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Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
5.10a The Hulk

Climbs up a short bit of slab to a vertical wall with green streaks and bolts. Up the face to a right facing corner/chimney right of a high roof, then finishes a bit left.

Try not to be lured off route by the chalk and crumbly jugs on the far left under the roof. Stay true to the bolt line for the full experience - and grade.

运动攀岩 16m, 6 Calabogie
5.7 Stage Right

The right set of bolts up this face. If climbed directly over the bolts, goes about 5.7 -- but can be climbed at about 5.5 by drifting a bit off line either right or left into larger holds.

This now (fall 2012) has a chunk of rock at the bottom labelling it as "Stage Right 5.8 S".

运动攀岩 13m, 4 Calabogie
5.12a Trucutrú Love

Shares start with "Porn Star Obsession" but trends right. Used to be 11c, but a loose block was trundled making it much harder at the crux.

运动攀岩 25m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11c Alien Tufa

The perfect warm-up, super nice climbing on mostly good holds.

运动攀岩 28m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.8 Diedre
1 5.7 50m
2 5.6 20m
3 5.8 40m
4 5.8 35m
5 5.7 40m
6 5.8 35m

自由首攀: Bob Woodsworth & Glenn Woodsworth, 1962

首攀: Jim Baldwin & Jim Sinclair, 1962

传统攀登 220m, 6 Squamish
5.11c La Cumpleañera

Con bandas permanentes. Empieza por un boulder a una repisa y después a la pared desplomada. Muy divertida, calentamiento oficial. Tiene extensión 5.12a, armada por Aaron Jelt.


Follow the permadraws. Climb over a large boulder in the wall to pockets above. Super fun, official warm-up. With extension 5.12a, bolted by Aaron Jelt.


首攀: Karl Guthrie, 20 9月 2017

运动攀岩 18m, 10 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.10a Hakuna-Matata

The bolt line right of "Moje Zlato", climb the face and over the small roof.

The historically run-out (though with a clean fall) finish has, apparently, now had a bolt installed to protect it, above the crack in which the (historical, optional) piece would have been placed.

(Finish was a bit run-out, but can be protected with an (optional) piece in the horizontal finger crack. The block below the crack is hollow and a fall on gear could dislodge it.)

Anchor is in a big detached block.

首攀: Ken Flagg & Petra Slivka, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 5 Calabogie
5.10a Moon Jumper

Ruta divertida, buenos agarres de dedos.

定线/开线: Arturo Martinez

运动攀岩 10m, 7 La Huasteca
5.9 Veinte Años Despues

12 bolts + 2 reunión con permanentes (08/22)

"Veinte años después" es un diedro. Es buena ruta para principiantes.

首攀: Paco Medina

运动攀岩 30m, 12 La Huasteca
5.11d El Tecolotito

Starts on the big separated block and continues on the head wall. Rebolted with glue ins November 2015.

Record de tiempo protegiendo cada una de las bandas: 2:00 David Ramiro Zúñiga

自由首攀: Luiz Carlos "Mac" Gracia, 1999

运动攀岩 26m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.5 G Horseman

首攀: Hans Kraus & Fritz Wiessner

传统攀登 46m, 2 Shawangunks
5.9 Desert Trip

Climb a short face to a short slab to a bulge. Pull the bulge/roof to a ledge to the right. Then up and left over another bulge, then right to the anchors.

首攀: 2016

运动攀岩 15m, 6 Calabogie
5.10c Sausages

Probably the most climbed-on route at Down Under, often used as a warm-up. Below and to the right of the small cave at the top is an interesting no-hands rest.

运动攀岩 12m, 5 Eardley Escarpment
5.8 Tree Hugger

Climbs over the same roof as Desert Trip to its right, with more consistent but easier climbing.

运动攀岩 16m, 6 Calabogie
5.9 Penny Lane

Follow the nice finger crack that widens large hands at the top.

Belay the second from the top.

Either walk down or rappel down "Crime of the Century"

自由首攀: Anders Ourom & John Arts, 1978

传统攀登 30m Squamish
5.10a Mojito

14 bolts + 2 permanent lower-offs (may '22)

A very well bolted line on the climbtech hangers. Follow the weakness to the top of the buttress. Please be careful when on ledges for loose pebbles.

