Many people have contributed lot of time and effort to make this site what it is. In addition to all the work our members do entering data, behind the scenes we use lots of tools and software that mostly don't have anything to do with climbing.
Security issues回到顶部
Many thanks for responsibly disclosing security issues:
- Safwat Refaat
- Login Denied
- Daniel @dnnr
- David McGill
- Nicolas Surribas
- Ghazanfar Ali
- Nitesh Singh
- Taha
- Chirag Ketan Prajapati
- Taimoor Awan
If you have found a security issue please contact us privately via [email protected]
Special thanks回到顶部
- David Mucelli @dmucli for redesigning our tag icons, see Tagging
- Anika Stephan @orangehelmet for representing theCrag at several trade shows and conferences.
- Marc de Maillard @mdemaillard for helping review, tag and prioritise user reported issues in git hub.
- Burak John Seyhan @di0nys1s for taking over support and development of our maps javascript code.
- Levidps @levidps for various improvements include phototopo features and bugs
- Duncan Tweed @duncantweed for taking over support and development of our Photo Topo javascript code.
- Cauli Xiang @caulixiang for managing the first years of theCrag's WeChat account (also see her in Short Girl Climbs).
- Dean Scarff for developing the model and software powering grAId.
- Hanna Bieri @hannabie for her support with designs and delivering tag icons.
- Gabe Grayum @ggrayum for his design wire frames including profile page.
- Tina @tina_ for Portuguese translations
- Iacami @enapupe for Portuguese translations
Open source stuff回到顶部
Many parts of theCrag are built using open source libraries and 3rd party services. These include:
- Silk icon set from FamFamFam
- OpenLayers javascript mapping library with Google Maps
- jQuery
- twitter/bootstrap
- ftlabs/fastclick
- ellekasai/twemoji-awesome
- ichord/At.js
- ichord/Caret.js
- Plupload
- Raphael
- TinyMCE
- Jamie Arthur Johnson
- Way too many Perl libraries to list