
线路 如同攀石 in Brooyar

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 149 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Lost Village Main cliff
V0+ The Warm Up

Stand start with hands vertically aligned on two jugs. One long move to high right hand jug and then follow the green streak up. Top is a little chossy.

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
Lost Village Spider Wall
V1 Knees In

Sit Start. Left hand on small horn, right hand on good sloper to the right. Straight up for a nerve-wracking top out. Do what you kneed to!

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V0 Knees Out

Stand start, hands on good rail about head height. Move up and left into the corner for a fun top out between the two trees.

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V0+ Spider Knees.

A fun variant to Knees Out. Stand start, both hands on good side pull, up to the obvious jug and finish same as for Knees Out. Look out for spiders!

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V1 Spider Knees Sit Start

Sit start, both hands on obvious rail. Up to the side pull and away you go.

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V2 Not So Kneasy

Stand start, right hand on side pull, left hand on crimp. Move straight up and over the bulge. Big jug/pocket is in but stay out of the corner. Top out to the left of the tree.

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V3 Not So Kneasy Sit Start

Sit start on long rail, same as Spider Knees

首攀: Mathew Channer, 30 10月 2021

攀石 3m
Lost Village The Lost Boulders Space Jared
V3 Jared in the Atmosphere

Sit start as for Space Jared. Traverse left to before making big move up to massive huge enormous King Kong size great big long wide glory jug rail and then mantle.

Can be done the high way (hitting the lip then moving right to the slopey jug as seen in the Oliver Rickford clip) or the low way which traverses the lip and is slightly harder. Awesome either way.

Oliver Rickford

首攀: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 19 11月 2021

V0+ Beam Me Up Jared!

Sit start matched in right hand pocket. Straight up to jugs and mantle out.

首攀: Tamati Kennedy, 5 11月 2021

攀石 1m
Space Jared

Sit start with hands in pockets. Stay low moving through crimp then big move up and left to lip. Lip traverse all the way to the left and mantle at furthest point.

定线/开线: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 5 11月 2021

Lost Village The Lost Boulders Modern Baseball
V0- First Base with Grandpa

Sit start on the left hand side of Diamond traverse up and right to top out.

首攀: Oliver Rickford, 5 11月 2021

V0+ Safe at Home

Sit start on the right hand side of Diamond. Traverse lip and top out same as First Base.

首攀: Tamati Kennedy, 5 11月 2021

Lost Village The Lost Boulders 50 Matches Boulder
V0 The In Decision

Sit start on positive jug, straight up the arete.

首攀: Raven, 8 10月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Single Ply

Stand start RH on okay side pull, LH on mini jug. Straight up the seam.

首攀: Oliver Rickford, 8 10月 2021

攀石 2m
V3 Parcels from the Past

Start with LH of single ply's horn and right hand on crug. Move up and to the right to gain sloper before topping out directly up.

For a fun eliminate try dynoing from the sloper to the horn and then topping out without touching the jugs on the face.

首攀: Tamati Kennedy, 25 10月 2021

V5/6 A Jar Of Bitter Fruit

Sit start with LH on side pull, RH on large sidepull. Follow the rail to a exciting top out over the lip.

首攀: Oliver Rickford, 8 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V4 Stoaked & Soaked

Sit start with both hands matched in the large pocket. Move up and slightly right for interesting sequence to top out.

首攀: Oliver Rickford, 29 10月 2021

V0 Halcyon Days

Stand start with two hands on big rail kick feet up. Large chockstone under boulder is out. Ride rail out of overhang then head directly up over bulge for top out.

Tamati Kennedy

首攀: Tamati Kennedy & Oliver Rickford, 19 11月 2021

V2 Dirt Merchants

Sit start as for Forest Yellies move up to pockets then traverse left along rail and top out above knoblets.

首攀: Tamati Kennedy, 29 10月 2021

V3 Forest Yellies

Sit start with both hands on rail. Move up and right through pockets and diagonal rail to top out.

首攀: Tamati Kennedy, 25 10月 2021

Lost Village The Lost Boulders The Brain Cave
V2 Inspiration

Start inside back of cave climbing out left along shelf to mouth of cave, climbing along mouth of cave to obvious finish jug on the right end of cave, when looking at cave from outside

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 6m
V2 Imagination

Start outside left hand side corner of cave, climbing along mouth of cave to finish jug

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 5m
V3 Intuition

Climb Inspiration linking into Mind. Climbing mind in reverse

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 8m
V1 Mind

Start as for Inspiration but climb right directly across roof to Finish Jug

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 2m
V1 Subconscious

Star in small cave in front left corner of cave climbing to start of Inspiration

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V2 Conscious

Start same as Subconscious climbing though middle of cave to end around where Mind crosses roof

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 3m
V3 Super Conscious

Start same as Imagination climbing through Subconscious into Conscious, following Conscious and continue across Mind until you reach top right hand corner and end of cave

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 7m
V3 Akashic Record

Climbing Subconscious Linking into Mind

首攀: Raven, 13 10月 2021

攀石 5m
Lost Village The Lost Boulders This Isn't Auburn
V1/2 There and Back Again.

The ledge the boulder is perched on is not in. Sit start matched on rail.

攀石 2m
VB Speedrunner Fosh

The ledge the boulder is perched on is not in. Sit start with high jugs.

Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Gully Three Part Harmony Sector
Great Acoustics for Rage

Sit start on big flake. Traverse left then move up through pocket and unlikely jug to top out.

Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering North Facing Ridge Black Cockatoo Boulder
Zanda Funera

Sit start on right side of boulder using side pull and dish. Stare into the abyss. Levitate up the arete and top out using glory jugs.

