
Mount Barker Summit Guide

A Crag Guide gives an extensive view of all sub areas and climbs at a point in the index. It shows a snapshot of the index heirachy, up to 300 climbs (or areas) on a single web page. It shows selected comments climbers have made on a recently submitted ascent.

At a minor crag level this should be suitable for printing and taking with you on a climbing trip as an adjunct to your guidebook.

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Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this crag guide:

Laurence Judd Paul Badenoch Ben Dickson Dan millar Mark Foyle vicki pamelalansbury LJ Nielsen Thananthorn Suriyasenee

The size of a person's name reflects their Crag Karma, which is their level of contribution. You can help contribute to your local crag by adding descriptions, photos, topos and more.

Table of contents

1. Mount Barker Summit



113 routes in Crag

Bouldering 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: -35.065961, 138.922202


Easy access, solid rock, nice view, tiny climbs, good problems.


The main area comprises short outcrops on a ridgetop. People have been scrambling over them for decades without bothering with write-ups. Route names and descriptions have appeared recently although it's accepted these are somewhat arbitrary.


The main area on the ridgetop is council land. The gates to the car park are open from 8am to 6pm (or 8am to 8pm during daylight saving time)


Drive up the signposted summit road on the east of the Mount. There's a 3 minute walk to the summit from the carpark. The main area faces west and is just down to the R of the summit marker (looking out).

1.1. Summit Cliff



43 routes in Sector

传统攀登 和 Bouldering

Lat / Long: -35.063607, 138.920643


The climbs are laid out from North to South, with Boulder problems being found furthest North.


From the Summit Carpark head North to the lookout (About 300m). Once you reach the lookout continue another 50m North where you will find cliffs to your left. Follow the cliff to a break (Between Jacob's Ladder and Camelot Castle) where you can safely descend to the base. Continue around to the right around the corner and you will find Shock Watch and Small Roof. Around the next corner you will find another larger roof featuring Raging Boner.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Raging Boner

Start on edges under the right hand side of overhang. Climb slightly left and finish up the arete. Located in the summit area and not little arapilies.

May or may not have been climbed in the past.

首攀: 2017

V3 攀石 3m
2 Hanging Right

Start as for Raging Boner, head right and make a big move to a great edge around the right arete. LH to small slot in the corner, top out straight up.

首攀: Laurence Judd

V2 攀石 3m
3 Swatch

Around the corner from 'Easy Does It'. Start up an easy slab to a small roof, head up and over this to an easier top section

14 传统攀登 7m
4 Easy Does It

Start low on easy edge. Move up to crimps on slab. Head up and out on limited footers. Keep right of easy arete and large incut.

定线/开线: Laurence Judd, 2020

V0+ 攀石 4m
5 Inari

Start on jug in corner right of EASY DOES IT. Straight up to ear like side pull and then navigate the wall on pockets and edges. Feet stay on face / boulder and ramp to the right are out of play.

首攀: Dan millar

V1 攀石 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
6 Over the Roof

This group of boulder problems are located 15m Left of Casio G Shock Watch Wall (Can be seen in background of topo photo) Squat Start on juggy ledge with high feet. Move left and up using large side pull. Mantle the Slab using LH positive sloper and low right crimps. Use cracks in the slab to navigate to top out right of the tree.

定线/开线: Laurence Judd, 23 12月 2018

首攀: Laurence Judd & Harry Judd, 11 1月 2019

V0 攀石 4m
7 Warm up the Arete

Squat/ Stand Start on juggy ledge with high feet on good food holds. Head right along big horizontal ledge to the arete. Head up arete onto slab to top out next to tree.

定线/开线: Laurence Judd, 23 12月 2018

首攀: Laurence Judd & Harry Judd, 10 1月 2019

VB 攀石 4m
8 Up and Over

Sit Start under the roof on small edges. Keep feet on left wall of boulder. Make a move to the lip and continue up arete.

V1 攀石 3m
9 Neurofibromatosis 16 传统攀登 5m
10 Casio G Shock Watch 16 传统攀登 8m
11 Blackberry 11 传统攀登 10m
12 'Erik Lock' 16 传统攀登 10m
13 'Nick Neagle' 18 传统攀登 10m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
14 Three Blind Mice

Follow the arete up slab.

