
线路 如同运动攀岩 in Hobart and surrounds

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 322 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
17 Bedside Manners are Extra
运动攀岩 18m
21 Plastic Extras

This has now been bolted.

运动攀岩 18m
21 Plastic Erection
运动攀岩 18m
25 The Chodd
运动攀岩 18m
27 Cadwallada
运动攀岩 15m
27 Dildo Gaggin's

A sustained link-up that guarantees a good workout. Start up Gun Ho, stepping L at jugs, finishing up Cadwallada. Dynamic, technical with a heartbreaking finish.

首攀: T. Caldwell & S. Claus, 2012

运动攀岩 15m
26 Gun Ho
运动攀岩 15m
26 Heaps Good

Climbs the blank face to the L of the upper section of SE. Contrived.

运动攀岩 15m
25 Suck Ethics

The classic of the crag

运动攀岩 15m, 6
25 Anaphalaxis Hobbit Varient

If you're too short to do the Anaphalaxis dyno then use the good initial hold to move left to bolt and then up to the horizontal break and finish as for Anaphalaxis.

运动攀岩 15m, 5
24 Anaphalaxis
运动攀岩 15m, 5
24 Play Launch
运动攀岩 15m, 6
25 Play Launch Direct Start
运动攀岩 15m, 6
24 Wasted Daze
运动攀岩 15m
25 Wasted Daze RH Variant Finish

At the final overlap on WD make a tricky move right to join the crack. Past a U-bolt then to the WD Chains.

运动攀岩 15m
22 Dazed and Confused
运动攀岩 17m, 5
22 General Benefit
运动攀岩 15m, 4
20 General Discipline

Start up Bondage and Discipline until the roof. Then climb straight up on good but well spaced holds (a little harder if your short) & finish at General Benefit chains.

运动攀岩 18m, 4
20 Bondage and Discipline
运动攀岩 18m, 4
23 Bad Habits
运动攀岩 18m, 4
21 Gibbon Habits

Start with the 2 first bolts of Bad Habits, go right around the arête to the big hole and then up to the chains

运动攀岩 15m, 5
23 Genital habits

Climb the crux of Genital thrust into the crux of Bad habits.

运动攀岩 15m
23 Genital Thrust
运动攀岩 15m
21 Gibbon Tactics
运动攀岩 15m
Waterworks Quarry
21 Spiderman's Arsehole

首攀: Jon Tiller, 1991

运动攀岩 7m
17 Don't Buy a Cheap Ryobi

L-most line of bolts on slab, starting just behind the small tree. 4 UBs to chains shared with 'Twilight Groping'.

首攀: A. Lewes & T. Helleman, 2009

运动攀岩 10m, 4
17 Twilight Groping

Start 2m R of 'Don't Buy a Cheap Ryobi'. 4 UBs to chains shared with 'DBACR'.

首攀: Richard Marshall, 1989

运动攀岩 10m, 4
12 Eye Bolt Route

Straight up centre of slab, 2m R of 'Twilight Groping'. 5 UBs to chains.

运动攀岩 10m, 5
12 Paradise Found

Start with 2 bolts of 'Weetbix' traverse L then climb diagonally towards the anchor of 'Don't Buy a Cheap Ryobi'

运动攀岩 12m
15 Weetbix

R-most line of bolts on slab, 2m R of 'Eye Bolt Route'. 4 UBs to DUBB.

首攀: E. Jones, T. Gilbert & G. Abell, 2009

运动攀岩 11m, 4
17 Cheerios

Cheeky alternative start to Weetbix from the far right corner. Crimpy slab problem instead of the easy ladder of Weetbix.

定线/开线: Gabriel Kinzler, 4 6月 2020

运动攀岩 11m, 4
12 Five Four

Short easy climb, great for beginners or first time leaders. 3 UBs to DUBB.

