
Omega gully wall - Wall opposite witch Topos

Topo #1465360233

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Topo #1651444080 Wall opposite Omega Block

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Route Grade Popularity Style
1 Not Straining Rail

Incorrectly written up as Straining Rail which is located downhill on the Chain buttress. Northwest Vic guide in 2000 only recorded the routes Sze and Drain Pipe and mentioned a few lines to the right of the later on this face. Very popular beginners climb. Could be Trad but very poor pro. Start in the corner on L (It's cheating to use the big boulder behind you) and then head straight up the wall.

12 顶绳攀登 20m Unlink route
2 Sze

Grey water runnel on the L side of the slab - very poorly protected. Bridge up and onto the slab start, then up the R side of the enjoyable groove

15 传统攀登 16m Unlink route
3 Humping the Camel

Straight up the wall between 'Sze' and 'Drain Pipes'.

9 传统攀登 18m Unlink route
4 Drain Pipes

Lovely climbing up the pockety groove in the middle of the wall opposite Witch and 3m R of Sze.The actual cruz moves are a wee bit bold if you are pushing the grade.

10 传统攀登 16m Unlink route
5 Jugs n Jury

Starts 2m R of Drain Pipe. Climb the wide crack (on its R side) to the little overhang. Pull thru on the jugs (not protected) or toddle up R to good cams before stepping L onto juggy wall(long sling runners). 2m R drainpipes. Climb wide crack on its R side, pull through overhang and zoom to top

5 传统攀登 16m Unlink route

Topo #1753594158

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Route Grade Popularity Style
1 Not Straining Rail

Incorrectly written up as Straining Rail which is located downhill on the Chain buttress. Northwest Vic guide in 2000 only recorded the routes Sze and Drain Pipe and mentioned a few lines to the right of the later on this face. Very popular beginners climb. Could be Trad but very poor pro. Start in the corner on L (It's cheating to use the big boulder behind you) and then head straight up the wall.

12 顶绳攀登 20m Unlink route
2 Sze

Grey water runnel on the L side of the slab - very poorly protected. Bridge up and onto the slab start, then up the R side of the enjoyable groove

15 传统攀登 16m Unlink route
3 Humping the Camel

Straight up the wall between 'Sze' and 'Drain Pipes'.

9 传统攀登 18m Unlink route
4 Drain Pipes

Lovely climbing up the pockety groove in the middle of the wall opposite Witch and 3m R of Sze.The actual cruz moves are a wee bit bold if you are pushing the grade.

10 传统攀登 16m Unlink route
5 Jugs n Jury

Starts 2m R of Drain Pipe. Climb the wide crack (on its R side) to the little overhang. Pull thru on the jugs (not protected) or toddle up R to good cams before stepping L onto juggy wall(long sling runners). 2m R drainpipes. Climb wide crack on its R side, pull through overhang and zoom to top

5 传统攀登 16m Unlink route

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