15 传统攀登 9m
15 Walking on Sunshine 13 传统攀登 9m
16 Chloe and Brianna 13 传统攀登 9m
17 Jacob's Ladder 6 传统攀登 9m
18 Smear and Slap

Start 1m right of Jacobs ladder. LH on Crimper and RH on large sidepull, using small footers or smearing move up to LH Edge and head to an easy top out.

V0 攀石 4m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
19 Quartz Backsplash

Stand Start with very good RH sidepull on arete and low LH sloper crimp on face. Move up to big jug and out left to high gaston and up to top out over the middle of the face.

V1 攀石 3m
20 The Mount Barker Traverse Low

Start left of Camelot Castle on big sloper. Head right keeping about 1m off the ground under the great roof below easier breaks all the way right past SSA around the corner to a small roof. Move through this roof to the final vertical seam of the cliff and top out via this seam. Great endurance line with a few tricky moves, found to be harder going Right to Left.

V0+ 攀石 28m
21 The Mount Barker Traverse High

Start as for Low variant but head up 4-5m and remain high traversing through the lip of The Great Roof and around second bulge at Chocolate Oreo. Continue right around corner and finish up last face of rock. A couple of spicy moves, but loads of great rests and well protected by horizontal crack.

16 传统攀登 28m
22 Camelot Castle 5 传统攀登 6m
23 Sir Lancelot 6 传统攀登 6m
24 John's Crack 6 传统攀登 6m
25 Wizard's Sleave 11 传统攀登 8m
26 The Wand 12 传统攀登 8m
27 Arthur 11 传统攀登 8m
28 Miss Bouncy Bouncy

The short crack and corner 1m L of Karl Malden's Nose.

7 传统攀登 9m
29 Karl Malden's Nose 15 传统攀登 10m
30 Steve's Traverse

Start up Karl Marden's Nose to the roof, then hand traverse above the lip of the roof on jugs rightwards to finish up Bristol Stool. Done as a solo so the gear could be interesting.

首攀: Steve Kelly, 2 5月 2015

16 传统攀登 10m
31 Karl Malden's Nose RHS

The ragged corner to the roof. Escape L into KMN.

15 传统攀登 10m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
32 The Great Roof 21 传统攀登 10m
33 Wizard's Sleeve

Wizards Sleeve. UK 5a/b 17-18. 10m. Starts low left under the main overhang and traverses across Grey Paint to finish more directly than Bristol Stool Chart Number 2 up the roof on small holds. An awkward mantelshelf gets you over the top. A really nice climb.

17 传统攀登 10m
34 Battleship Grey 17 传统攀登 10m
35 Bristol Stool Chart Number 2 17 传统攀登 10m
36 Quartz Timepiece 16 传统攀登 10m
37 Camtastic 10 传统攀登 13m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
38 Wound up Toy

The arete just R of Camtastic, finishing to the L

首攀: 2014

6 传统攀登 10m
39 Anzac Biscuit 16 传统攀登 10m
40 Chocolate Oreo 16 传统攀登 10m
41 Custard Creme 13 传统攀登 10m
42 Own-Brand Wafer Biscuit 13 传统攀登 10m
43 SSA

Directly up the arete just R of Own-Brand Wafer Biscuit

首攀: 2014

14 传统攀登 10m

1.2. Little Arapiles


Lat / Long: -35.070133, 138.923912


Very small bouldering area. A maximum of 3 people is recommended at any one time. As usual, keep volume levels to a minimum and take out whatever you bring in. Routes ordered from left to right. Recommended you bring mosquito repellent of some description as they can be quite pesky at this crag. Ground under the boulder can remain damp for several days after rainfall due to lack of sunlight, recommended a tarp or similar be brought if climbing in wet months to keep mud on equipment to a minimum.


Park at Summit Carpark. Head Down entry track to Tee-Off with Shut Gate (For Cars). Follow that path for about 250m where you reach a clearing on your left. Follow a faint trail down the hill for another 150m tending to your right (South East). A path through the dense scrub will lead to the boulder.


First discovered by Paul Kinnane, this area underwent some development in early 2012, with Craig Ingram adding the hardest line of the time (Take a Chance). However, in terms of quality When Your Luck Runs Out took the award, and perhaps is the best V6 in the Adelaide region. SLAGP also vies for best V4. Numerous link ups exist, with the hardest probably being 'Best of Luck'.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Puff Pastry 8 传统攀登 8m
2 Dough 15 传统攀登 9m
3 Pop Tart 15 传统攀登 9m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
4 Caveman

Sit start on LH Pinch and RH sloper with feet on the back wall of the cave. Move up on good jugs and incuts. Finish by stepping out left on big break or continue up the slab head wall

首攀: Laurence Judd, 16 1月 2021

V2 攀石 4m
5 Longbow

Start on the SLAGP start hold and move LH to ear under roof, then big span out to lip. Match and surmount headwall, finishing up and right.

