tête par Jacinda
9 10 M2 40m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
10 M3 15m grimpé en tête par Dave OS
Artif 290m Super classique
Dave OS
The plan:

Day 1: Pack, drive to Buffalo, hike to base of route, bivy at base of route.

Day 2: Climb to big grassy, set up portaledge, climb on and fix ropes for next pitches

Day 3: Pack down ledge, climb on. Either topout if moving quickly, or set up ledge at Glenhill bivy and fix ropes beyond.

Optional Day 4: Topout early before weather arrives.

The reality:

Day 1: Pack, drive to Buffalo, repack, start hike in. Realise starting the hike at 8pm in wet conditions with heavy packs was not wise. Bivy at carpark.

Day 2: Hike to base of climb with gear. Start climbing early afternoon. Climb P1 and P2, finish 11pm. Set up ledge at base of route and bivy.

Day 3: Pack up ledge, jug and haul to top of P2. Climb P3 and P4, haul, set up ledge on big grassy. Turns out with portaledges, the fly doesn't go on last. Climb half of P5, get confused about route direction and anchor location in darkness, build trad anchor, fix rope, rap back down to BG. Finish at 11pm.

Day 4: Morning thunderstorm. Lightning less than 1 sec away. Sleep until gear mostly dry. Finish P5, climb P6. Fix ropes and descend to BG. Finish at dusk, huzzah!

Day 5: Pack up ledge, jug to top of P6, haul. Climb P7 (slow). Set up ledge at Gledhill bivy. Bed down before dark, huzzah!

Day 6: Pack up ledge. Poop tube now full and topping out becoming urgent. Climb P8, haul. Link P9 and P10. Topout at 5pm. Haul. Collapse.

Some will look at this and see a pair of amateurs faffing around. And frankly, they wouldn't be entirely wrong. Most of what we did up there, we were doing for the first time. First time setting up a ledge. First time aiding anything other than a bolt ladder. First time using camhooks. First time hauling a pig. First time pooping into a bag while hanging in a harness. My first route at Buffalo! But I would counter that by highlighting that adventure is a function of the possibility of failure. We knew we were operating within our limits. Both of us had the technical and rope skills to finish - or fail - safely. Either of us could have found a more experienced person to drag our sorry hindquarters up the route. And while it might have been fun, less work, less stress, not to mention faster, we would have missed the adventure. In putting ourselves into challenging circumstances, circumstances where failure is a possibility, success is vastly sweeter.

We learnt a lot, and would do a bunch of things differently in future. Having a set of etriers for each person would make cleaning the roof much easier, as well as the jugging. Having food that won't morph into a 3 day zippy bag vinaigrette would be nice. Packing a haul bag so what you want next isn't at the bottom. Study releasable tie-offs for the pig, instead of trying to invent them on the go (Note to self: a slip hitch in a maillon can twist and get stuck). Back cleaning the roofs. Getting more comfy with run-outs on camhooks.

I am incredibly grateful to Jacinda for the trust she showed being willing to undertake such a massive adventure with me! You're a legend.

Mer 5 Jan 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
28 Ozymandias (free version) - avec anthony shilton
1 28 267m
Trad 270m
Chris Snell
Abseiled to Big Grassy from lookout. Fixed the ab rope to belay at the end of pitch 6 (before traverse left) and at nice belay on arête after the corner on pitch 5 on the way down.

Lun 3 Jan 2022 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
21 Bannister's Rush - avec benwiessner Trad 55m Excellent
jack jane
Jeu 30 Déc 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 M4 Ozymandias Direct
1 22 25m
2 M4 35m
3 M4 40m
4 10 8m
5 M3 35m
6 30m
7 2 37m
8 M4 30m
9 M3 40m
10 10 M2 15m
Artif 300m Super classique
Michael Lehmann
Stuck with the Gerard and Haydn after they belayed me on my free attempt at the first 4 pitches. Had a shit sleep at grassy basically hauled bags and sorted logistics as the fellas swung aid leads to the top. Hauling a 3 person pig solo is honest work 😂 they got a good bargain I reckon.

Sam 25 Déc 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
14 M3 14 M3 Defender of the Faith (aid version) Artif 190m Classique
hayden tweedley
Mar 4 Mai 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
Jackson McCutchen
2ish days. Climbed to Big Grassy on the first day and had a fun night in hammocks. Got to the Gledhill bivy mid-arvo and decided we'd rather climb into the night than sit in the hammocks, ended up topping out at about 1:30am. A memorable experience overall!

