
线路 如同运动攀岩 in The Gold Mine

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Showing all 74 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
22000lbs area
21 22000lbs of Thrust

Orange face left of arête. An easy tick, check it out...

首攀: 2006

运动攀岩 20m
25 Last in Line

The arete. Stick clip the first bolt, then power through the bouldery start to easier climbing in a nice position.

首攀: Greg Wilson

运动攀岩 20m
Smoke and Mirrors
26 Where's The Gold

starts on the left side of ledge going straight up to anchors. Same finish as for FTM.

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 20m, 9
23 Fuck the Mojo

Shared start with the others and then up and back left fighing the pump to a delicate crux. Once you have reached the giant pocket its smooth sailing to the top. Hand over the top to clip single bolt. Back jump to anchors below the rooflet to clean.

定线/开线: Jason Lammers, 2013

运动攀岩 20m
23 Tic-tac-toe

Same start as DD, then directly up thru the bulges with increasing pump - eases off the higher you get.

定线/开线: Rick Phillips, 2013

首攀: Jason Lammers & Rick Phillips, 2013

运动攀岩 20m
22 Dumpster Diving

Step right off ledge, using insecure feet to gain the arete. Thin holds lead to a thank god jug and you move onto the other wall and steeply to the top

首攀: Rick, Bundy & Jake

运动攀岩 20m
23 Smoking Mirrors

Looks amazing, is amazing !! Awesome rock. Start off the ledge as per DD, keep heading right out on the wall and follow the flake feature in ridiculous position. Following the line straight up where the black rock meets the orange rock all the way to top.

定线/开线: Jake Noblett, 2013

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 25m, 10
24 Sun Dance Kid

same start as for SM then breaks off to the right about half way up, following the orange flake and up through the crack along the small roof, then moving to the top trending right.

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 27m, 10
26 The Flame

Same start as for smoking mirrors continuing the traverse along the lip of the cave out to the arette continuing up arette to finish at anchor for boab business.

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 30m, 12
Rick Roller's Rap in Area
26 Boab Business

Wow. This climb rips it in the way of exciting moves, exposure, sweet location and great quality rock. Possibly worthy of 4 stars! The first half of the route shares the start of 3D Disco up to the rest. After moving onto the roof, merge off 3D Disco, traversing left through the lower flake of the roof, staying below the bolts until moving out of the roof onto the face. Traverse left along the face to the arette, following arette to the top.

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 31m, 15
24 Frequent Flyer Points

Follow the juggy flake as for 3D Disco to a rest just bellow the roof. Move off through the roof, left of the major corner, following the lower flake, then moving out and up the head wall. The quality of the rock on this route is crazy cool!

定线/开线: Rick Phillips, 2011

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2013

运动攀岩 20m, 11
22 Protein Pill

Follow '3D Disco' all the way to the end of the steepness, then take left trending rings up grey face.

定线/开线: Rick Phillips, 2011

首攀: Rick Phillips & Jason Lammers, 2012

运动攀岩 22m
20 3D Disco

A killer line in an outrages position. One of the best routes at the Gold Mine. Step left with difficulty off the permaledge over the void to reach the undercling flake. Follow it to the corner then up this on massive jugs and finish up headwall. Lower-off into space and get your belayer to lasso you and haul you back in. As of 07/23 the permadraws no longer exist, though some rusted mallions are taking up space on the bolts

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 20m
23 Crash Test Dummies

Great sustained climbing all the way. Follows the line you rap down to access the permaledge. Shared first bolt with High Roller then straight up (with difficulty) to roof.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 20m
25 Jungle Love

Climb start for 'High Roller' clipping first 4 bolts, take a 3-4m run out traverse to the left to clip bolt just above roof on 'Crash Test Dummies'. Continuing to traverse the juggy roof merging up to anchor of '3D Disco'.

首攀: Jake Noblett, 2014

运动攀岩 25m, 10
25 High Roller

Great quality rock, with some amazing pockets down low. The right line of bolts off the permalegde, sharing the first couple of bolts with Crash Test Dummies. Might be grade 25.

定线/开线: Rick Phillips, 2011

首攀: Neil Monteith, 2013

运动攀岩 20m
24 Table Dancer

Up HR via the side pull , then move right under rooflet. Tricky move passing the roof then easy wall above.

