
攀登 climbed between 2003-01-01 和 2003-12-31 in 澳大利亚 as various tick types by Susy G

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Showing all 85 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量
星期二 30th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Pilot Error Area
21 20 Pilot Error 混合传统攀岩 12m, 1
Entry 1: 21 April 2003. With Andy and Horney. Dropping 25 times onto that Petzl bolt was more than the bolt or my belayer could really handle. Note to self - return Xmas 2003, remember to bring abs. Entry 2: 30.12.03. With Ben, Simon, Rob and Pommy. Returned Xmas 2003, brought abs and entourage. YES!!!!!

星期天 28th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Huey and Satellites
18 Huey 传统攀登 16m 经典
With Andy. For such a short route this has heaps of variety and packs a few punches.

星期六 27th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
21 Auto Da Fe 传统攀登 90m 经典
With Simon. Two long thin pitches with great moves. I didn't expect to be negotiating an overhang on a slab climb. Unexpected spice!

星期六 27th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Death Row Pinnacle
18 Death Row 传统攀登 45m 经典
With Simon. i've always wanted to do this climb and it was just as good as I'd hoped it would be.

23 Birdman of Alcatraz 传统攀登 30m 超级经典
With Simon. An outstanding lead by Simon. I loved the cruisy start, the thin traverse (we're talking fingernail crimps and matchstick edges), and the super lactic diagonal (which turned my forearms to wood).

星期五 26th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Right Preludes Wall
18 17 Preludes 传统攀登 35m 很好
With Brendan. I liked it so much I did it twice.

星期四 25th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
21 The British Beat 混合传统攀岩 15m, 2 不值一提
With Ben and Brendan. Don't bother unless you like being sandbagged and can climb slabs.

15 The Venus Trap 传统攀登 15m
With Ben & Brendan.

星期四 25th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Cheops Buttress
17 The Only Way To Fly 传统攀登 15m
With Ben. Nice.

星期四 25th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Spellbinder Area
17 Spellbinder 传统攀登 27m 经典
With Ben and Brendan. A veritable gem.

星期四 25th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
15 Agent Orange 传统攀登 25m 很好
With Ben. Sensational little climb. A good recommendation from Andy m the walking talking guidebook.

星期三 24th 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
14 15 Toccata 传统攀登 50m
With Ben. The confounding elements increased the challenge - baking sun at 7.10am and the left seam streaming water from the rainstorm.

星期二 23rd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Dog Face
18 Jackal 传统攀登 25m 很好
With Ben and H. Some awesome hand and fist jams on this.

星期二 23rd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
16 Yo Yo 传统攀登 90m 很好
With Ross. The gods looked down and they saw Ross and Susy climbing together again. And the Gods said "in keeping with tradition, we shall create an epic". And so it came to pass. Night fell. And upon her return to Brisbane, Susy purchased a small clock to hang upon her harness garment. Amen.

星期二 23rd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Central Gully Central Gully Left Dog Face
18 Howling Wolf 传统攀登 28m
With Ben and H. The crux is a nice move.

15 Puppy Love 传统攀登 35m 一般
With Ben and H.

星期一 22nd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
13 Kestrel 传统攀登 50m 经典
With H. The sweetest 13 you'll ever find. A great way of warming into Araps.

星期一 22nd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae Muldoon Area
17 lphigenia 传统攀登 45m 很好
With H. The bulge on pitch one is a boomer. Pitch 2 is pretty ordinary

星期一 22nd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
16 13 Hell For Leather 传统攀登 30m 很好
With H. Easiest 15 in the universe including Mars.

星期一 22nd 12月 2003 - Arapiles
Castle Crag
17 Swinging 混合传统攀岩 20m, 2 很好
With H. A little ripper. Scary to do at night though.

星期天 16th 11月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Dream of Purple Peach Popsicles 传统攀登 32m 很好
20th March 05 with Pete. With Horney. Pumpy start eases off in due course before a short V groove which required some thought to solve. Happily the crack protects superbly with a full rack of cams and 4-5 mid-size wires. Nice climb!

星期天 9th 11月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Resurrection Corner 传统攀登 25m 超级经典
With Ben. Suitable descriptors include but are not limited to: tear-inducing, painmaking, arm-busting, podiatric cripple-fest. One of life's mysteries though is how, by the time I've driven home, climbs during which I wailed pitifully and swore foully, have morphed into unforgettable mega-classics that I love .