Mar 27 Avr 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
14 M4 Defender of the Faith (aid version) - avec Bonnie
1 14 M4 40m grimpé en tête par Dane Evans
2 40 grimpé en tête par Dane Evans
3 40 grimpé en tête par Dane Evans
Artif 120m Excellent
Dane Evans
I haven't been this shut down in years. Freed the first to the bolt, then went to aid. Needs a lot of cleaning to go free. Finished P3 in the dark, placing cams by sound, and jumared up the fixed line. A worthwhile exercise, if a little ambitious

Dim 18 Avr 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec brad graham, Lachlan Short Artif 300m Super classique
Michael Lehmann
The most intensive climbing experience I've ever had. It was also my first proper big wall aid climb. It was an absolutely full on adventure! I feel very grateful to have shared in it such good company. We climbed ground up over 3 days in a party of 3 swinging leads. We took 2 hammocks and a small portaledge. Slept at big grassy first night, was a pretty tight bivy at gledhill the second night. We fully realised how slow and unnerving thin micro aiding is. I took a big whip on P2 when an RP and micro cam popped. It felt very committing leading our ropes up the great roof at sunset second day. The sunrise from Gledhill bivy was a definitive highlight. The fang pitch was ludicrously exposed, on par with the great roof. Mega at grade 22. I'd rap down again to climb that pitch! 3 days of consistent logistics was enough to want a break from aiding for a while.

Lun 22 Fév 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct
1 10 M4 25m
2 M4 35m
3 M4 40m
4 10 8m
5 M3 35m
6 30m
7 2 37m
8 M4 30m
9 M3 40m
10 10 M2 15m
Artif 300m Super classique
Markus Spiteri
Jeu 7 Jan 2021 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Rijan
1 M2 25m grimpé en tête par Rijan
2 M4 35m grimpé en tête par Anthony Claxton
3 M4 40m grimpé en tête par Rijan
4 M3 30m grimpé en tête par Rijan
5 M2 30m grimpé en tête par Anthony Claxton
6 M4 37m grimpé en tête par Anthony Claxton
7 M3 30m grimpé en tête par Anthony Claxton
8 10 M2 40m grimpé en tête par Rijan
9 M2 15m grimpé en tête par Anthony Claxton
Artif 280m Super classique
Anthony Claxton
What an adventure. Climbed over 3 days, we had to put a big effort in to get to the top of this one. First aid climb and first time putting all the 'big wall' skills to practice for me. Stayed in the portaledge at big grassy and the gledhill bivy. I think excessive preparation and stoke helped to compensate for the lack of big wall experience to get to the top. In saying that, a lot of lessons were learnt, and there are huge efficiency gains to be made by us. 3 days was the right call for us this time around, but now we know what to expect and have some ideas for better organisation on the wall, 2 days would be achievable next time. By far the most incredible terrain I have ever been in, the exposure was just a completely different level compared to anything I have experience before, and the climb had a pretty serious feel to it. Pre-climb quote - Rijan:"I'm gonna free climb as much as possible to go faster" Post-climb quote: - Anthony: "How'd you go on that 8m grade 10 scramble up to Big Grassy?" - Rijan: "I aided the F*#! out of it!"

Lun 21 Déc 2020 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Raife Gehren Artif 300m Super classique
Alex MacAdam
What an experience. Two day ascent, rap in, hammocks on big grassy. Crux for me definitely above the roof on pitch 6 before Gledhill Bivy. The crack gets very thin with 8m of questionable RPs. Led pitches 2,4,6,8 (counted as linking pitches below big grassy).

Sam 21 Mars 2020 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Dave Burt
1 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
2 grimpé en tête par Nick Roach
3 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
4 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
5 grimpé en tête par Nick Roach
6 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
7 grimpé en tête par Nick Roach
8 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
9 grimpé en tête par Nick Roach
10 grimpé en tête par Dave Burt
Artif 300m Super classique
Nick Roach
Wow, that was extremely difficult and scary, but life-changingly exhilarating! It was great to succeed after being forced to give up after two pitches our previous attempt in May last year. I'm impressed at the speed that some people seem to be able to aid up these pitches; we were very slow in comparison. It took us three and a half days from the base to the lookout.