定线/开线: Jason Lammers, 2013

自由首攀: Mitch Perkins, 10 6月 2016

运动攀岩 20m
18 Hypocritical Has Beens

At last, an easy way off the permaledge. Traverse right to adjoining wall and continue steeply to top. Not as great a climb as the others off this ledge but good all the same

首攀: Rick Phillips, Jake Noblett & Doug Bell

运动攀岩 20m
22 Who's Who in the Climbing Zoo

Pretty airy! Up off the ledge for one bolt then traverse right, across corner to overhung arete. Up this taking the right most line of bolts over the sucking void.

定线/开线: Jason Lammers & Rick Phiilips, 2013

首攀: Rick Phillips, Jason Lammers & Neil Monteith, 2013

运动攀岩 20m
Adventureland (open project)

Open project- go for it. Start as for Amazonia for 3 bolts then take the left line through the roof and out out out. Overhangs at least 8m. There is also an extension which will be longer and nails hard.

定线/开线: Neil Monteith, 2013

运动攀岩未首攀 25m
25 Amazonia

Really steep climbing on excellent rock - once you get past the first few metres. Either sketch up the brittle start or batman up to first bolt (add a star if you do this!). Hard move at first bolt involving slopers and a tricky highstep layback section. Up juggy flakes to mega roof - out this on mostly big holds and finish up killer headwall. Extended runners to avoid rope drag. Cleaning this route involves either a willing second or a combo or re-threading and back-jumping.

首攀: Neil Monteith, 2013

运动攀岩 30m, 11
24 More Fun Than a Bunch of Monkeys

Ridiculous steepness. The middle corner section seeps after rain, but can be mostly avoided by stemming, Stick-clip very high ringbolt and batman up to it. Tricky move up onto slab, then easy jugs up vertical wall to right edge of massive roof. Negotiate past green slime corner, then swing left and out massive roof on amazing horns to lip. Tough move over this then up overhung grey wall for even more pump. Cleaning this route involves either a willing second or a combo or re-threading and back-jumping.

首攀: Neil Monteith, 2013

运动攀岩 28m, 11
Cafe Cruiser Wall
23 Drop Tongue

As per Bromance, and keep moving left to obvious belay ledge. Camp out and battle the tougue and steepness on the second pitch.

首攀: Jason Lammers & Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 32m, 2
21 Blackbutt (Bromance Direct)

Don't get offended with the name - it's a type of tree (Eucalyptus pilularis). Direct start to 'Bromance' starting about 6m left of the rungs. Stick clip first bolt and batman up so you don't get your feet wet in the muddy start (climbable in dry conditions). Bouldery on pockets then jam up the hand crack to join into 'Bromance'.

Alternatively, (for a more strenuous finish), head left and do the 2nd pitch of 'Drop Tongue'.

首攀: Heath Black, 2011

运动攀岩 30m
20 Bromance

Up CC for a few bolts and then move left and up thru the bulges to top

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 30m
20 Café Cruiser

Probably the best 20 in Nowra. Obvious start then up to the flake and jug your way to the top.

首攀: Greg Wilson, 2006

运动攀岩 30m, 10
21 Sucked in Spartacus

Off belay ledge, trend left two bolts then straight up on flakes till the over laps

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 25m, 12
22 You Can't Handle Me Ruth

The best route on this wall, and one of the best at the grade at Nowra. Long and pumpy. Off belay ledge and up unlikely white face on pockets and small flakes. Swing through bulge and pump to the top.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 30m, 12
24 Short Sharp Explanation

Off belay ledge the Right hand line of bolts nearly straight up, climbs the large flake and up thru the roof

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 25m
23 Forest Stump

Back down on the ground, furthest most right line of bolts up wall using underclings and small pockets, hard thru overhangs.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 28m
23 97% Fern Free

Fern Free variant of BP. Up BP, till it gets easy then trend left up to crimps past 3 more RB's. Finish on FS anchor.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 25m
21 Bumpin' Peepees

Start 2m right of ST. Bouldery to gain the flake, then up the slabby stuff and into the steeper stuff to finish with a jug haul.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 23m, 11
Rock'n Tree Cave
29 The Simple Life

The hardest route at New Nowra? Left most line directly up through the massive steepness. Scramble up shale mess to small ledge. Bouldery and unlikely start onto the white white (ignore seepy seam) - then up and out out out. Spaced bolting.