Start 5 feet left of cuba libre and follow the steel up the grey face to obvious side pull blocks at the 4th bolt.

定线/开线: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

首攀: Ulric Rousseau & Paul Brenner, 2013

运动攀岩 24m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.7 A0 Royal Arches Route

An exceptionally popular easy route up the central buttress between the two arch features. For such a popular route the climbing isn't actually that great, with lots of rambly 4th class pitches to start, an unavoidable aid move, and some mungy bits as well. The climb is also quite linear, especially up high, so passing slower parties or climbing parallel to them isn't particularly easy.

  1. 5.6 100ft Chimney. There are several variant starts, most of which are better than this pitch.

  2. 5.4 200ft Walk right along ledge to short crack (5.4).

  3. 4th 200ft Continue right along ledge.

  4. 5.6 100ft Crack on face.

  5. 3rd 200ft Continue right along ledge until it ends.

  6. 5.6 or 5.7 100ft Up cracks (5.7), or the exposed corner further right (5.6) to dead pine tree (lots of belay options).

  7. 5.6 150ft Up cracks and blocks (optional belay) then up sandy pin-scarred groove.

  8. 5.6 100ft Sustained jamming to tree.

  9. 5.6 100ft Easy offwidth trench to lovely cracks.

  10. 5.4 100ft Blocks to A0 pendulum (goes free at 5.10c - slick water polished slab). Move left along ledge system to base of next corner.

  11. 5.7 100ft Flake and tree, then step left around major arete.

  12. 5.6 165ft 2 corners to belay at tree.

  13. 5.5 100ft Angle up and left with tricky pro.

  14. 4th 100ft Continue angling up and left on slab to rappel bolts. The rappel route starts here.

  15. 5.4 150ft Exposed horizontal slabbing left to trees. Rim is 300ft above here.

传统攀登 430m, 15 Yosemite National Park
5.11a/b Justified

Starts on the right side of the big boulder (4 bolts, 3 behind the block), then sketchy move to get to the wall. If you go straight the grade is 5.11b+, but if at the crux you go left then it is a 5.11a.

定线/开线: Ulric Rousseau, 1月 2016

运动攀岩 21m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.6 Fogged Up

Now (spring 2017) cleaned & bolted as a sport route, with a label stone as "Too Many Puppies 5.8S" - was graded 5.4 in the 80s as a trad route.

Start 5m to the right of a small cairn (yeah, right, like it's still there) and at the base of a steep slab facing right, 75m past the start of "First Flight". A short face leads to the base of the slab. Follow the slab to the top, generally keeping to its left edge, bypassing a cedar. The crux move involves stepping left onto a bulge (6m above the base of the slab) while using a horizontal break for a hand jam.

首攀: M Buck & J Hayding, 1984

运动攀岩 16m, 5 Calabogie
5.8 Stage Left

About 100m right of Calabogie Sunset you will come around a bit of a corner to an easy-angled face with a couple bolt lines up it.

This now (fall, 2012) has a plaque at the bottom labelling it as "Stage Left 5.9".

This is the left-most of the two bolt lines. The first bolt is a bit high, so a placement before this bolt could help, though the climbing is also fairly easy. Crack has been retro-bolted with FA permission.

运动攀岩 13m, 5 Calabogie
5.9 Moje Zlato

There are a pair of bolted lines up a left-facing wall, this is the left-most of the two of them.

This goes at about 5.9 if you stay on the face the bolts are on, but somewhat easier if you move into the corner to the left. Probably about 5.7 if climbed to the left.

首攀: 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 5 Calabogie
5.6 G High Exposure

首攀: Hans Krauss & Fritz Wiessner †, 1941

传统攀登 70m, 2 Shawangunks
5.5 G Jackie
1 5.5 G
2 5.3 G
传统攀登 40m Shawangunks
5.9 Boulder Dash

Climb easily to a high first bolt, then follow the glue-ins past a couple small roofs using a sharp arete.

Name-stone at base.

运动攀岩 15m, 5 Calabogie
5.7 R Snake Dike

Bolts replaced in 1992.