Thanks so much to Dave Dave for the loan of the ledge and bosun chair and for the beta. We couldn't have done it without those things. Thanks a lot also to Neil Monteith for the loan of the haul bag and some little cams. Thanks to Mungo Skyring for the loan of the black totem cam, it was a lifesaver! And thanks to Dave Burt for being an excellent all-round climbing partner!

Day 1: walked in, climbed pitches 1 and 2, camped on the ground

Day 2: climbed pitches 3-4, 5 and 6. Hauled the bag to big grassy and camped there on a portaledge

Day 3: climbed to the top

It sounds so simple written like that! It was not. I've written all the details in a chockstone trip report here:

Sam 7 Mars 2020 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
C2+ Ozymandias Direct - avec ger nat
1 C1 281m grimpé en tête par Nat
2 C2+ grimpé en tête par davedave
3 C2+ grimpé en tête par davedave
4 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
5 C1+ grimpé en tête par Nat
6 C1 grimpé en tête par Ger
7 C2+ grimpé en tête par davedave
8 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
9 C1+ grimpé en tête par davedave
10 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
Artif 280m Super classique
Yet another OD run, 3p IAD cleanup run (late clean up Ozy-Direct-day), approx 16hrs base-lookout. First wall for nat and ger ! Relatively dry despite the rain this week. Walk in - handlines OK, crystal brook crossing OK. Bit slow on the crux pitches

Getting buzzed by some muppets drone on the roof pitch was a bit of a let down. Classic 2020.

Ven 29 Nov. 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Dave Cook
1 M4 281m grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
2 M4 grimpé en tête par Dave Cook
4 grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
5 grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
6 grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
7 grimpé en tête par Dave Cook
8 grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
9 grimpé en tête par Dave Cook
10 grimpé en tête par Alex Mougenot
Artif 280m Classique
Alex Mougenot
Whaaaaat a bloody awesome experience made all the better by having the best company (in the form of the legendary Dave Cook). Dave has all the juicy details on his ascent, so refer there for the specifics of the day.

We embarked on our journey late in the morn, the sun was high and our excitement helping lift our pack loads filled with 2 days' supplies and gear for the wall. We reached the wall around noon after a few hours' of fun slogging and borrowed 14L of water from the bubbling creek below the wall. (I say borrowed as we returned it over time hehe).

For two days we quested up the wall, armed with gear loaned from dear friends including skyhooks, fifi's, and camhooks, etriers and daisy chains - bizarre tools of the dwindling now-sub-culture of our sport that were once common-place among one's rack. The goal was to free the climb the route free-as-can-be, though this goal fell quickly to simply getting to the top by any means due to the fact that the free climbing was tough, and we were unsure of whether the free line would lead us into territory from which we could not push further. And thus we resorted to delving into the dark arts of aid climbing in which I saw the light. CAM HOOKS AND FIFIS ARE RAD! The beauty of aid climbing for me is the refinement of systems, the technical problem solving of making your way up a wall by mostly means of equipment, and the intricate focus one has with the protection. That being said, I found myself missing the flow, speed and the organic nature of free movement over rock!

Learning the tricks of the trade through doing and without research/practice (on my behalf at least - sorry Dave!), we slowly trudged our way to our Big Grassy bivy at 8pm - one pitch below our day's objective - glad for a warm dinner and comfy first night's sleep on a portaledge where I had my best sleep of the trip!

We rose at sunrise and pushed through to the top, without much drama but a lot of excitement and awe for the position we were in. I gave the final 24 offwidth pitch a free-climbing crack, and got all but once move (with another handful of falls!), then Dave and myself topped out and hauled the haul bag up and slowly trudged back to the carpark, stopping to search for a the creek on the way to drink up as we'd long since returned the rest of our water back to the Gorge!

Perched up high on the steep granite with pitch after pitch of stellar climbing and immaculate rock, the gorge below dropping dramatically, and the sounds of the cascading creek and bird calls filling the space (and muting our climbing calls!), I couldn't help but feel like this must surely be the best route in Australia. The feeling of a yearning to return grew in me up there, and it has continued growing ion the two weeks since. I'll be back!