星期天 2nd 11月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Short Order 传统攀登 30m 很好
20th March 05 with Pete. With Andy and Ben. It's Winston Alley with testicles. What's not to like?: It's got fingerlocks, bridging, highsteps and awesome thin hand jams. Glad I was told to pack extra reserves of grunt and determination - I needed them.

星期六 25th 10月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 20 Odin 传统攀登 30m 经典
With Chris. Pleasantville Crag 9am Oct 25: A nice cool morning, the right gear, peaceful atmosphere, and just a couple of challening moves on a classic climb - weekly endorphin fix complete.

星期天 19th 10月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Humility 传统攀登 15m 很好
With Ben. Not much to this climb really (overgraded even). I reckon the grade is derived from the fairly anorexic pro rather than the difficulty. For a frogprincess like me though the crimping and smearing was wicked fun! I liked this climb a lot.

16 Satan's Smokestack 传统攀登 40m
With Ben. I prefer to leave the chimneying to Mary Poppins. And if I'd wanted to spend my time bridging I would have become a dental technician. After the initial gruntfest I stopped being grumpy and, yeah, the top half was kinda fun I guess.

星期六 4th 10月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Borderline 29 传统攀登 15m 很好
24 Aug 04 after Jo. With Ben. Location location location. The flakes are seriously flakey. Cams strictly forbidden or the flakes will go and the climb will be radically changed.

星期一 22nd 9月 2003 - Arapiles
Colosseum Wall Area Colosseum Wall
15 14 Nero 传统攀登 13m
With Ross. Go-ey for the grade!

星期天 21st 9月 2003 - Arapiles
Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
16 16 R Marmot's Mall 传统攀登 12m 不值一提
With Ross. I-yuew. Greasier than a breakfast at the Cosmopolitan cafe...

星期天 21st 9月 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae House of Atreus
17 Surface To Air 传统攀登 30m 经典
27 Mar 05 with Ben. With Ross. There's serious climbs and there's fun climbs. This is the funnest climb I've ever done. 30m of twist locks on huge buckets with fantastic feet high up on the Atridae. Hooted and grinned the whole way

星期天 14th 9月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Piranha 传统攀登 45m 超级经典
11 July 04 with Ben for his onsight. With Mark. Girl eats man-eating fish! (Man-eating fish feeds on RPs and everything SMALL). I'm awarding 'best in grade' at Frog Buttress.

星期天 7th 9月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Magical Mystery Tour 传统攀登 34m 很好
2nd'ed 17 July 04 with a different Colin. With Colin and Ben, & Andy's BIG camalots (2 x 4, 2 x 4.5). This climb rocks. Thin hands first, fat hands second, feisty fists follow. Bugga the butt jam but, I bridged the widest bit.

20 Devils Dihedral 传统攀登 45m 超级经典
6 Mar 05 with Pete. It's still 17 stars worth of quality moves...With Ben. So long, so hard, so imposing - no, it's not a line from Boogie Nights, it's Devil's Dihedral, the longest, hardest, imposingest 20 I've met at Frog yet. Surprisingly the twin crack first half gave me more grief than the crux and the grunty finish. At the top my voice broke as I let out a feeble, wilted 'yahoo' and took stock of my various strains: both feet, right calf, left shoulder, aorta, heart muscle, right armpit and both sides of my brain. Any climb that leaves me so utterly shagged lives forever in the pantheon.

星期天 31st 8月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
17 Phatang 传统攀登 40m 超级经典
With Sean. Must I be cursed as a freak for regarding this route as a rip-snorter? For sheer diversity and problem solving, plus being able to evoke emotions ranging from bewilderment to abject cringing, I anoint it 'mega-classic'. between it's ledges it gives good slab (oxymoron), hard corner, and beastly off widthing. I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven (note: one person's heaven is another person's hell).

星期天 17th 8月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Cock Crack 传统攀登 38m 很好
With Guy. A very manageable 20 with snuggly foot and hand jams plus a smattering of jugs to crank on. Couldn't have protected it without adding Guys goodly assortment of biggie Camalots. I'm happy as a clam - a really nice climb.

18 Arknamton 2 传统攀登 30m 一般
With Guy. A funny old thing (I mean the climb)

星期二 12th 8月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 Infinity 传统攀登 40m 经典
3 April 05 with Ash. With Damien. "The belligerent diaphanous clam over-indulged - until bereft."

星期天 10th 8月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Peaches and Cream 传统攀登 20m 不值一提
With Mark. The only good slab is one with 24 Lemon Ruskis in it. Sick people who must do this climb should stock a carabiner with small RPs and the lucky charm of their choice.

