
Ascensioni in Steinpilz

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Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

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Mar 20 Giu 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Steinpilz
8+ Hexenhütte Sportiva 14m, 7 Buona
8- Dura Killepitsch Sportiva 18m, 8 Media
harte Einstiegsmeter. Die zementierten Böcke im oberen Riss braucht niemand.

8- YOLO Sportiva 14m, 6 Buona
7 Prinzessin Lore auf Entenschau Sportiva 14m, 6 Buona
Ven 2 Giu 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Steinpilz
8- Killepitsch - con Markus Benning Sportiva 18m, 8
Christoph Rauch
Weird cemented blocks in the finishing crack. Probably they were put there as a warning system; when they're gone, the whole upper part of the wall might tumble towards the valley.

9- 9-/9 Olaf klärt das schon - con Markus Benning Sportiva 18m, 10
Christoph Rauch
The hardest boulder problem here. Had to fight quite a bit, already felt the fingers of my right hand slip just before reaching the first good hold. The middle part is unfortunately once again relatively forgettable, just like with all the routes here. Took me a while to commit to the finish because I didn't want to ruin the onsight.

Gio 1 Giu 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Mittleres Wiesenttal Steinpilz
7- 7 Prinzessin Lore auf Entenschau - con Harald Sportiva 14m, 6
Christoph Rauch
Bouldery sequence at the start, then way easier to the anchor. #warmup

8 8+ Pellkartoffelkönig Ebbo - con Harald Sportiva 4m, 9
Christoph Rauch
Three moves or so, short boulder after a no-hands rest at the anchor, good rock. Probably easier than 8+.

8- YOLO - con Harald Sportiva 14m, 6
Christoph Rauch
Another one with a cold start on small holds in good rock followed by easier slab climbing.

8 8+ Hexenhütte - con Harald Sportiva 14m, 7
Christoph Rauch
Yet another one of the same style. The starting boulder is a little harder than the one of YOLO, but 8+ is too much.

8 8+ Sockenhausen - con Harald Sportiva 18m, 10
Christoph Rauch
Who would have guessed … more of the same. The start feels a bit different because the rock is darker. The traverse along the roof felt a little contrived, although of course the holds are nice. You probably need to stay very low to make it 8+. If you grab the jugs above the penultimate bolt, it's around 8, I think.


Tutti 11 ascensioni visualizzati.

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