Again, huge thanks to Dave for doing this with me! Totally smashed the aiding and pulled us through the roof pitch which would have been super scary on lead!!!

Lun 11 Nov. 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
C2+ 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Jemma Herbert Artif 300m Super classique
Yet another OD lap....but still a classic !

Done at about c2+f, 19 (ff p6 ozy orig var). Walk in, 2p IAD. P1, P9 ramp and chimney moist, minimal fixed gear. DD shortfix bloc 1-bg,J- 5,6 (ff), 7-8 shortfix, dd-9,10 (lassoed pinnacle- ramp wet, chimney moist).

12 hrs 10 mins from base of route to topout, just avoiding headlamp use, should be able to shave a few hours off without changing too much.

google doc beta sheet updated rack etc.

Walk in gully a bit moist as usual, but fixed ropes in okish condition. Moderate flow in crystal brook (did cause some communication issues).

Mar 15 Oct. 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Ben Artif 300m
Gee Rad
Glad that's over.

Lead 1, 3+4, 6 (Ozy Original), 8, and 10 over three pretty lazy days.

Août 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 M6 Lord Gumtree
Artif 320m Classique
hayden tweedley
Ven 28 Juin 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Tim and Stan Artif 300m
Rowan Blakers
In an day, in winter.

Jeu 25 Avr 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
hayden tweedley
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Andrew Artif 300m Super classique
Scott Godwin
Second voyage up this amazing wall for me. With Andrew as an introduction to big walling. Felt heaps easier this time. Nothing like the ordeal it was last time. We used a 2:1 system to do all the hauling, which worked brilliantly. I gave Andrew most of the hardest aid pitches. I led p2 and Andrew got p3. We had a rope soloist in front of us. He was already set up on big grassy when we got there, so we bivied on the smaller ledge 10m lower. I freed most of the amazing finger crack p6, with just one rest in the middle, and two aid moves across the bolted face at the top. Bivied second night under the big roof and didn't even notice the rain during the night. Andrew led the roof, then I got the poontooth pitch, and then linked the next two pitches to the top with a fair bit of free climbing.

Mar 23 Avr 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Scott Godwin Artif 300m Classique
Jeu 28 Mars 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Linkup Jok - avec jok
1 C1 grimpé en tête par Chris Jokinen
2 C2+ grimpé en tête par Chris Jokinen
3 C2+ grimpé en tête par davedave
4 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
5 C1+ grimpé en tête par Chris Jokinen
6 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
7 C2+ grimpé en tête par davedave
8 C1 grimpé en tête par davedave
9 C1 grimpé en tête par Chris Jokinen
10 C1 grimpé en tête par Chris Jokinen
Artif 300m Super classique
2p 2D 1N ascent, access DOTF raps, bivy at BG (portaledge).

Jok took whipper of the trip on P2, about 7 pieces up, ripped the black alien having backcleaned a beak after a camhook move, inverted fall to just above belay. Otherwise pretty uneventful trip.

P3 (?crux cheat) tat still in situ.

The old 0.75 X4 is still stuck (walked/overcammed) on the C1/easy free pitch below BG, didn't have a crack at it this time. Linked 3-4 as usual, but hosed myself with ropedrag and shortfixed the last move (Didn't bring enough connectors - brought 8*draws, 15 free biners, bulk single slings, few doubles; would bring ~25 free biners next time as ran short on P3-4, P7).

Took OzyOriginal var (C1) P6 option backcleaning from lower out to belay.

Fixed wire on fang pitch removed, and one of the inverted angle pitons in the first rooflet dropped out under weight of an aid ladder, but pitch still goes easily on standard C1 gear just be wary of the fixed pins (?recent freeze-thaw? - that piton was ok at the beginning of the month).

Back at cars ~2030hrs D2, lovely to get on OD in good weather for the first time (first time on p5 without rain/lightning) and first 2p wall trip. Will have to leave the piggies at home next time.