首攀: 19 7月 2014

V1 攀石 3m
6 Warm Up Left

Start on the SLAGP start hold and make a big move RH or LH up and left then traverse left around the arete above the shelf, finishing on the jug directly above the shelf.

V1 攀石 3m
7 Warm Up Right

SLAGP start, then up to good pockets, right to the SLAGP jug, then left a move and up.

V0 攀石 4m
8 You Know it 'Aint Right

Warm Up Right footless. Finishes on the top jug level with Guinea Pig's final R hander ie. at the start of the mantle. Down climb to get off.

首攀: 10月 2021

V4 攀石
9 You where right…there’s nothing left

Pull onto the bucket above Lowbows Crimp on the lip. Campus right staying as low as possible. Campus right into - you know it ain’t right and finish for that. Longer but skips the other problems crux.

首攀: Dan millar

V3 攀石
10 Two Coughs

Start up Warm Up Right (SLAGP Start Hold) until you get to the large jug at the breakline. Traverse right along breakline to gain the RH flat edge below final jug of WYLRO, to then finish on that jug.

V4 攀石 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
11 Sounds Like a Guinea Pig

Straight off the huge jug (left hand side) under the roof, busting straight out via a crimpy LH pocket and RH L-shaped edge to large jug, then straight up to smaller hold above rooflet with RH and top out.

V4 攀石 4m
12 Diagnosis Positive [link up ]

Start as for Take two - finish on WYLRO jug- traverse right to join Are you feeling luckys at the head wall slot holds. Traverse along the break on obvious pockets - exit as for editors

首攀: Dan millar, 3 4月 2022

V4 攀石
13 Take 2 and Call Me in the Morning

SLAGP to the big jug, but then exit via Two Coughs finish. Never recorded but previously done as an alternative finish to SLAGP, and the precursor to 'Pneumonia'.

V4 攀石
14 Another Bum Scraping Reverse (ABSR)

ABST in reverse (starting as for Guinea Pig and traversing the low break rightwards into the start of 'Are You Feeling Lucky?'.

V4 攀石 3m
15 Debaser

Stand start- sloping crimp of WYLRO and perfect undercling. Bang straight up to obvious crimp - move out left to crimp of Two coughs - and Dyno / pop to the huge rhino horn to an easy top out.

首攀: Dan millar

V5 攀石
16 When Your Luck Runs Out

Start off middle jug (right of huge jug of 'Guinea pig') then move up to 1st crimpy hold of that route. Bust right to slopey crimp, then left to the right hander L-shaped edge of Guinea Pig. Hold on until the RH flat edge in the midway 'break', then dyno to finish. Mega.

首攀: Craig Ingram, 2012

V6 攀石 3m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
17 Jezebel

Sit start with left hand in side pull and right hand on sloper. Make a big move to the sloper and the good edge directly above then move to the finishing jug of 'Burden of Society'. Top out.

V2 攀石 4m
18 ABST (Another Bum Scraping Traverse

Right to left traverse on low break under roof finishing at SLAGP Start.

V3 攀石 4m
19 ABST (Another Bum Scraping Traverse) Extension

ABST finishing up Warm Up Left or Right for added Value

首攀: 2012

V3 攀石 5m
20 Burden on Society

Editor's, but after big 1st move traverse left to the split finger hold and dyno lefthand to the 'nose' jug. Match up and it's done, or topout.

V3 攀石 3m
21 Take a Chance

Burden on Society to split finger hold, then traverse horizontally left into WYLRO then into SLAGP and finish up Warm Up Right.

首攀: Craig Ingram, 2012

V7 攀石 5m
22 Are You Feeling Lucky?

Editor's Right to the break then up and left to a big sloper/dish, then make a big lock move to a small sidepull, then make a small pop to a small crimpy pocket beyond it. Aim for jugs and topout above

V5 攀石 4m
23 Editors Right

Sit start then up to breakline, then diagonally right via a few crossovers into a small sharp RH pocket and top out.