自由首攀: Eric Beck, Jim Bridwell & Chris Fredericks, 1965

传统攀登 550m, 8 Yosemite National Park
5.11b Semana Baja

Esta ruta es muy clásica y es de las mas escaladas en esta pared. Es muy cortita y es buena para calentar.

首攀: Paco Medina

运动攀岩 15m, 8 La Huasteca
5.8 The Nutcracker Suite

自由首攀: Royal Robbins & Liz Robbins, 1967

传统攀登 180m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.8 Calculus Crack
1 5.7
2 5.8
3 5.6
4 5.8
5 5.7
6 5.0

First two pitches can be done through the trees if starting on the right hand side or do Calculus Direct and start in Pitch 3 of Calculus Crack route;

  1. Start as for St Vitus' Dance to tree belay in ledge

  2. Keep going up through the trees with a hard move right of the ledge 3)Step left into two bolt anchor so you get belayed with no rope drag, and follow the double crag until gets steep, step left and build gear belay small ledge at the start of finger crack, long pitch 50m

  3. Climb the finger crack with solid finger locks and solid gear, a few more meters of easier climbing and build belay at start of next steep ramp

  4. Continue up the crag and keep going up until the angle eases into an easy slab and angle right to a two bolt belay 6)Keep going up through easy terrain to the ledge, we did it unroped or possible to combine with previous pitch just continue going up until you reach the trees and memorial ledge

传统攀登 150m, 6 Squamish
5.10b Estrellita
1 5.9
2 5.9
3 5.9
4 5.8
5 Class 3
6 5.5
7 5.6
8 5.10a
9 5.9
10 5.10b
11 5.10a
12 5.7

This is the classic long, easy, multi-pitch climb at El Potrero Chico. The climbing is never sustained at harder than 5.9, and the hardest section of 5.10b can be avoided by going up 5.7 jugs slightly off route. And it finishes at a lovely summit, often wind blown, with great views and a lone palm tree.

There is, also, a handy name plate riveted to the rock at the start of this climb, making it easy to find. The climb is part way up from the carved out "smooth rock stairs" about ~30m from the base on the left side of the canyon (pretty close to the base). Starts in a left facing corner.

Rarely climbed in any of the 5.11 variations, just isn't classic at this level.

Hard variations are: Pitch 3. (5.11b) Go straight up (rather than angling rightwards), then traverse right to the anchor. Pitch 4. (5.11a) Go straight up, rather than left traverse.

  1. (5.9) Find the name plate, and follow the bolts upwards.

  2. (5.9) More bolts.

  3. (5.9) Left from the anchor, then trend rightwards. (Straight up instead of rightwards is the 5.11b variation.)

  4. (5.8) Traverse leftwards, around the corner, then up and right again. (straight up is the 5.11a variation)

  5. (3rd class) Follow the fixed rope then right. Do not climb past 5th pitch unless committed to finishing -- rapping the upper pitches will endanger any climbers that might be below.

  6. (5.5) Wander up the gentle slab until you (finally) spot a bolt.

  7. (5.6) Keep going up the ramp.

  8. (5.10a) Bolts, watching for a turn left and up.

  9. (5.9) Bolts.

  10. (5.10b, 5.9+ if you skip the crux by using jugs to the right of the line) Bolts.

  11. (5.10a) Bolts.

  12. (5.7) Up the chimney.

Linking pitch 3 & 4 can cause awful rope drag. Linking 6 & 7 needs a 70m rope or simul-climbing by belayer on easy (5.0) terrain.

Descent: descend the fixed rope to the first rappel anchor. Do 5 rappels off the back side, watching for guiding arrows. You will be rappelling over a small ravine to a ridge, then down into the Los Lobos canyon. Walk down the canyon.

首攀: Ed Wright, Craig McCrudden & Ismael Garza - 2000

运动攀岩 370m, 12, 12 El Potrero Chico
5.4 Bunny

首攀: Ann Church & Kris Raubenheimer, 1955

传统攀登 43m Shawangunks
5.10a Cuba Libre

Permadraws at anchor (nov'22).

Climb the "horn". Anchor on the head wall next to the big horn.