Oliver Rickford

Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering Southern Sisters Anti-Gravity Love Song Boulder
Unt Zat Wee

Start with left hand in lower good portion of cracky side pull and right hand on slimper. Move up through some moves then top out at the top.

Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Black Valley Choir of Furies Boulder
Choir of Furies

Sit start under small overhang. Do a few moves up the tufa like feature and mantle the highest point on the boulder.

Tamati Kennedy

Lost Village Black Valley Bouldering The Black Valley Picnic Bloc

Sit start on potato. Head straight up.

🍞 🔪

Sit start on crug, shoot right to diagonal rail then mantle directly above crug.


Sit start on jug traverse right to small arete and then head up.

🥜 Pebble

Sit start matched on pebble.

🍕 ⏱️

Sit start as for Swiss 🧀. Traverse right and link into 🥜 Pebble.

Swiss 🧀

Sit start with divits on rail. Up and left

Oliver Rickford

Eagle's Nest
V5 Crimp & Dyno (Boulder Version)

Was a mini-route, now a boulder problem. Single ringbolt on white wall. Boulder problem to dyno, then up to tree. V5 or 26

首攀: Hayden, 2004

The Rain Cave
V2 Come And Get Me

The line of huecos in the roof, perpendicular to the lip, starting as far in as possible on an undercling pocket. Work straight out the pockets to where it blanks, then throw up R and move up to the top flake, then (as for TJNNFT) out this to the jug 1m before the lip.

攀石 4m
V3 Just Keep Hanging On

A pumpy endurance number. The smooth flake starting on the very far L and traversing R (remember, no bottom ledge). At the end, drop down to the next flake, then a long move past blankness (crux) and continue to finish on little prow.

攀石 6m
V0 There's Just No Need For That

A good warm up. From the middle of the smooth flake, go up and out towards lip on the line of jugs. Finish at the jug 1m before the lip.

首攀: Erik Smits, 1999

攀石 3m
V1 Zilch

A zero move problem! In the middle of the smooth flake are two very sloping hand-sized pocket-slots. Chalk like mad then hang for 5 seconds feet-free to get the tick! Pure sloper power only - pinching of any kind is not allowed.

首攀: Lee Cujes, 1999

攀石 1m
V0 Pinched Nerve
Start hold is loose and looks like it'll snap soon (June 19). If climbing this use the bigger hold to the right to avoid eating rock. Start with both hands on edge of main flake, you will be pretty much sitting on the ground/boulder mat, pull yourself up (no feet) and get your heel on the flake, single move mantle to top out.

首攀: Anya S & Milly Wynand, 8 4月 2018

攀石 1m
V2 The Wheel of Brooyar

R to L traverse. Total bum dragger, bring ya shovel. Lay down start as far R as you can, traverse L across the great slopers, pull up where logical and traverse into the flake. Monkey out roof and top out or just drop off the jugs on the top face. Perfect example of the absurdity of bouldering.

Enchanted Forest Saeldr
V0+ Blue Lotus

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0- Nature Spirit

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Medicine Woman

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 2m
Enchanted Forest Rainbow
VB- Beginning

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
VB+ Fehu


首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 1m
V0 Edge of Destiny

首攀: Raven & Rainbow, 2 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V1 Sacred Life

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V1 See the Future

首攀: Raven & Safire, 3 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0 Mystic Ways

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Time is Now

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0 Awaken

首攀: Raven & Safire, 3 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Place is Here

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0 Enchanted Forest

First climb in Enchanted Forest

首攀: Raven & Rainbow, 2 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0 Magic Days

首攀: Raven & Rainbow, 2 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V1 Mystic Ways Create Magic Days

Traverse from Mystic Ways to Magic Days

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 7m
V0 Adgangur


首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 4m
VB+ Dragon Wing

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
VB Gem

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Uruz


首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Amor


首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0 Escalada


首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0- La Roca

The Rock

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0 Travel

首攀: Adri, 3 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0+ Samud Storgryti

Compassion Boulder

首攀: Raven, 3 11月 2021

攀石 2m
Enchanted Forest Moon
VB- Peace

首攀: Raven, 12 11月 2021

攀石 1m
VB Harmony

首攀: Raven, 12 11月 2021

攀石 1m
VB+ Love

首攀: Raven, 12 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V1 Thurisaz

Rune - Sit start

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Believe

Sit start

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0 Mjollnir

Thor’s Hammer

首攀: Raven, 12 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0- Wonder

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0- Adventure

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Surrender

Sit start

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Dragon Talon

Sit start

首攀: Raven, 14 11月 2021

攀石 1m
Enchanted Forest Phoenix
V0 Eldingu


首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0+ Ansuz


首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0- Wolf-skins

首攀: Raven, 12 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Berserker

首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 2m
Enchanted Forest Sky
V0- Munin


首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 1m
V0- Hugin


首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0 Perdhro

Rune - Sit start

首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0- Engill


首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0+ Veranda Born

Protect Children

首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Odin the Wanderer

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 8m
V0+ Sif

Mother Nature

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Thor

Protector of Midgard

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Raidho


首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 4m
V0+ Lifa af


首攀: Safire, 18 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0 Freya


首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V0- Astin Min

My Love

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 2m
V1 Kenaz

Rune - Sit start

首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 3m
V0+ Ragnarok

Earth History

首攀: Raven, 7 11月 2021

攀石 5m
V0 Midgard

Planet Earth

首攀: Raven, 11 11月 2021

攀石 6m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 149 线路.

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