V2 攀石 5m
24 Pushing the Boundaries

Eliminate. Start right of Are You Feeling Lucky start (and left of Just Right), and make a move to the big jug. LH into an undercling, then RH to Editor's Right dish/crimp. LH gaston small sharp edge, then RH into better holds in headwall. Topout.

V2 攀石
25 Just Right

Sit start on far right (right of the start to Are You Feeling Lucky), starting matched on a down sloping sloper under the roof. Make a move to a RH black crimp, then LH to poor intermediate. Pop again to the good hold in Editors Right, and finish up and right past the 3 finger pocket.

首攀: 19 7月 2014

V2 攀石
26 Hubble Low

Hubble High starting as for Just Right.

V5 攀石
27 Hubble High

Sit start with two underclings (above the Just Right start holds). Pull on from a sit and go RH to the Editor's Right intermediate crimp, then lock to a sloper and go LH again to the Editor's pocket. Top out.

V4 攀石
28 Scar Tissue

Originally started as for Just Right (V4). Better start is the jug right of Editor's right start (V5). Up to sloper of Just Right, and RH on hold under roof adjacent to it. Move LH to black crimp (RH hold of Just Right), then move to next crimp. Sort a sequence to RH sidepulls via LH ER intermediate, then punch into pocket on ER with LH and top out.

首攀: 22 3月 2021

V5 攀石 3m
29 Scarred for Life [Link Up]

ABSR + Scar Tissue. One of the best links here. Start on the jugs of Warm Up Right, traverse right into the start of Editor's, then do the first two moves of that problem and traverse right again into the start of ST and finish as for that.

首攀: 2 8月 2021

V6 攀石 7m
30 Pneumonia [Link Up]

SLAGP + Bronchitis.

首攀: 23 12月 2014

V5 攀石
31 TB [Link Up]

ABST + Pneumonia.

首攀: 26 12月 2014

V5 攀石
32 Tough Luck [Link Up]

SLAGP to the big jug, then traverse right all the way into 'Editors Right' without using finishing jugs of WYLRO/Burden ie reverse Take a Chance crux.

首攀: Steve Kelly, 2012

V7 攀石
33 Magnum Force [Link Up]

ABSR + Are You Feeling Lucky

V6 攀石 5m
34 Unnecessary Burden [Link Up]

ABSR + Burden on Society.

V5 攀石 6m
35 Chief Editor [Link Up]

ABSR + Editor's Right.

V5 攀石 7m
36 Shoshin [Link Up]

ABSR + 'Take a Chance'.

首攀: 5 10月 2016

V7 攀石
37 Better Luck Next Time [Link Up]

Links WYLRO to the flat RH edge (2nd to last move) then traverses right into 'Editors Right' via the midway 'break'.

首攀: Steve Kelly, 5 7月 2014

V6 攀石
38 Best of Luck [Link Up]

WYLRO to the 2nd to last move (flat RH edge) then TAC crux move into Are You Feeling Lucky.

V8 攀石
39 Take a Guinea Pig from Behind [Link Up]

ABST + Sounds Like a Guinea Pig.

V5 攀石 4m
40 When Your Tank Runs Out [Link Up]

ABST + When Your Luck Runs Out.

V6 攀石
41 Phlegm [Link Up]

Burden on Society + Two Coughs reverse + Warm Up Left.

V5 攀石 6m
42 Phlegm Cycle [Link Up]

Burden On Society + Two Coughs reverse + ABSR.

V5 攀石 10m
43 COPD [Link Up]

Phlegm Cycle + Burden on Society

首攀: 10 7月 2021

V5 攀石
44 Coughing Fit [Link Up]

Phlegm Cycle + Editor's Right

首攀: 7 7月 2021

V6 攀石 12m
45 The Weakest Link

Take Phlegm Cycle into all of Scarred for Life. About 38 moves.

首攀: Redanon, 8 4月 2022

V7 攀石
46 Bronchitis [Link Up]

Two Coughs to its finish jugs then across to the sloper on Are You Feeling Lucky, drop down to the lower breakline and finish as for Editor's Right.

首攀: 14 12月 2014

V5 攀石 6m
47 Take a Pig [Link Up]

Take a Chance + Warm Up Right reverse + SLAGP.