Sam 9 Mars 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
16 C2+ Ozymandias Direct - avec Match, Rich
1 16 C1+ linkup 16, C1+ 2nd bolt off deck still missing , grimpé en tête par Match
2 C2+ linkup C2+ , grimpé en tête par Rich
3 C2+ linkup C2+ C3-4 linked , grimpé en tête par Rich
4 12 C1 linkup 12, C1 3-4 linked , grimpé en tête par Rich
5 C2 linkup C2 , grimpé en tête par Rich
6 C1 linkup C1 ozy original var , grimpé en tête par davedave
7 C2 linkup C2 , grimpé en tête par Rich
8 C2 linkup C2F - pins in OK condition, other gear is C1 awkward. , grimpé en tête par davedave
9 10 C1+ linkup 10, C1+ , grimpé en tête par Match
10 C1 linkup C1 rope solo , grimpé en tête par davedave
Artif 300m Classique
3p, ?3N 4D? poor weather again. Access walk in.Maybe C2/C3F Ewbank 15 ? Route is in OK condition with minimal fixed gear, and we had a chance to clean up the rubbish at the base a bit. Lost a no 2 (gold) C4.

Mar 5 Mars 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec davedave, Stubbsy Artif 300m Super classique
My first aid climb was quite an exciting one 4 days car to car due to scary thunderstorms! Climbing in a party of 3 defiantly had its challenges like carrying to much gear and one porta ledge without a fly. we slept underneath the great roof on day 3 which was quite cool and Stubbsy took a whip out of the roof in the dark haha

Ven 1 Mars 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct
1 M4 281m
2 M4
10 M3
Artif 280m
Vanessa Wills
Top pitch only for more practice of aiding/ hauling/ setting up ledge

Jeu 17 Jan 2019 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct P1
1 M4 25
Artif 25m Excellent
Daniel Butler
Bailed after pitch one for reasons involving. A logbook tick

Mar 11 Déc 2018 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original Artif 270m Classique
Kieran Chandler
Top pitches are more akin to caving/canyoning than climbing! Love that pig, oink oink!

Lun 10 Déc 2018 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original - avec Jonny, Kieran, Prajot Artif 270m Super classique
1st Aid climb for us all, so much learning, rad adventure, 2 big days, 4 on big grassy overnight was a hammock-extravaganza. What a route - what a ride. I led pitches 2, 5, 7 (incredible journey and position), 9. Jonny led others including linking 3+4 to big grassy.

Sam 10 Nov. 2018 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Defender Of The Faith - avec nick ward Trad 190m Excellent
Lead P1, P2 on sat. Slept on portaledge. Lead P3 Sunday. Then bailed up our fixed line to the top due to our slowness.

Mar 6 Fév 2018 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Defender Of The Faith - avec Josemalene Ruaya Trad 190m
Jacob Bridgeman
Needs 'some' gardening

Mar 16 Mai 2017 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Gus E Artif 300m Classique
Stan Meissner
First proper aid route. Slept on the portaledge on big grassy on the first night, climbed all night on night two. The pitch after the roof is pretty awkward. Roof pitch is so fun! Great value and an Awesome adventure. Lead and hauled all pitches.

Lun 27 Fév 2017 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct - avec Kav Artif 300m Super classique
Philip C
First bigwall sent in 3 days. Thin, technical aid on pitches 2/3 had us wondering what we'd gotten ourselves into. Epic route in an amazing spot!!

Lun 30 Jan 2017 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Excellent
Long hard slog, in a thoroughly beautiful location. Definitely worth doing once, sleeping on the ledge and fighting through.

Sam 28 Jan 2017 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Gavin
1 grimpé en tête par Jacob
2 grimpé en tête par Gavin
3 grimpé en tête par Jacob
4 grimpé en tête par Jacob
5 grimpé en tête par Gavin
6 grimpé en tête par Jacob
7 grimpé en tête par Gavin
8 grimpé en tête par Jacob
9 grimpé en tête par Gavin
10 grimpé en tête par Jacob
Artif 300m Super classique
Jacob Bridgeman
3 days

Mar 20 Déc 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Laura Artif 300m Super classique
Scott Godwin
Ultraclassic. What an excellent adventure! We spent two nights on the wall. Rapped in first day, started climbing around lunchtime. Got to Big Grassy just on dark. Climbed to Gledhill bivi the next day, Laura got stuck under the roof for a while when her jumar jammed against a piece of gear. Day three, got shat on by a thunderstorm while climbing the upper pitches. Had to use the haul line to lasso the little pinnacle at the top of the mandatory slab climbing on pitch 9 because the slab was so wet and muddy that I couldn't free climb it.