首攀: Jon Tiller, 1993

运动攀岩 8m, 3
18 Death Unto Racists

Delicate climbing. Starts 2m L of 'Bastard Cancer'. 4 UBs to DBB shared with 'BC'.

首攀: Jon Tiller, 1993

运动攀岩 15m, 4
18 Bastard Cancer

Arête just L of main slab. Nice rock. Bouldery start, can pre-clip first bolt from easy corner to R. 4 UBs (5 if you use last UB on 'Death Unto Racists') finishing at DBB shared with 'DUR'.

首攀: Richard Marshall, 1987

运动攀岩 15m, 4
17 Serial Madness

Start with 3 bolts of 'Bastard Cancer' traverse R, bolts 2-5 of 'Phantom Stone Thrower', continue up 'Ruddiocracy' then traverse to the anchor of 'Serial Driller' (crux)

运动攀岩 25m
18 Phantom Stone Thrower

L-most end of main slab, 3m R of 'Bastard Cancer'. 5 UBs to chains.

首攀: Jon Tiller, 1993

运动攀岩 20m, 5
20 Ruddiocracy

Start immediately R of PST, climbing just to the L of the UBs. Exciting climbing with some thin moves. The crux clip is now a little cruxier (Aug 2017), having lost a handy jug, adding a grade (from 19). May still shed a little rock so belayer beware!

首攀: Guy Abell & Emlyn Jones, 2010

运动攀岩 15m, 5
24 Les Grands Ensembles

Start just L of small roof, a few metres R of 'Ruddiocracy'. 7 FHs. Finish at same chains as 'Tour de France' & 'Serial Driller'.

首攀: Richard Cockerill, 2000

运动攀岩 20m, 7
26 Tour de France

The crag test piece. Start 2m R of 'Les Grands Ensembles', at R end of rooflet. 7 FHs, though hanger on 1st is missing (nongs!) NOTE 1st bolt now U-bolt (2017). Chains shared with 'LGE' & 'Serial Driller'.

首攀: Hamish Jackson, 1994

运动攀岩 20m, 7
22 Driller Direct

Start at Tour de France, continue trending right on UBs to join Serial Driller. Extra UB has been added for 'high' traverse to chains, no need to clip second last bolt. And if confident, climbs well to clip the second UB as your 1st.

首攀: Tim Meech, 12月 2017

运动攀岩 20m, 9
20 Serial Driller

Start 3m R of 'Tour de France', towards R end of central slab. Follow L line bolts after 3rd bolt. Trend L at top to chains shared with 'Les Grands Ensembles' & 'TDF'. 9 UBs. NOTE: top section (to chains) is more technical due to block with holds shedding (May 2017).

首攀: John Domeney, 1993

运动攀岩 20m, 9
20 Opening Festering Wounds

Start as for 'Serial Driller' but follow R line of bolts after 3rd bolt. 8 UBs to chains.

首攀: John Domeney, 1994

运动攀岩 20m, 8
21 Serial driller 3.0

Start with 6 bolts of 'Totally Awesome' continue past the step for 2 bolts in 'Open Festering Wounds' traverse L in the apparent bolt face to climb the last 3 bolts of 'Serial Driller'

运动攀岩 25m
21 Totally Awesome

Start at R end of the tall section of main slab, 2m R of 'Serial Driller'. Lots of loose rock so take care. 9 UBs & FHs to DBB.

首攀: Dave Humphries, 2012

运动攀岩 21m, 9
23 Sequels of the Light

Start a few metres R of 'Totally Awesome'. Up right facing corner to overlap. Move slightly leftwards from top of overlap, then finish back right up final slab. 5 UBs to anchors.

首攀: Evan Peacock, 1992

运动攀岩 10m, 5
21 Pathetic Nongs Steal Hangers, Yes I'm Talking to You Arsehole

The best route at the quarry? Continually interesting climbing up the groove feature and bulge. 4 UBs to anchors.