V7 攀石
48 Full Circle [Link Up]

Take a Chance + Warm Up Right reverse + ABSR

V7 攀石
49 Long Shot [Link Up]

Start matched on the sloper of Just Right, then traverse left and drop down to the start of Editors Right (reverse its first 2 moves). Continue as for ABST + Longbow

V4 攀石 5m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
50 First Time Desire

Located on the small boulder 2m right of the main boulder, a good warm up. Sit Start in gap under small roof. Move up to lip and mantle before topping out easier upper section. Chad Step Out.

首攀: Stacy

V0 攀石 3m

1.3. Lookout Boulders



7 routes in Area

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: -35.064904, 138.920669


A band of boulders between the two lookouts on Mount Barker Summit. There are a few more around nearby yet to be established/climbed.


The main area on the ridgetop is council land. The gates to the car park are open from 8am to 6pm (or 8am to 8pm during daylight saving time)


Park at the summit car park and follow the designated track heading down the hill, where it loops around below the lookouts. There you will find two separate paths to the located boulders. A cairn has been placed at the start of each track. Please keep to these paths to limit impact on environment.


No camping on summit. Closest Towns are Mount Barker and Nairne.


Discovered in March 2021. Appeared to be un-established featuring several loose rocks on faces and uncleared surroundings. Only found by chance as the recent windy Spring/Summer resulted in many trees falling on the hillside exposing the boulders from the walking track.

1.3.1. Table Top Boulder


4 routes in Boulder

Lat / Long: -35.064804, 138.920593


A stack of two boulders of differing rock types creating a unique climbing experience.


Approach from below boulder from summit circuit track.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Step Ladder

Sit Start on edges at base of boulder. Move up and left to arete via nice ladder style edges. Once you are hugging the arete using nice line of edges to the left and sloping right of arete move up to the boulder above where you will find some really nice jugs. Mantle out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 3月 2021

V3 攀石 4m
2 Top Deck

Sit Start on nice edges and head straight up the face and onto jugs of top boulder to a spicy mantle top out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 3月 2021

V0 攀石 4m
3 Comp Dyno

Sit start as for 'Step Ladder' or Crouch start on massive jug sidepull. Move up to opposing jug side pull then dyno to the top and mantle out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 10月 2022

V1/2 攀石 4m
4 Embrace the Pinch

Sit Start matched just right of large protruding block on nice edge rail. Make a move to a really good pinch then up to break and continue up to top out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 3月 2021

V1 攀石 4m

1.3.2. Nature's Boulder


1 route in Boulder

Lat / Long: -35.064886, 138.920626


A boulder 10m right of Table Top Boulder nestled next to some trees that need to be watched out for while climbing. As of March 2021 there is a large loose block at head height left of Tarzan problem, this should be avoided when climbing on the boulder.


Approach via a track marked with a cairn.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Tarzan

Sit start on LH sloping edge and RH on sloping side pull or on large horizontal edge for those less vertically challenged. Moved right and up to face on crimpers and edges to an easy top out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 3月 2021

V1 攀石 4m

1.3.3. Bored Local's Boulder


2 routes in Boulder

Lat / Long: -35.065069, 138.920665


Southern Most Boulder in the area featuring a little roof and great holds.


Approach via summit circuit track to path below boulder.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Ride the Donkey

Sit Start With RH on large edge and LH on good edge in between the two boulders. Make a move to the lip and continue up the arete and top out. Boulder to the left of start is out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 3月 2021

V2 攀石 3m
2 Eeyore

Start as for 'Ride the Donkey' but bail out right and head up the slab and top out.

首攀: 3月 2021

V0 攀石 3m

1.4. Northern End



13 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: -35.062276, 138.920990


Some bouldering approximately 200-250m North of the summit.


Approach as for Isolation boulder or simply follow the faint track along the ridgeline.

1.4.1. Isolation Boulder


Lat / Long: -35.061862, 138.921056


Steep, crimpy boulder with superior rock quality for the area and ok landings.


From the car park take the first track headed North east and follow for approximately 700 meters. When you get to the loan Yakka bush on the right side of the path head immediately left for approximately 50 meters. Slight scramble will land you at the base of the boulder


A chequered history. Climbed on back in the '90's (when a dubious hold was added), then later rediscovered in early 2012. A couple of lines were established then (what is now called Isolation and Escape from Isolation), and only recently rediscovered again. The majority of the face is blank (central section), hence the previous lack of interest.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Bushido

Start in the cave next to A little bit extra. LH on deep side pull RH Gaston on A little bit extra's LH start hold. Straight up the arete to an awkward exit.