运动攀岩 31m, 15 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.10a Zoë

首攀: Glenn, Glenn Payan & Jeff Thomson, 1998

运动攀岩 25m, 7 Squamish
5.12c Hijo de perra

Starts just right of Honey Bear with a crux up high. Permadraws starting at bolt 4 on a clean face with tufas.First bolted winter 2001 and rebolted with glue November 2015.

首攀: Paul Irby & James Cruikshank, 2001

运动攀岩 20m, 9 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.7 Banana Peel
1 5.4 25m
2 5.0 30m
3 5.5 15m
4 5.7 30m
5 5.4 15m
6 5.7 30m
7 5.4 50m
8 5.4 50m

220m. A generally easy and un-sustained, but sometimes run-out climb across and up the Apron.

  1. (5.4, 20-30m) Climb easy but unprotected slab to a horizontal break, then traverse right until a pair of birch trees.

  2. (5.easy, 30m) Continue right along the horizontal break, slightly up then curving back down until a stand of trees.

  3. (5.5 R, 15m) Stem up a tree, then step onto a slab. Friction up the unprotected slab to more trees.

  4. (5.7, 30m) Climb unprotected slab above the trees towards trending leftwards, then step right to a bolt. Pull a couple 5.7 moves past the bolt, then more unprotected slab left to a corner. Surmount the corner and bulge above, then traverse up and left to trees.

  5. (5.4, 15m) Move left to an obvious flake then up into a groove. Make a gear belay.

  6. (5.7, 30m) Pull up onto the slab right of the belay and angle up and right on un-protected slab to into a corner, follow this for a bit, then left and up to trees.

  7. (5.4 50m) Climb up into a water runnel; follow this and obvious cracks until you find a stance with small gear behind a flake and belay.

  8. (5.4 50m) Continue up the flake above past a detached piece of slab, then up the easier slab to the trees.

首攀: Dan Tate & Barry Hagen, 1965

传统攀登 250m, 8 Squamish
5.6 Frog's Head

首攀: Lorens Logan & Fritz Wiessner †

传统攀登 52m Shawangunks
5.7 Karma Points

Start up a blocky corner with big holds. After clipping the first bolt, step left onto a right-facing slab. At the top of the slab, climb a steeper face on good holds, them move right to the anchor.

Good climbing throughout.

运动攀岩 13m, 5 Calabogie
5.8 Mr Clean

In the lower part of the cliff there is a nearly vertical about 9" wide pink dike that protrudes out from the rest of the cliff by an inch or two, and a bolt line running up it.

Mr Clean climbs the dike, and face above, to anchors.

首攀: B. Winsborrow, 1992

运动攀岩 16m, 5 Eardley Escarpment
5.10d Mundito

short route.

Ruta corta con inicio cruxoso y sobado.

首攀: Americo Gaytan

运动攀岩 10m, 6 La Huasteca
5.7 Burgers and Fries

首攀: Jim Manuel, Ed Spat & Brian Denhertog, 1979

传统攀登 25m Squamish
5.3 Three Pines

首攀: Hans Kraus, Roger Wolcott & Del Wilde, 1941

传统攀登 61m Shawangunks
5.10a Como tu mamá

Obvious roof with a big hole on it.

定线/开线: Miguel Guerra

首攀: Miguel Guerra

运动攀岩 14m, 8 La Huasteca
5.9 Star Chek
1 5.7
2 5.7
3 5.9

Climb up the ramp out of the gorge, staying along the arete. Nice climbing with beautiful views.

P1. 5.7 20m, 4 bolts

P2. 5.7 45m, 8 bolts (don't stop at the first anchor -- this is just an intermediate rap station)

P3. 5.9 20m, 4 bolts

Pitch 3 Variation: 5.10c climbs to the left, around the corner, to the same upper belay location.

NOTE: The trail from the car park IS the way to go as per the update on Quickdraw Publications. Its is a well maintained trail with just a shitty move on scree slope but totally safe, much quicker than walking the same distance and then raping. If for whatever mysterious reason you want to rap, the rap station is 5 meter left of the chains from top of start check as per pic below. Can be done in 2 raps with a 70m rope or 3 with a 60m. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD PEOPLE RAP THE ROUTE extremely likely that someone is climbing it and you will be on their way, rock fall possible from the top, and its 4 raps instead of 3 if you chose the rap station

定线/开线: Ron Goldstone, 1994

首攀: Sig Isaak & Kevin McLane (Ron Goldstone), 1995

运动攀岩 85m, 3, 16 Cheakamus Canyon
5.10a Flying Circus

首攀: Dick Mitten & Dave Lane, 1977

传统攀登 25m Squamish
5.10d La Papita

El proyecto principiante por excelencia de pericos, se dice que si encadenas la papita ya puedes decir que eres intermedio.