定线/开线: Matt Pascoe, 2011

首攀: Matt Pascoe, 2013

运动攀岩 25m, 8
31 Don't go right

As for The Simple Life for three bolts, then right and through centre of cave. Runout and hard.

Slab > roof > big throw > headwall > two crimp mantle

定线/开线: Matt Pascoe, 2011

首攀: Jimmy McGuinness, 27 5月

运动攀岩未首攀 25m, 9
Project - Matt B

Start as for Jerkyll and Hyde but follow the scoop to join the open project. Follow this till the last bolt on the roof, then move diagonally R to join J&H again at the lip.

定线/开线: Matt Brooks, 2013

运动攀岩未首攀 30m, 12
25 Jerkyll & Hyde

Split personalities. Technical slab climbing then outrageous endurance roof climbing. Starts in the middle of Monty's Cave below right facing corner and small tree stump. Up to shale band, then tricky pull into corner. Traverse rightwards across technical slab (grade 22) to right side of massive steepness. Power through initial bulge on pockets (some real, one fake) then left and out through series of rooflets all the way to the lip of the massive cave. Crank the lip and up hidden headwall above to lone U-bolt. Back jump roue to clean. Long slings on all bolts reduces rope drag considerably. Be a little careful with the honeycomb flake at the lip of the cave.

定线/开线: Neil Monteith, 2011

首攀: Neil Monteith & Matt Pascoe, 2013

运动攀岩 30m, 13
Ugly Duckling Wall
21 Remorseless

Climbs the left side of the obvious arete at the right end of Rockn' Tree Cave starting left of the corner to a ledge right of the chimney. Awkward start is overcome by bridging of the tree to a rest, thin face climbing on good holds leads to the arete. The start seeps badly after rain and the upper section is dirty.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2013

运动攀岩 15m, 9
25 Ugly Duckling

Start at the tiny alcove 6m right of the left end of the grey wall. Up the steep flake system, using the staples at the start to keep your feet dry and trying to avoid the seep. Some awsome barndoor moves to gain the upper flake then steep wall to anchors.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 9
24 Pleasure Spiked With Pain

Start in the middle of the grey wall. A bouldery sequence leads to sustained climbing which relents at half height to a pleasurable jaunt above.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 25m, 12
22 Waste of Sin

Start at the right hand end of the grey wall under the arching overlap feature in between two endless seeping water streaks. Thin and technical down low, engaging (ie crumbly) climbing above.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 8
25 Very Thick Piece of Toast

The best rock at the The Gold Mine? Up the left hand side of the wall on small perfect little holds. Thin, sustained and techo!

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 9
24 Tecktonik

2m right of VTPoT. Up on little pockets. Climbs right of the last bolt....

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 14m
23 Pocket Shot

Start as for WtBF, vere leftwards at 2nd bolt to nice flake and follow the awesome pockets.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2012

运动攀岩 16m, 6
22 What's This Button For?

One of the original lines at the Gold Mine. Up the pockets to lower offs under the roof.

首攀: Greg Wilson, 2006

运动攀岩 15m
24 Just Desserts are Not Slimming

Start up the boulder to clip first bolt then jump on wall and blast out through the roof. Back jump roof to clean. Be careful of suss flakes in roof. Originally graded 25, but most now consider it more like 23/24.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 20m
21 Resurrection

Up the fallen boulder clipping bolt on left then on wall crimping like a Banshee.

首攀: Gilles Bonin, 2011

运动攀岩 12m
21 Caught Napping

Up block in corner then straight up wall to anchors just right of roof.

首攀: Tanya Greeves, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
22 Cover Boy

Up slab then step onto ferny ledge on right. Crank up sweet (or desperate) diagonal finger crack leading rightwards.

首攀: Jesse Lomas, 2006

运动攀岩 16m
25 Powder Burns

One of the best looking lines at the crag, and a great climb! The overhung buttress on right edge of Fernville, with prominent pockets in the middle. Stick-clip first bolt.