星期六 2nd 8月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
13 Tardis 传统攀登 10m 一般
With Ben.

20 Rickety Kate 传统攀登 15m
24 April 05 with Janette at dusk. With Ben. Gorgeous hunk of orange peel looking rock. Strenuous and hard. I saw the onsight symbol and I saw the green tick with the black dog. It was thinking of that black dog that pulled me through.

19 Monty Python's Flying Circus 传统攀登 25m 经典
With Ben. Make a pre-climb sacrifice to the God of RPs, and put on your blue suede edging shoes for a necky start. Then wipe brow and charge up a varied twin crack corner with the funnest moves and jams. Loved it! (Felt like I wasTrinity without the leather and glasses.)

星期天 27th 7月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
19 Inquisition 传统攀登 27m 很好
With Mark. As offwidths go, this is a beauty. Hard to decide how to classify it - good or v. good. Staring at my jam-grazed knee and ankle scabbed from using it to lock into the offwidth, I determined that only a 'ver good' rating could justify such outrageous self-abuse. Big hexes and a #5 Friend a must. Oh and don't believe the guide when it says 25 metres. It's 4O at least to a rappable tree.

星期天 20th 7月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Sacrilege Crack 传统攀登 25m
With Ben. Another off width bites the dust. Big gear would have been nice, but there were other (creative) options.

星期天 6th 7月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 18 Chocolate Watch Band 传统攀登 17m
With Horney. At last the enemy has fallen. With Guy. Finally! Left armbar, right foot and hand on right arete. It helped seeing how Guy handled the wide section.

18 Straight Man's Fear 传统攀登 13m 一般
With Horney. Nothing to write home about. Good warm up.

星期天 29th 6月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Noose 传统攀登 22m 一般
27 Feb 05 with Pete. With Mark. Remarkable only for the rare novelty pockets on the upper slab and the crux where I found the way to free my hands for the gear placement at the diagonal was through the use of a body position akin to "Spiderwoman practising a Kama Sutra routine" and requiring an adductor busting inner thigh bar

星期六 14th 6月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
16 Integrated Injection Logic 传统攀登 15m
With Guy. Nice little climb, worth doing. It has a cute widdle wooflet and a cool layback at the top.

18 19 Hello Sailor 传统攀登 20m 很好
2nd August 04 with Ash.With Guy. Hello Sailor is the Frog technique supermarket offering most every jam size including bonus heel/toe-ing and a free thrutching thrills thrown in for good measure. Loved it!

星期六 7th 6月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 19 R Sweet Transvestite 传统攀登 18m 不值一提
With Ben and Brendan. A highly disgusting climb. Toblerone blocks are tougher to break off than the blocks on this thing.

星期天 1st 6月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
8 Satisfaction 传统攀登 30m
With Ben

18 Fast Eddie 传统攀登 15m
Feb 27 05 with Pete and Colin. With Mick and Ben. Like the RP under the bulge and the face hold just when I was despairing about the flared finger crack. The belay perch at the top is precarious to look at and two flakes on the climb will come off very soon

星期四 1st 5月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Footloose and Falling Free 传统攀登 11m 经典
With Marissa. With Mick and Ben. Awesome finger tip layback and finger locks. Great gear, from the first small wired hex all the wat through the green cam, green ann blue alien and smalll nuts. Love this climb (did I already say that?)

星期四 1st 5月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Mainliner 传统攀登 20m 不值一提
With Ben. Stay away from this disgusting thing.

星期四 1st 5月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
7 Leprechaun 传统攀登 20m 一般
With Andy

16 Night Flight to Venus 传统攀登 12m
With Andy. Good jams

星期四 1st 5月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
18 Dave Mank's Electric Gorilla 传统攀登 20m
With Ben. Spanked me at first attempt, but spanked it back later.