首攀: A. Rosa, 1992

运动攀岩 10m, 4

A route squeezed in between PNSH and the rubbish rock to the right (use the arete to the right but don't venture further right). Kick right from the pedestal near the top to finish. Might not really be 19 but with a heavy fever and respiratory difficulty it just might be.

定线/开线: Alan Jackson & Gabriel Kinzler, 4 6月 2020

运动攀岩 10m, 5
21 Oh Joyous Lobotomy

Start shared with 'Trad Wankers Must Die'. Up easily past 3 UBs and optional FH. Then head L through steeper section past final UB to anchors. A block with the crux hold worked loose mid-2017 increasing the grade of the climb from 20 (to 21 or 22).

"A route in the classic tradition of Waterworks Quarry. A route that will warm the hearts and minds of repeat ascentionists, chill them to the bone and make them sick to their stomachs. This route epitomises its creator's hedonistic and sociopathic style and is a textbook case of man against rock, rock against gravity and gravity against the combined forces of Ramset and Ryobi. The first bolt, with its stark placement and uncompromising height off the deck, deftly describes mans inhumanity to man. It is also a vivid phallic symbol graphically outlining the first ascentionist's subconscious insecurity about the size of his bit. The moves up the wall above form an abstract modern dance that brings to mind images of East European conflict especially the side-pull which is the key to reaching the third bolt and a new round of Geneva peace talks. A man will always return to old stomping grounds and search for his roots; pulling up on the crucial razor sharp undercut one can almost feel them. The heady aroma of vast African plains drifts tantalisingly through ones nostrils and momentarily the mists of time part, you run, then walk, then crawl back down the evolutionary chain until an apelike heave sends you scurrying up and over the crux. You pause to appreciate the moment and the true symbolism of the metaphor, but a glance at the vacant expanse looming high to the left tells you the best is still to come."

首攀: John Domeney, 1993

运动攀岩 10m, 5
18 Trad Wankers Must Die

Start as for 'Oh Joyous Lobotomy'. At the 3rd UB head R past a final UB to anchors. The FH between the 3rd & 4th bolts doesn't offer additional protection and there's less rope drag if it's not clipped.

首攀: J. Domeney & S. Stojanovski, 1992

运动攀岩 10m, 4
23 Urban Renewal

Nice climbing. Start up right facing corner (shared with DITNO). Where DITNO moves right, continue straight up the line. Clips the same bolts as DITNO. No chain or lower-off, but easy to traverse 2m left or right to an adjacent route.

首攀: Evan Peacock, 1992

运动攀岩 10m, 5
20 Drilling in the Name of

Climb the cruxy corner to the second bolt on UR, move right to easier left trending corner line. Up to chain on JBMHD.

首攀: John Domeney, 1993

运动攀岩 10m, 5
18 Interloper

A somewhat contrived line, yet opening new possibilities. Start halfway between Urban Renewal and Jesus Built My Hammer Drill. Lower section is a crimp fest, middle section a side-pulling stepladder, upper section a cruxy blank face. Stay centred on the bolt line and do not use holds to your left (Resurrection) or right (Jesus). Finish at the same anchor as Resurrection and Drilling in the Name of. In loving memory of Majo.

首攀: Gabriel Kinzler & Alan Jackson, 9 10月 2019

运动攀岩 10m, 4
15 Resurrection

Link up. Start up 'Jesus Built My Hammer Drill'. At 3rd UB, head L to join 'Drilling In The Name Of' at its 4th UB. Finish at 'DITNO' anchors.

首攀: OCCG (Old Codgers Climbing Group), 2005

运动攀岩 10m, 5
17 Jesus Built My Hammer Drill

Good thin climbing up face to L of 'The Blind Leading The Crippled' arête. 4 UBs to anchors.

首攀: John Domeney, 1992

运动攀岩 10m, 4
20 The Process of Elimination

A line between JBMHD and BLTC. Avoid the temptation of the large holds on climbs either side. Possibly could be described as a bit contrived.