运动攀岩 14m, 8 Los Pericos
5.10a Para Siempre

Ruta para principiantes, sostenida y divertida. For beginners, fun and sustained

定线/开线: Américo Gaytán

运动攀岩 33m, 10 La Huasteca
5.11d Body Groovin'

Starts on top of the "middle flake" and finishes with the nice grey tufa. The classic warm-up with great moves on solid stone.

运动攀岩 28m, 11 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.6 Rhododendron

This classic route is short but sweet. It offers great hand crack action while still having plenty of face holds for the non-crack-initiated (great learning spot!). Bolted anchors easily accessed via the Dirty Chimney.

首攀: Dick Bonker & George Lewis

传统攀登 24m Shawangunks
5.9 Rosca de Reyes
运动攀岩 28m, 9 La Huasteca
5.7 PG13 Double Cross

Warning: The first 20 feet of this climb offers tricky protection and have sent many an unprepared climber to hospital.

传统攀登 30m Joshua Tree National Park
5.8 Five Gallon Buckets

首攀: Tom Heins & Ryan Palfree, 1991

运动攀岩 25m, 7 Smith Rock State Park
5.7 Wisecrack

首攀: Barry Wiseman, Bob Wilson & Terry Spurell, 1980

传统攀登 25m Squamish
5.3 Ground Zero

The middle bolt line up the cliff.

Formerly an X trad route, now a very closely bolted sport route. This is a good lead for a beginning lead climber.

首攀: M Edwards & PK Leugn, 1983

运动攀岩 25m, 10 Eardley Escarpment
5.12a Culo de la Negra

One of the first routes on Las Animas.Classic.

定线/开线: ArthuroMartinez, PacoMedina, Alejandro & AlejandroPatino

运动攀岩 25m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.10d Tampon Applicator

The crux is at the roof, the 3rd bolt. Beneath the roof is a nice finger pocket for the left hand and then a nice layback for the right. Just above the roof line is a good right hand and then fire up and to the right of the 3rd bolt by a couple feet for a very good jug.

Name stone at base suggests grade is 5.11a.

运动攀岩 13m, 5 Calabogie
5.8 Quarryman

Protecting the boulder at the bottom is a good idea. Nice mellow climbing to a vertical section heading left into a great crack to the anchors. Good protection

首攀: Robin Barley & Chuck Mullard, 1981

传统攀登 25m Squamish
5.9 La Vecina

Has a metal plate with the name on it. Tiene placa de metal con el nombre.

really fun moves, lots of footholds. movimientos divertidos, muchas pisaderas.

定线/开线: Cesar Jackie

运动攀岩 30m, 13 La Huasteca
5.7 Pull Up

From 'Flaky Flake', walk left along the cliff face, up and over a pile of scree then down again. There will be a slab with a wide zig-zagging crack going up to a ledge about 3m off the ground, with a small overhang about 1.5m above the ledge and a first bolt just above the overhang. Crux is pulling over the overhang, much harder if you are shorter than about 5'8". Then nice climbing up past 3 more bolts to a 2-bolt anchor.

运动攀岩 18m, 5 Calabogie
5.8 El Güey del Jeep

Left most climb on south facing wall

自由首攀: Miguel Guerra

首攀: Miguel Guerra

定线/开线: Miguel Guerra

运动攀岩 15m, 7 La Huasteca
5.8 Bishop's Terrace
  1. 100' (5.7) Up the finger crack making your way up to the obvious hand crack. Gear belay (pro 1"-1.5"). A large flake takes a nice sling but puts you in a semi hanging belay.

  2. 80' (5.8) Follow the awesome hand crack up to the dual crack system, move to the righthand system to finish out.