星期五 25th 4月 2003 - Arapiles
The Watchtower Faces Right Watchtower Face
18 Skink 传统攀登 110m 超级经典
With Ross. Also in my top 3. I love the traverse, the thin hard move round the corner and up to the hangng belay, the pain in my feet, the hanging belay, the slabby shit - the whole 5 hour she-bang gave me enough adrenalin to make it through a 5 year old birthday party, a night at the outlaws and a funeral. Now that's value for money ($22 for a number 12 smiley stuck at the hanging belay)

星期四 24th 4月 2003 - Arapiles
Bard Buttress
18 Eurydice 混合传统攀岩 65m, 2 经典
With Horney. Gareth and Fleur followed. First pitch felt more like 19, second pitch more like 15

星期四 24th 4月 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
11 Piccolo 传统攀登 33m 很好
With Ross. Every type of placement under the sun awaits the creative trad lover

星期三 23rd 4月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
18 17 Oceanoid 传统攀登 75m 超级经典
With Horney. Only did the first pitch, but what a pitch. The traverse around the blocky bulge on was freakingly memorable - as was the MEGA rope drag. Very awesome climb

星期三 23rd 4月 2003 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
16 Coming on Chris 传统攀登 25m 很好
With Horney. Our tribute to Chris - and a great climb it was. Loved the scary door knob hold

星期一 21st 4月 2003 - Arapiles
Fang Buttress and Surrounds Fang Buttress
17 Kamikaze 传统攀登 20m 不值一提
After Andy.

星期一 21st 4月 2003 - Arapiles
Atridae Agamemnon Area
10 Agamemnon 传统攀登 40m 超级经典
With Andy and Horney. AF leading unprotected chimney section: "No Suse, I fucking DON'T want you to unbelay me while you take a picture"

星期一 21st 4月 2003 - Arapiles
Pilot Error Cliffs Lois Lane Wall
14 Eurylochus 传统攀登 33m 一般
After Horney. Andy lead pitch 2

星期六 19th 4月 2003 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
15 Tombstone Wall 混合传统攀岩 30m, 3 一般
Chris lead it. Scary thin traverse did both our heads in.

星期五 18th 4月 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
21 Girly Germs 运动攀岩 15m 很好
With Andy. Thin and crispy - just the way I like it.

星期五 18th 4月 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
19 Country Special 运动攀岩 18m
With Andy

星期五 18th 4月 2003 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
17 Flake Crack 传统攀登 53m 经典
With Andy. Led both pitches, finishing pitch 2 as the rock flamed orange in the sunset

星期二 1st 4月 2003 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
20 19 Flaming Flamingo pitch 1 运动攀岩 18m 很好
With Andy

星期二 1st 4月 2003 - Nowra
Thompson's Point Descent Gully Walls
18 Samurai Pizza Catz 运动攀岩 15m 很好
With Ali

星期二 1st 4月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Forked Tongue 传统攀登 15m
With Andy

星期六 1st 3月 2003 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
16 Century 传统攀登 15m 一般
With Marissa

星期六 1st 3月 2003 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
19 18 Plume 传统攀登 25m 很好
With Andy. That last mantel on the slopey ledge caught me napping. Previously on second with Ali (Sep o2). 18.4.04 with Ali - felt great!!! really good little climb

18 Warlock 传统攀登 26m 很好
With Andy. I liked the mega bridge, fingery start.

20 Termination 传统攀登 18m 很好
With Andy. I loved it - crimpy thin face climb. Again with Guy in June 03

20 The Great Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine 传统攀登 33m
6 Mar 05 with Pete. With Horney. I just remember edgy moves and screaming calves

17 If 传统攀登 30m
With Andy and Dan J. 5 pieces to protect the first move but all it really needed was the cheese. Again with Ben Aug 03 (he didn't like the cheese)

星期六 1st 2月 2003 - Mt Ngungun
Lower Cliffs Flat Battery Wall
17 Bad Move 运动攀岩 10m, 2
With Mark

星期六 1st 2月 2003 - Mt Ngungun
Upper Cliffs The Upper Main Cliff
18 Visions Of A Transmitter 传统攀登 45m
With Mark

15 Icehouse 传统攀登 40m
With Mark

星期天 19th 1月 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
9 Conifer Crack 传统攀登 80m 一般
With Ross. On the way to Tannin

星期天 19th 1月 2003 - Arapiles
Far North Lower Curtain Wall
18 Entertainer 传统攀登 20m 超级经典
With Ross. What a blast

星期天 19th 1月 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes The Red Wall & Toccata Wall
19 Tannin 传统攀登 35m 超级经典
With Ross. Nut placements are superb. A great climb. I was pretty psyched beforehand. Came in underthe roof too low initially (bad strategy). Headed out of the Piles at about 9.30pm and back to Mel at 2am!

星期六 18th 1月 2003 - Arapiles
Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
17 16 Libretto 传统攀登 50m 一般
With Ross

14 C.S. Concerto 传统攀登 50m 一般
With Ross


Showing all 85 攀登.

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