首攀: Greg Wilson, 2006

运动攀岩 20m
Wasp in the Willows
17 Zis is KAOS

The only true easy route at the Gold Mine. Start at the ledgy handcrack at left end of the wall. Jam easily up the crack and pull the scoopy bulge to the anchors.

首攀: Jon Porter, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 7
24 Snitch

Start 1m right of Zis is KAOS. Thin and technical climbing with a burly finish.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 13m, 7
23 After the Rapture

This one was done on the day the world was supposed to end.Start 3m left of BotB. Bulging wall which is technical and sustained.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 8
22 Battle of the Bulge

5m left of DF

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 6
22 Dragon Fly

2m left of WiW thin climbing at start leads to crux with great steep moves at top.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
22 Truck stop Party Girl

Just left of WiW, but crosses over mid height and thru the roof and up to jugs.

首攀: Rick Phiilips, 2011

运动攀岩 22m
18 Wasp in the Willows

Up the crack that stops at 5m, climbs the pockets and features left of crack thru the bulges. Way cool !

首攀: Tanya Greeves & Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 25m, 10
19 Skirt Wearing Nancyboy

Rick named this climb after himself. Stand on big flake, tricky start and then nice crimping to anchors.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
16 Foreplay

Choice of 2 starts, then up on nice rock.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
20 Espresso

Right of F, up the crack then into the white streak.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
21 Buckingham Bunga

Start at the crack in the middle of the orange wall, and then up and thru the roof to finish on head wall.

首攀: Glenn Jones, 2011

首攀: Glenn Jones, 2011

运动攀岩 22m
18 After Dinner Sex Games

The next crack along. Up crack and up into beaut easy rock to shared lower off with TBBC

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 18m
21 The Bunga Bunga Climb

Shares 1st bolt with BJ, then up and left on awesome pockets with an iteresting finish.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 18m
21 Beetle Juice

15m right of WiW near large boulder in corner.

首攀: Rick Phiilips, 2011

运动攀岩 15m
Sandpaper Wall
17 Hung Out To Dry

Whilst not the greatest rock quality the height, sea views and friendly jugs make for one of the best easy routes here. Layback up the right facing corner then up the sustained face above. This is a good end of day exit route if you top out.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 25m
22 Fair weather trainer

Up 'Sandpaper Sally' for 3 bolts then, lean out left on big sidepull and up the long wall. Sustained !

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2012

运动攀岩 26m
18 Sandpaper Sally

Starts in the small seam and follows till it blanks out, take a rest in the cave then up the awesome long headwall.

首攀: Greg Wilson, 2006

运动攀岩 24m, 7
20 Air Active

As per SS, then step right over cave and up.

首攀: Jason Lammers, 2011

运动攀岩 25m
19 Ocean Views

Up SS and at first bolt take the right hand line up the middle of wall.

首攀: Rick Phillips, 2011

运动攀岩 28m
Wringer Wall
21 Through the Wringer

Leftward diagonal line starting a few meters before the rope handrail, finishing through a little roof. Some nice slabbing then burly moves through the roof.

首攀: John Lattanzio, 2011

运动攀岩 15m, 8
Wrung Out (Project Wogdog)

Start mid way along the rope handrail. Thrugh black rock to crack and scooped bulge.

运动攀岩未首攀 14m, 10
Descent Gully Walls
15 Rock Dodgin Lawn Bowlin Granny

First route on the descent of the gully. Up via 3 bolts trending onto wall between 2nd and 3rd bolt. Ok just a bit gritty.

首攀: Glenn Jones, 2011

运动攀岩 6m, 5
17 Forlorn Bowls

Start on ledge above upper set of rungs on the descent. Up the right facing flake.

首攀: Bob Macmillan, 2011

运动攀岩 14m, 6
15 Token

1m left of Thin Edge of the Wedge at small corner with hand crack up left side. Up corner for four metres to ledge then up juggy face.

首攀: Neil Monteith, 2011

运动攀岩 13m, 4
16 Thin Edge of the Wedge

Nice warmup and probably the best 'easy' route at the Goldmine. Thin crack with lots of jugs on grey wall about 3m right of access rungs.

首攀: Neil Monteith, 2011

运动攀岩 13m, 5

Showing all 74 线路.

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