Pro to 4". 60m rap. This can be done as one long pitch.

首攀: Russ Warne, Dave McFadden & Steve Roper, 1959

自由首攀: Chuck Pratt & Herb Swedlund, 1960

传统攀登 55m, 2 Yosemite National Park
5.9 Queso Vais

定线/开线: Daniel de la Fuente

运动攀岩 28m, 9 La Huasteca
5.8 Skywalker
1 5.7 30m
2 5.8 25m
3 5.7 30m
4 5.6 20m
5 5.4 30m

Bolted belay stations! A classic moderate that you can add some flare to if you want!

To the right of Magic Carpet Ride, you'll find the very obvious clean start.

  1. Start on some good slabby edges up past a bolt, gain the crack and move right. Bolt-protected slab traverse gets you to the first belay station.

  2. 5.8 a classic corner with an optional 5.10 variation. The variation has a mild runout on the first tenuous moves.

  3. Ascend a nice and easy right-leaning crack system with a kicker at the end.

  4. An easy pitch but the main reason people climb this route - fantastic views as you traverse the slab beside a good roof.

  5. A short pull gains the upper slab and a quick walk past 3 bolts finds the top anchor.

Walk off to climber's right.

PDF Topo by Jeremy Frimer

首攀: Jeremy Frimer & friends, 2011

混合传统攀岩 140m, 5, 6 Squamish
5.11d Tu Felicidad

Starts on the right side inside the cave and leads out to an anchor just next to the big tufa.

运动攀岩 20m, 7 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11a Paseo Escolar

Climbing through hidden jugs on a steep wall, a lot harder than it looks. The leftmost route on the wall. This is actually one of the worst routes on this wall, despite its popularity. If it is your first time here and looking for something easy, better try Chukrut, it is a lot friendlier and fun.

首攀: Lu Ramirez

运动攀岩 9m, 5 Guadalcázar
5.6 Neruda

The obvious twisting off-width crack to the right of the cave. Anchors.

The grade has inspired much debate.

首攀: J. Cotter & R. Halka, 1983

传统攀登 8m Eardley Escarpment
5.8 Mosquito

Solid 5.8.

Climb the finger-to-hand layback crack through a bulge to easier climbing above.

首攀: Jim Campbell & Alun Hughes, 1980

传统攀登 25m Squamish
5.4 Route B

Start below the large thin flake. (It feels really solid, but I wouldn't put pro under it, it is large and thin.) Follow the obvious large crack to 2 bolts for anchors.

Takes protection really easily -- a good route for a first trad lead.

传统攀登 10m Eardley Escarpment
5.10a El Chacal y la Piernuda

Este es el comienzo de un Multilargo de tres pitches, el cual no tiene nombre. Después del primer pitch, es una ruta bastante abandonada, llena de piedra suelta y mucho arbusto espinoso. Esta muy interesante como vas escalando por el filo de la montaña, con muchos balcones para descansar. Todos los pitches son 10a, con muy buenos agarres. Estaría bien limpiar la ruta, ya que es una muy buena opción para un multi para principiantes. Bajas usando las cadenas de “La Hiedra”, ya que acaban en el mismo lugar.

定线/开线: Daniel de la Fuente

运动攀岩 85m, 3, 11 La Huasteca
5.10c City Folk

Suggested grades have ranged from 10a to 11a on this equivocal route. At odds are the bolt line and the obvious path of least resistance left of the roof. 10c seems an honest compromise between the two, but every step farther left probably drops the route a letter grade.

首攀: Ken Flagg, 2016

运动攀岩 16m, 7 Calabogie
5.11a Chukrut

A bouldery start leads to large jugs to the top.

运动攀岩 10m, 6 Guadalcázar
5.8 Octopus' Garden in the Shade

自由首攀: Dean Hart

首攀: Ray Parker, 1982

传统攀登 20m Squamish
5.7 Eagle's Nest

This newly bolted slab climb could top out onto Eagles Nest lookout. Hike up the slope past 'Coward's Way Out' and find the slab with glue in bolts on the left just where the trail levels off. The first 18 meters of this climb goes at about 5.5, maybe easier if you stay closer to the corner with one committing move to get to the anchor.