运动攀岩 10m, 4
16 The Blind Leading The Crippled

Ascends the blunt arête at the R end of the cliff. Try climbing it blindfolded! 4 UBs to chains.

首攀: Duncan Meerding & Paul Pritchard, 2010

运动攀岩 10m, 4
19 Twilight Extension

Discontinued due to chossy death risk.

运动攀岩 18m, 7
12 Eye Bolt Extension

Discontinued due to chossy death risk.

运动攀岩 18m, 6
Proctor's Road Quarry Lower Tier Back Wall
21 Cocaine Corner
运动攀岩 20m
22 Dilandia
运动攀岩 22m
25 Cold Turkey
运动攀岩 23m
25 Delerium
运动攀岩 15m
19 Hit Me Quick
运动攀岩 23m
19 Sister Morphine Direct
运动攀岩 23m
18 Sister Morphine
运动攀岩 23m
18 Opening Instructions
运动攀岩 30m
19 Ultima
运动攀岩 13m
21 Quick Trip
运动攀岩 12m
26 Overdose
运动攀岩 30m
23 Natural High
运动攀岩 30m
23 Passover
运动攀岩 35m
27 Faceless
运动攀岩 15m
23 Bent Needles and Straight Spoons
运动攀岩 15m
23 Training for Austin
运动攀岩 23m
25 Suicide Bridge
运动攀岩 15m
16 Exploding White Flies
运动攀岩 22m
19 Futuo Lacettae
运动攀岩 30m
18 Holiday in Lizardland
运动攀岩 10m
Proctor's Road Quarry Lower Tier Right Wall
17 Rock n Roll; No Rocks are Rolling
运动攀岩 10m
20 Transformer
运动攀岩 10m
20 Solid State
运动攀岩 10m
17 - 19 Commune
运动攀岩 10m
18 Plastic Surgery
运动攀岩 7m
Proctor's Road Quarry Upper Tier
17 Bombs Away
运动攀岩 15m
18 Nukem All
运动攀岩 10m
14 Stoned by Non-Addictive Substances
运动攀岩 15m
16 No Takers
运动攀岩 15m
16 No Takers Variant
运动攀岩 15m
Proctor's Road Quarry Area Unknown
16 Exploding white ants
运动攀岩 30m
Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Broken Buttress
25 Seamstress
运动攀岩 25m
22 The Truth

The left of the classic Parkyn trilogy offers 15m of strenuous and technical laybacks to reach a welcome rest. The intimidating bulge above can then be climbed to the left, directly, or to the right. Good luck.

首攀: Roger Parkyn

运动攀岩 20m
24 The Way

The centre line. A bouldery and strenuous start. Hope you can lock off and gaston. Try to avoid using the corner crack to the right of the initial wall (or take a 22 grade if you do). After the initial wall, either finish at the anchors of 'The Truth' or continue up the interesting but slightly lichenous wall above to the top of the buttress.

首攀: Roger Parkyn

运动攀岩 35m
23 No Way

A cop out to avoid the crux of The Way. But still good climbing.

23 The Light

Our Lord described himself as 'The Truth, The Way and The Life'. The Parkyn trilogy features 'The Truth, The Way, and The Light'. It is unclear if Roger has just got the quote wrong, or if he is proclaiming himself as our new saviour. Either way, this punchy number will raise your spirits.

首攀: Roger Parkyn

运动攀岩 15m
Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes University Buttress
22 Mountain Rocket

Sustained pitch with some excellent moves.

首攀: Dave H Jon N, 2017

运动攀岩 25m, 13
24 Hold That Thought

Excellent face climbing. Access by climbing Well Actually.

运动攀岩 27m
16 Well Actually

Access pitch for Hold That Thought

运动攀岩 15m
21 Terra Nullis

Bolted arete up and right from Cape Diem. DBB.

运动攀岩 30m, 9
27 Kwang Hwa Lantern
运动攀岩 20m
25 Torre
运动攀岩 8m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 322 线路.

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