首攀: Dan millar

V1 攀石 2m
2 A Little Bit of Something

Start LH at base of good 2nd sidepull left of arete and RH on protruding pinch. Move up to good sloper at the lip, then traverse up and right to top out on good jug of 'Isolation'.


V3 攀石 3m
3 Isolation

Start left hand in the manufactured slot on far left of boulder and right hand on the good edge. Bump left to rail before making a big move into a high in-cut right hand. Place your right foot high on the sloping rail before making a dynamic move with the left hand to a high jug above right hand. top out to finish

首攀: Paul Kinnane, 2012

V3 攀石 3m
4 Isolation Direct

Start matched on Isolation's RH crimper, then make a big move RH to a finger jug at 1 o'clock. Top out (effectively Isolation minus two holds). Strangely easier.

首攀: Redanon

V2 攀石
5 Escape from Isolation

Start matched on Isolation's RH crimp. Make a big lock/dynamic move with RH to a pocket/finger jug at 2 o'clock (right of the Isolation hold), then LH to a good edge/finger jug, and top out.

首攀: Craig Ingram, 2012

V4 攀石
6 Extra Isolation

As for isolation however after gaining the in-cut right hand cross through left to a side pull and traverse out right avoiding the jugs over the lip. Match on a good hold just below the lip before cutting feet to gain an orange footer on the far right of the boulder. top out to finish

首攀: Mark Foyle, 19 5月 2020

V3 攀石
7 [Project]

Start matched on sloping diagonal rail and make a big lock move via intermediate crimp to the start hold of 'Escape from Isolation'. Finish up that. Will be an Adelaide classic.

8 A sweet extension

Open Project. Possible left extension to S&S on harder central holds

攀石未首攀 2m
9 Quarantine Project

A very impressive line when complete. Sit start on the large edge on the right hand side. Move into the undercling then the small edge before making a big move to the prominent side pull on the left. Match this then join 'Isolation' at it's right hand starter. Climb 'Isolation' to the top. If you're bouldering double digits check this gem out!


10 Short n Sweet

Sit start on low juggy edge, with foot far right on arete. Make a move to a solid edge then bump to top sloping jug and top out.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 2020

V2 攀石 1m
11 Avoiding Isolation

Traverse boulder from right to left on jugs above lip. Top out as for Isolation

首攀: Tom Kane, 19 5月 2020

V1 攀石 5m

1.4.2. O&D Boulder


1 route in Boulder

Lat / Long: -35.062616, 138.920976


An isolated section of cliff featuring a short roof.


Approx 80m south of Isolation boulder along ridge line.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 One & Done

Sit Start on high LH crimp and low RH sloper sidepull. Head straight up on good holds to the lip, then over the bulge on good sloping edge.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 8月 2022

V1 攀石 4m

1.4.3. Goosebumps Boulder


1 route in Boulder

Lat / Long: -35.062540, 138.921005


A small overhung wall 10m north of O&D.


70m South of Isolation Boulder.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Goosebumps

Sit Start on good edge and sidepull. Head straight up to big break, head right and up the arete to find some good slopers, or head straight up the face for some harder crimping, the choice is yours.