Dim 7 Août 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original - avec Tim Artif 270m
Rowan Blakers
Ven 5 Août 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original - avec Rowan Blakers Artif 270m Super classique
Great day out on a glorious winters day. 14 hrs car to car.

Jeu 7 Avr 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
Rene Provis
What an amazing route! Fearing rumours that big grassy is not so grassy after all we fixed first half on day one, slept on the ground, then jugged and topped out just on dusk on day 2. Two ropes (1x60m and 1x70m) were plenty to fix from big grassy to the ground. My first aid route, I led pitches 1, 5, 6, half of 9 and 10 (linking top half of 9 with 10). Dan led crux pitches 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8 (linking 3 and 4). Lots of small wires, RPs, offset peanuts and two cam hooks were really useful on this route. Would be amazing to get the systems dialed and be able to aid the whole route in a single day!

Dim 3 Avr 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Michael Mate Artif 300m Super classique
Alastair McDowell
Awesome adventure. 2 days, managed to fix one pitch above big grassy on day 1, and finished before dark on day 2. We went out right after the roof for the Holden Caulfield variation, some bolts are blown/missing so some spicy moments just before topping out!

Dim 27 Mars 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Alastair McDowell Artif 300m Super classique
Mick Mate
From Googling "What is Aid Climbing" to topping out on the Ozy Summit in 10 days, for me was the mother of all epic adventures. 2 days, slept on big grassy which al describes as being neither big nor grassy. Thanks to Alastair Mcdowell for leading me up. After the Great Roof we accidently veered right and did the Holden Caulfield Variation and things got a bit thin, but that just added to the adventure. WOW.

Ven 25 Mars 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec ben, hener Artif 300m Super classique
Max Lopez
2 1/2days of fear, bliss and smack talk. Get on it and bounce test everything:)

Mar 1 Mars 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
21 Bannister's Rush Trad 55m
M4 14 M4 Ozymandias Original Artif 270m
Jeu 7 Jan 2016 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original - avec Brenton Georgiades Artif 270m Super classique
Brenton Georgiades
Awesome climb. Pitch 9+10 are a maze. It's worth hauling from pitch 9s belay straight up the face to save dragging the bag through the chimneys.

Dim 15 Mars 2015 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Matt J Artif 300m
Rowan Blakers
Lead P1, 3, 4, 7, 10

Dim 8 Fév 2015 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
24 Arch Rivals - avec Goshen Watts Trad 95m Excellent
Paul Frothy Thomson
Definately a mixed-bag adventure. P1 - O/S, okay climbing up a left leaning corner crack, but extremely mossy, dirty and vegetated. P2 - 2nd Clean, balancy and techy off belay, hard flared crack to stance, and sustained technical jamming to the belay. A bit dirty but still climbable. P3 - Dog, one BIG fall between last 2 bolts on committing steep layback. Very spaced bolts and gear. Consistant, sustained and varied climbing on this looong wandery pitch. Balancy and mossy towards the top.

Lun 19 Jan 2015 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
A2 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
Gareth Llewellin
As good as it gets, for Australia at least. with Jess. Third time up the wall, first time sleeping on big grassy. Not uber comfortable

Jeu 15 Jan 2015 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec m webb Artif 300m Super classique
Rhys P
Camped one night at the base and one at big grassy. A must for anyone interested in aiding mega classics.

Ven 18 Avr 2014 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
Coupleux Stephane
Sam 1 Mars 2014 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct - avec Mike Barnes Artif 300m Super classique
Cameron Roy
Super awesome. First big wall. Day 1 fixed to big grassy, rapped and slept at base. Day 2 climbed to Gledhill Bivvy, rapped and slept at big grassy. Day 3 climbed to the top, and got saturated by a storm. If I was doing it again I would spend 2 nights at BG.

A hammock made BG MUCH better. BG sleeps 1 on the "ledge." Excellent position for a hammock (bolts on both sides of the corner.)

Mar 18 Fév 2014 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 M6 Lord Gumtree - avec Phil
1 M2 grimpé en tête par Me
2 M3 grimpé en tête par Me
3 M4 grimpé en tête par me
Artif 320m Excellent
Mike Poore
Awesome route for first time aid excursion. The third pitch was heavily vegetated and crazy and I enjoyed every second. We retreated due to my dehydration/cramping and approaching thunderstorm...

