
条目 in Ukulore Valley

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Ukulore Valley

Limited parking

Mermaids Cave

A handful of independent lines that couldn't be more aesthetic.

Mermaids Cave
V4 Gulches Of The Out-Hills

Cool high-ish problem up the rails on the left of the wall. Climb to top jug below big hanging tree fern. Down climb to get off. Careful with the mats if you fall, the ground is pretty scoochy Ben Cossey


Limited parking

V10 Harlot of Hoopers Hill

Low sit-start on slots, then up to rail, leading right to dual spock-eyed pounce with finish at S&C

V10 Strips and Clippings

Low sit on edges and scoop-thing, thin facey moves up vague arete-thing to high-ish finish to jugs.

Tom O'Halloran Trent Searchy


Limited parking

V8 Beyond the Glory Hole

Sit start. Up the corner. To high horn-like jug rail.

V9 On The Far Side of The Peach Grove

Corner to Flake and up. Tom O'Halloran Trent Searchy

V11 The Old Reach Around

Right most arete


Limited parking

V7 Crack Like Candy

Starts to the right of FOHS on the big juggy shelf and heads out the roof via a long move to join FOHS for the top

V7 Black Scabs Away

Limited parking

V8 Fat on Human Scrapage

Limited parking

The Jungfrau

Limited parking

The Jungfrau
V8 Ecker's Tears (Low)

At Carpark boulder. Tom O'Halloran

V9 The Mauling Of The Ass

Sit-start on right arete (shale is out as footers). Compression moves lead to left traverse on edges and finish on jugs right of dihedral.

V14 Maulin' Angel

Limited parking

V11 Jack To The Hobos

Sit-start on rails and pinch on left hand side of wall. Up via slopey edges and compression to nice jug Lee Cossey

V7 Up To The Onions

Starts as for BOB and SIAST but sticks to the right arete and tops out via cool sculpted holds

V10 Squatting In A Slitted Trashbird

Start as for Up To The Onions heading right into obvious toilet bowl. Head to arete via crux iron cross and top out up high face

V11 Skeleton Tree

Starts on juggy flake left of ATASTA and uses left blocky gaston to press into dihedral - finish as for ATASTA

V13 And the Ass Saw the Angel

Sit-starts at bottom of dihedral and climbs to top of dihedral finish at juggy 2 finger and cod-mouth jug over lip - easier since a new foot sequence was discovered, compared to original crux-pounce that Tom did Sam Healy

V9 Bowel Of Bilge

Sit-start as for UTTOs but head into roof on big slick mushroom undercling. Make a meaty move to the lip and head all the way left and mantle hyper-slick flat jug at the far left.



Upper Middle Lower Class Jungfrau

Just above Bowel Of Bilge - walk 50m around the corner and you'll see a dark little overhang that is way radicaler than it appears

Upper Middle Lower Class Jungfrau
V10 Boat Of A Million Years

Start on the far left and climb along pockets and finish as for Tug Capacitor

V9 Tug Capacitor

Start at slot in middle of wall and thug out roof to high-ish top (don't top-out though) drop from lip. Same finish as for Frog Serge

V8 Frog Serge

Start to the right and head left along slopers and finish via a frog serge manoeuvre as per TC & BOMY - problems to the right have been destroyed by rock fall - careful of dodgy rock

Donkey Mountain

Visible from the road down hill from Jungfrau

Donkey Mountain
V7 Tippy-Toe Freight Train

Traverse flake-thing, quite techy on pockets and gastons.

Benjamin Cossey Jared Tyerman

V3 Kitty-Cat Factory

Around to the left of "Tippy-Toe Freight Train" starting at cool square pocket and mantle before the moss grows back!

V9 Bleach Belly

Nice compression problem on the left side of the limestone-looking boulder.

Tom O’Halloran

V10 Donkey Mountain Haikus

Sit start on ground on low underclings and do move into Casus Belli pinch and climb as for this up BB

V9 Casus Belli

Start right hand pinch, left hand undercling. Slap left on underclings to join BB corner. Finish as for BB.

V11 Mouth Circus

Limited parking

The Ice-Vovo Boulder

Big boulder that the road kinks around at the Jungfrau carpark. At base of Jungfrau Gorge.

The Ice-Vovo Boulder
V7 Ekers Tears Sit

Low sit-start half under roof and an edge on the face. Thuggy move leads to the start of the stand. Top out's the same

V5 Ekers Tears Stand

Stand start of left arete. Starts on edges to reach arete and top out up arete several moves until you naturally roll over the top

V6 Right Arete

Nice boulder that sit-starts on face and heads towards arete to top-out

Pink Caravan On The Hill

Pink Caravan On The Hill is the main boulder here.

Pink Caravan On The Hill
V8 Pink Caravan On The Hill

Obvious open-book corner. Sit-starts and lay-back and pinch towards obvious slopey rails rails. Drop off from lip of top out if it's not too wet

Savage Mountain

In the creek below Pink Caravan is an assortment of boulders, not everything is recorded here yet but there are fun moderates on good rock (being reclaimed by the moss as we speak)

Savage Mountain
V10 Savage Mountain Tummy-Rub

Start in rooflet on pocket underclings, make a move towards lip and top-out via arete

V10 Jambalya Clean-Sheets

Limited parking

V10 Milkmaids Lair

Right finish to JC

V4 Hot Chocolate Lemonade

Block in creek. Obvious up stream from JC and ML. Doesn't top out as tree is in the way.

V8 Cigarette Trees

Right of HCL, tops out, wear your nappy

Upper Upper Jungfrau

Way above the Jungfrau is a majestic amphitheatre with lots of great lines. Some of them are high, so pack your menisci

Upper Upper Jungfrau
V5 Unknown v5

The short steep v5 on the far right of the amphitheatre.

V7 Unknown v7

Same starting hold and finish hold as the five but you head left and punch the lip on small crimps. In the small cave on the left of the amphitheatre

Haunted Area

Head up hill over the creek from Bowel Of Bilge. There is a little track heading straight up and slightly left. You'll arrive at "Whistle-Whistle Crack"

Haunted Area
V12 Cold Comfort Cuddle Machine (For The Vortex Be-Hearted)

Really great and unique overhanging roof coffin. Sit-starts low on right hand pinch and left positive side-pull. Thug up left and and start slapping. Finishes on obvious big juggy break above the coffin.

V6 Snuggle Bunny Bliss Bomb

Sit-start under roof right of CCCM (right of the trench above too). Make a few moves up on edges out the bulge via a little scope/pocket edge for the left and finish at jug. Nothing special, but nothing too offensive either

V7 Whistle-Whistle Crack

High splitter crack that you cannot miss. Sit-Starts low in pod and climbs up to high jugs above. Pretty good landing on fluffy dust and built-up sticks. To say the name correctly, reverse a "wolf-whistle" in F#m. Think - "how would you answer a wolf-whistle" OR, more specifically, "how you'd decline the frisky advances of someone off-putting (but not threatening) using a wolf-whistle to indicate they're desirousness of you". For further information phone 1800-whistle-whiistle

Showing all 55 条目.

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