Not 100% sure who set this, so a few more assents to confirm the grade would be appreciated. Also to add a name by the FA.

首攀: unknown

运动攀岩 20m, 10 Calabogie
V0 Gateway Arete

Sit start from the two sloping crimps under the arete. Climb up the arete.

攀石 3m Calabogie
5.7 Laurel

Well deservedly popular route. Crack starts as fingers, grows to fists by the end. Footholds at the bottom are very polished, and the opening moves bouldery. The gear placement is great, the moves are nice, it's easy enough for newbies to try and hard enough for experienced folk to enjoy. Short, but hits the sweet spot. Bolted anchors can be easily accessed via the dirty chimney.

首攀: Thornton Read, Norton Smithe & Lester Germer

传统攀登 15m Shawangunks
V2 The Gate

Stiff for the grade, start low and follow crimps and rails to top.

See the beta here: https://youtu.be/1Hn-1I4SOoA

攀石 3m Calabogie
5.10d Sal de mí

Face climbing on cool pebbles.

运动攀岩 20m, 8 Jilotepec
5.6 Ain't no wifey

About 20m past Shanti, glue-in bolts up a slab with a small tree at the base.

Plaque labelling it as "Aint No Wifey 5.8 S", but grade is no harder than 5.6.

首攀: Petra Slivka, 2016

运动攀岩 12m, 4 Calabogie
5.9 Queso Plais

定线/开线: Daniel de la Fuente

运动攀岩 30m, 11 La Huasteca
5.11c Happy Hour

7 + Reunión con mosquetones permanentes

Grieta corta de color naranja y con agarres muy peculiares. Súper clásica.


7 + Anchor with permanent lower-offs

Short orange crack with very peculiar holds. Must do!

定线/开线: Alex Catlin

运动攀岩 15m, 7 La Huasteca
5.10c Twister

定线/开线: El Mudo

运动攀岩 14m, 10 La Huasteca
5.12b Honey Bear

Technical and slightly overhanging line on the face that follows a sweeping flake and then a series of tufas. First bolted gound up in 2001 but rebolted with glue November 2015.

首攀: James Cruikshank/Jay Foley, 2001

运动攀岩 20m, 16 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy

One of the best 5.9 routes in the Valley! This stunning route can be identified by the twin crack system of the second pitch just left of the bear bins. Amazing climbing. Most parties rap at the top of the 5th pitch using double ropes. A 70m rope will need to be extended to reach on the first rap (top of 5th pitch).

首攀: Jim Bridwell et al., 1973

传统攀登 170m, 5 Yosemite National Park
5.7 Cheat Stick

A few meters right of "Ain't no wifey", another line of glue-in bolts run up the cliff.

Plaque labelling as "Cheat Stick 5.8 S" at the base, but climb is no harder than 5.7.

首攀: Ken Flagg, 2016

运动攀岩 14m, 6 Calabogie
5.11a Wicked Gravity

"Yadda yards yadda best sport climb in Canada......" Listen to the spray people say when they get off this pearler!Pumpy climbing on beautiful jugs and flakes. Absolutely classic.....

首攀: Joe Buscowski, 1984

运动攀岩 22m, 8 Lake Louise
5.5 Route C

Start at a small corner a bit up and to the right of Route B, follow the thin crack to a corner in the upper part of the cliff, then on to 2 bolts as anchors.

传统攀登 10m Eardley Escarpment
5.10a Neat and Cool
传统攀登 30m Squamish
5.5 Shanti

Easy sport climb on the slab a couple meters right of stage right.

Has a sign posted naming it and giving a grade of 5.8 -- but this climb is no harder than 5.5. (It is considerably easier than Phasers on Stun - 5.5.)

A large rock has fallen from midway up the route. The remaining rock is not secure and avoiding it bumps up the difficulty. Still not 5.8 though

运动攀岩 13m, 5 Calabogie
5.10a The Zip

Considered one of the finest 10a cracks in the bluffs. Amazing and sustained best sum it up.

首攀: Ward Robinson & Blake Robinson, 1979

传统攀登 20m Squamish
5.7 Klahanie Crack
传统攀登 30m Squamish
5.7 The Bastille Crack
1 5.7
2 5.6
3 5.7
4 5.6
5 5.5

One of the most climbed routes in North America: Almost no approach, 350 feet of moderate crack climbing and all day shade.