Mar 26 Nov. 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Defender Of The Faith Trad 190m Excellent
First time aid climbing and actually the first time weighting trad gear! Lead the 2nd half of pitch two and freed the final two pitches. An excellent 2 day affair!

Lun 25 Nov. 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
20 M5 Defender Of The Faith Trad 190m Classique
Grade V Goodness. So epic, so amazing.

Defender Of The Faith Trad 190m Classique
Sam May
Aided over two days. First grade V. An adventure!

Ven 2 Août 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original Artif 270m
Amazing route following a gorgeous line. Led the fifth and seventh pitches. Topped out in a slushy snowstorm and proper winter conditions. Next on the cards Ozy Direct.

Mar 23 Avr 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Original Artif 270m Super classique
Steve Kloske
A little bit mental in the rain.

Ven 29 Mars 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
10 M4 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m
Mer 16 Jan 2013 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
14 M4 Ozymandias Artif 270m
Stephen Varney
Ven 1 Août 2008 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 14 M4 Ozymandias Original Artif 270m
David Webb
Mar 4 Déc 2007 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Super classique
duanne white
Sam 10 Fév 2007 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct (Ozymandias Direct Finish) Artif 300m Classique
Luke Goldston
Very sustained - harder than I thought it would be. Technical aiding, awesome exposure. 2 days.

Sam 1 Avr 2006 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Classique
Jeremy Goble
With Simon

Mar 1 Mars 2005 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Classique
Anthony Morgan
2005 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Classique
Anthony Morgan
Lun 15 Nov. 2004 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Super classique
Cheryl Woods

Lun 1 Nov. 2004 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Knocking On Heavens Door Artif 110m Pas la peine
Anthony Morgan
Mar 9 Mars 2004 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 14 M4 Ozymandias Original (Ozymandias) Artif 270m Super classique
chris fitzgerald
yeah baby 12h 15 min !!!

Sam 14 Fév 2004 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
20 Straight Edge P2 - avec Bob Cowan
Non-défini 160m
Mar 16 Déc 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
22 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct (Ozymandias Direct Finish) Artif 300m Super classique
chris fitzgerald
love those big walls!!!!

Jeu 11 Déc 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Copperhead Road Artif 55m Super classique
Gareth Llewellin
Very impressive climbing! Took ten hours to lead!! Intricate and absorbing.

Lun 1 Déc 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Classique
Gemma Woldendorp
An amazing experience for my second ever time aiding. Done over 3 days.

22 10 M4 Ozymandias Direct (Ozymandias Direct Finish) Artif 300m Super classique
Natasha Sebire
well worth the effort!

Sam 1 Nov. 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Super classique
Macciza a.k.a. Macca
Hot Rockin It

Mar 15 Avr 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m
David Webb
Dim 13 Avr 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m
David Webb
Lun 20 Jan 2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m
2003 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Classique
Dan wilde
Ven 2 Fév 2001 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
21 Bannister's Rush - avec Bob and John Trad 55m Excellent
oug doug
Ven 8 Déc 2000 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 14 M4 Ozymandias Original Artif 270m
Klaus Klein
Mer 8 Mars 2000 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Super classique
Gareth Llewellin
My first wall (and wall bivi, on ledges under roof)!! Woohoo

Sam 5 Fév 2000 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Bon
Tony Williams
led all pitches

Ven 7 Jan 2000 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 Ozymandias Artif 270m Super classique
Stuart McElroy
Led all pitches - 2 day ascent with Cate

Ozymandias Original Artif 270m Super classique
Stuart McElroy
With Cate - 6-7 Jan 2000.

2000 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
29 14 M4 Ozymandias Original (Ozymandias) Artif 270m Super classique
Aaron Jones
Two days

Mar 1 Déc 1998 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Classique
Rob Baker
Jeu 1 Mai 1997 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Knocking On Heavens Door Artif 110m Excellent
freezing bloody adventure that was!!!

Mer 12 Fév 1997 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Finish Artif 300m Super classique
Mark Wood
1989 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m Super classique
Adrian Ridgley
Needed a hammer in 1989 and was still M4/M5. Did it hammerless in 2003 to roof and was much easier.

1980 - Mount Buffalo
The Gorge - North Side North Wall
M4 Ozymandias Direct Artif 300m
Michael Moore

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 133 ascensions.

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