首攀: Laurence Judd, 8月 2022

V1/2 攀石 4m

2. Index by grade

Grade Stars Name Style Pop Area
5 Camelot Castle 传统攀登 6m 1.1. Summit Cliff
6 Jacob's Ladder 传统攀登 9m 1.1. Summit Cliff
John's Crack 传统攀登 6m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Sir Lancelot 传统攀登 6m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Wound up Toy 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
7 Miss Bouncy Bouncy 传统攀登 9m 1.1. Summit Cliff
VB Warm up the Arete 攀石 4m 1.1. Summit Cliff
8 Puff Pastry 传统攀登 8m 1.2. Little Arapiles
10 Camtastic 传统攀登 13m 1.1. Summit Cliff
11 Arthur 传统攀登 8m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Blackberry 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Wizard's Sleave 传统攀登 8m 1.1. Summit Cliff
12 The Wand 传统攀登 8m 1.1. Summit Cliff
13 Chloe and Brianna 传统攀登 9m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Custard Creme 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Own-Brand Wafer Biscuit 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Walking on Sunshine 传统攀登 9m 1.1. Summit Cliff
14 SSA 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Swatch 传统攀登 7m 1.1. Summit Cliff
15 Karl Malden's Nose 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Karl Malden's Nose RHS 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Three Blind Mice 传统攀登 9m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Dough 传统攀登 9m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Pop Tart 传统攀登 9m 1.2. Little Arapiles
V0 Over the Roof 攀石 4m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Smear and Slap 攀石 4m 1.1. Summit Cliff
First Time Desire 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Warm Up Right 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Top Deck 攀石 4m 1.3.1. Table Top Boulder
Eeyore 攀石 3m 1.3.3. Bored Local's Boulder
16 'Erik Lock' 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Anzac Biscuit 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Casio G Shock Watch 传统攀登 8m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Chocolate Oreo 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Neurofibromatosis 传统攀登 5m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Quartz Timepiece 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Steve's Traverse 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
The Mount Barker Traverse High 传统攀登 28m 1.1. Summit Cliff
17 Battleship Grey 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Bristol Stool Chart Number 2 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Wizard's Sleeve 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
V0+ Easy Does It 攀石 4m 1.1. Summit Cliff
The Mount Barker Traverse Low 攀石 28m 1.1. Summit Cliff
18 'Nick Neagle' 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
V1 Inari 攀石 3m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Quartz Backsplash 攀石 3m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Up and Over 攀石 3m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Longbow 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Warm Up Left 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Embrace the Pinch 攀石 4m 1.3.1. Table Top Boulder
Tarzan 攀石 4m 1.3.2. Nature's Boulder
Avoiding Isolation 攀石 5m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
Bushido 攀石 2m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
One & Done 攀石 4m 1.4.2. O&D Boulder
V1/2 Comp Dyno 攀石 4m 1.3.1. Table Top Boulder
Goosebumps 攀石 4m 1.4.3. Goosebumps Boulder
V2 Hanging Right 攀石 3m 1.1. Summit Cliff
Caveman 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Editors Right 攀石 5m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Jezebel 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Just Right 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Pushing the Boundaries 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Ride the Donkey 攀石 3m 1.3.3. Bored Local's Boulder
Isolation Direct 攀石 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
Short n Sweet 攀石 1m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
21 The Great Roof 传统攀登 10m 1.1. Summit Cliff
V3 Raging Boner 攀石 3m 1.1. Summit Cliff
ABST (Another Bum Scraping Traverse 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
ABST (Another Bum Scraping Traverse) Extension 攀石 5m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Burden on Society 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
You where right…there’s nothing left 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Step Ladder 攀石 4m 1.3.1. Table Top Boulder
A Little Bit of Something 攀石 3m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
Extra Isolation 攀石 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
Isolation 攀石 3m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
V4 Another Bum Scraping Reverse (ABSR) 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Diagnosis Positive [link up ] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Hubble High 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Long Shot [Link Up] 攀石 5m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Sounds Like a Guinea Pig 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Take 2 and Call Me in the Morning 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Two Coughs 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
You Know it 'Aint Right 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Escape from Isolation 攀石 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
V5 Are You Feeling Lucky? 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Bronchitis [Link Up] 攀石 6m 1.2. Little Arapiles
COPD [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Chief Editor [Link Up] 攀石 7m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Debaser 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Hubble Low 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Phlegm Cycle [Link Up] 攀石 10m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Phlegm [Link Up] 攀石 6m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Pneumonia [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Scar Tissue 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
TB [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Take a Guinea Pig from Behind [Link Up] 攀石 4m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Unnecessary Burden [Link Up] 攀石 6m 1.2. Little Arapiles
V6 Better Luck Next Time [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Coughing Fit [Link Up] 攀石 12m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Magnum Force [Link Up] 攀石 5m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Scarred for Life [Link Up] 攀石 7m 1.2. Little Arapiles
When Your Luck Runs Out 攀石 3m 1.2. Little Arapiles
When Your Tank Runs Out [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
V7 Full Circle [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Shoshin [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Take a Chance 攀石 5m 1.2. Little Arapiles
Take a Pig [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
The Weakest Link 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
Tough Luck [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
V8 Best of Luck [Link Up] 攀石 1.2. Little Arapiles
? A sweet extension 攀石未首攀 2m 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
Quarantine Project 攀石未首攀 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
[Project] 攀石未首攀 1.4.1. Isolation Boulder
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