首攀: US Army climbers, 1954

自由首攀: Stan Shepard & Allen Bergen, 1957

传统攀登 110m, 5 Boulder
5.7 After Six
  1. 130ft (5.7) Jam up the right-facing dihedral with insecure footholds on slick, polished rock. Belay at the tree.

  2. 50ft (3rd class) Scramble up 3rd class to a large manzanita at the base of a wide crack.

  3. 80ft (5.6) Wide crack climbing leads to face climbing. Continue up and right to belay at an alcove on a ledge.

  4. 130ft (5.5) Easy slab climbing leads to a large ledge.

  5. 80ft (5.6) Easy slab climbing on knobs leads to crux liebacking up a flake. Continue up to another large ledge and belay at the tree.

  6. 90ft (5.6) Follow the crack up and right. Belay from cracks atop the buttress. A fun 5.8 alternate finish follows the thin flakes and broken cracks up left before traversing back right across the steepest rock directly below the summit.

Walk off descent with short 3rd and 4th class exposure. Retreat earlier by rappelling with 2 ropes or escaping left atop pitch 4.

Pro to 2".

自由首攀: Yvon Chouinard & Ruth Schneider, 1965

传统攀登 180m, 6 Yosemite National Park
5.5 Flaky Flake

Start 11m left of the 2nd Easy Way Down, where the obvious zig-zagging crack goes up the cliff. Climb up, generally angling left for the first half, then right, finishing at the large pine tree. Numerous variations are possible. (The flake of the name now rests in pieces at the bottom, courtesy of Gyula Pech, autumn 1985.) Anchors.

首攀: R Halka & L Yanosik, 1975

传统攀登 18m Calabogie
5.11a Meathooks

One of the most sort after 11's in the Bow Valley. Every hold is a jug with a few sequences gaining the lip and exiting it (crux). Ridiculously fun and pumpy!

首攀: Daren Tremaine, 1994

运动攀岩 20m, 7 Canmore
5.10d Space Boyz
1 5.8
2 5.9
3 5.9
4 5.9
5 5.10a
6 5.10d
7 5.10c
8 5.9
9 5.10a
10 5.9
11 5.9

This Potrero classic was bolted entirely on the weekends. Starts just north of the pavilion. Loose rock. Helmet recommended. Please be careful of the partying Mexicans below. This route has been climbed in 2 1/2 hours, car to car. Take 20 draws if you combine pitches, works well for 1&2, 3&4 and on top. You have to rap from the dedicated rap station below the bulge (belay station 3 after pitch 4) if you have a 60m rope.

首攀: Curtis Mai & Todd McCray, 1994

运动攀岩 300m, 11 El Potrero Chico
5.6 (unknown 3)

Short route at the far right end of the cliff. Nice warm-up for the fairly stiff 5.8 routes on the rest of the cliff.

运动攀岩 12m, 3 Eardley Escarpment
5.11a Pleasant Pheasant
运动攀岩 22m, 7 Squamish
5.10b Culo de Merlin

A must do for everyone not alergic to bats.Start on the lower left part of the upper csve and follow the bolts through the tunnel to exit on top of the upper wall. Mega Classic.

运动攀岩 25m El Salto; C.d.G.
5.7 Cat Crack

首攀: Tami Knight & Peter Croft, 1978

传统攀登 20m Squamish
5.8 Trauma Belay

Climb up blocky ledges to a slabbier head wall.

(Retro-bolted trad route, with FA's permission.)

运动攀岩 9m, 4 Halton Region
5.8 Mr. Hanky

"Best 5.8 in Potrero." according to Dane's guidebook.

First climb right of the dihedrals, goes past an intermediate anchor after 5 bolts.

"El mejor 5.8 de potrero" según la guía de Dane Bass.

Primera ruta a la derecha de los diedros, pasando una reunión inteedia despues de la quinta placa.

首攀: Dane Bass

运动攀岩 27m, 8 El Potrero Chico
5.11a Whipstocking

首攀: Porter Jarrard, 1997

运动攀岩 24m, 8 Red River Gorge

Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 线路.

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