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Showing 1 - 100 out of 830 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
South East Hobart and surrounds Waterworks Quarry
16 The Blind Leading The Crippled

Ascends the blunt arête at the R end of the cliff. Try climbing it blindfolded! 4 UBs to chains.

首攀: Duncan Meerding & Paul Pritchard, 2010

运动攀岩 10m, 4
South East Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Lower Tier Back Wall
16 Exploding White Flies
运动攀岩 22m
South East Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Upper Tier
16 No Takers
运动攀岩 15m
16 No Takers Variant
运动攀岩 15m
South East Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Southern Outlet
16 Totally Unstable Choss Climb (TUCC)
未知 20m
South East Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Area Unknown
16 Exploding white ants
运动攀岩 30m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Broken Buttress
16 Spurline

首攀: R. Alsop, M. Douglas, A. Keller, Mar 1968. Direct Finish: R. Mansfield, P. Robinson, Sep 1980. & R. Mansfield, 1968

传统攀登 48m
16 Crestline

首攀: U. Aurelli, D. Cox & P. Sands, 1961

自由首攀: P. Robinson & R. Mansfield, 1980

传统攀登 45m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes University Buttress
16 Well Actually

Access pitch for Hold That Thought

运动攀岩 15m
16 Sisyphus
传统攀登 55m, 2
16 Chancellor

Takes the prominent corner line immediately right of Chancellor Direct about 8m up the left side of Avalanche Couloir. Start in the big broken right facing corner as for Vice Chancellor or start up the short wall just right of Chancellor Direct to meet the big corner after 8m. This second option doesn't add much other than the possibility of a painful ground fall.

  1. 30m. Follow the corner for 15m, traverse left and up to small square ledge. Climb the awkward crack to belay on an exposed ledge on the wall.

  2. 25m. Up the clean crack above. The move off the next ledge into the crack was originally aided. At the top traverse right to the rap anchors at the top of Carpe Diem.

自由首攀: Unknown

首攀: M. Douglas & T. Terry, 1967

传统攀登 55m, 2
16 Catch the Sun in Flight

Wall climbing immediatly left of Sun Stealer.

首攀: 3月 2015

运动攀岩 12m, 4
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
16 Eye for a Line
传统攀登 34m
16 Indian Summer
  1. A roaming line starting up face reaching between horizontal breaks to small roof. Traverse R under roof and up to small ledge.

  2. Up broken corner crack to top of initial column, head up and R to bolt belay. (combining first two pitches is definitely possible)

  3. Diagonally L to another bolted belay and rap station.

首攀: T. McKenny & P. Robinson, 2013

传统攀登 49m, 3
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Teardrop Gully
16 The Bentwood

The leftmost climb, short and sweet with steep climbing on good rock. Walk back after top out to rap station.

首攀: T. McKenny, B.Bull & B.Maddison, 1月 2017

运动攀岩 12m, 3
16 Funemployment

The crack 2m right from Turkey Slap. Start in the crack with stemming options, through the leftwards jag, then to the top of Turkey slap pinnacle. Extend the DBB from Turkey Slap or easily continue to the top.

首攀: Chris Lang & Madi Roseavear, 11月 2020

传统攀登 14m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Step Tier
16 Moonraker
传统攀登 70m, 3
16 Peacepipe
传统攀登 80m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Great Tier
16 Melancholy Mania
传统攀登 100m, 3
16 Slow Combustion Direct

Starts 1.5m Right of Slow Combustion. Traverse left for 2m below dark roof to rejoin Slow Combustion.

首攀: H.Jackson, 1998

传统攀登 52m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Central Buttress
16 The Den
传统攀登 35m
16 Caledonian
传统攀登 45m
16 Faust

The big left-facing chimney.

  1. 52m 16 Up the chimney past hakea and overhang to ledge on right, then up wide crack (#4 camalot useful) to next ledge. This pitch can easily be split in two

  2. 25m 16 Up to next ledge then continue up corner to top. Descend trench to left and then rap off as per Battle Cruiser

首攀: J. Moore & R. Williams

传统攀登 85m, 2
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Flange Buttress
16 On Bended Knees

From the belay at the top of Brown Madonna, wander up rock face on the left and continue straight up hand cracks to the left of the chimney. Traverse right at top to Bert's Fear DBB

传统攀登 35m
16 Pink Car
传统攀登 50m, 2
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes The Columns
16 Piccolo
传统攀登 90m, 4
16 Claret Corner
传统攀登 110m
16 Ford Prefect

The left of the two short sport routes between DN and PS.

首攀: R Parkyn & O Gervasoni, 1月 2017

运动攀岩 12m, 6
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Northern Buttress
16 Skyline Major

首攀: lots

传统攀登 90m
16 Plomat
传统攀登 40m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Far North
16 Pipedream
传统攀登 15m
16 Gear Freak
传统攀登 10m
16 D.N.A.
传统攀登 10m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Lost World
16 Raiders Of The Lost World

"Devoid of any natural gear"

传统攀登 25m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area New World
16 Friends With Cameras for Eyes
传统攀登 15m
16 Pinkinsane
传统攀登 16m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost World Boulders Res Gestae Boulder
V0 Pull It Off

20m uphill from Res Gestae, is a boulder with a sharp detatched flake up top. Climb the central line.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Lost World Boulders Highball World
V0 V0

Nice diagonal flake 5m left of Heart shaped box.

V0 Chicken wing to hell

High ball crack line. Don't pull off the loose blocks, they're not that loose and you don't need to pull on them..

首攀: Mike Hitchcock

攀石 8m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front 1st Boulder
V0 V0

Little pinnacle to the right

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front The Somme Boulder
V0 V0
攀石 5m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Verdun Area
V0 V0

SDS. Just left of the previous problem. Start on juggy rail and straight up.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Lost World Area Big Bend Boulders Western Front Slab a Dab Boulder
V0 V0

SDS. North Western arete of the bloc

V0 V0

SDS. Two metres left of the arete is a large layaway edge.

V0 V0

SDS. Starts on the next layaway line, one metre left of previous problem.

V0 V0

SDS. Starts on the jug on the eastern side.

V0 V0

Starts on jug on the southern side of the boulder. Finish straight up or traverse around the boulder and finish up4.

V0 Slab a dab

Hands free ascent of the slab (no hand dabs!)

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Fence area
V0 V0

Sit start

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 10 2月 2019

攀石 3m
V0 V0a

Sit start

首攀: Tommy Krauss, 10 2月 2019

攀石 3m
V0 V0 x

Sit start

首攀: Chris L, 10 2月 2019

攀石 3m
V0 V0 left

首攀: Mackenzie Lovell, 10 2月 2019

攀石 4m
V0 V0 a

首攀: Alex Lawson, 10 2月 2019

攀石 3m
V0 V0 b

Sit start, up the right edge.

首攀: Chris L, 10 2月 2019

攀石 4m
V0 Crack with bush

首攀: Chris L, 10 2月 2019

攀石 4m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Snowflakes Area
V0 Firing Line

Start on big detached boulder and climb wide crack feature to the right of Pancakes.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Lookout Boulders
V0 Wobbles

Around R of 'This Big.' Slab into hand crack. Be careful - as the left block moves!!

V0 Nice Face

Climb the easy face of the final R boulder.

V0 Firing Line

Down & slightly right from Stella's Arete area. Fist crack which widens at the top.

V0 Postcards

Located directly in front of the glass shelter - opposite the open air boarded lookout. Climb the hand crack.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Ticktack land
V0 Tick

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2019

攀石 5m
V0 Ada

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2017

攀石 4m
V0 Frictional AF

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2017

攀石 3m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Penal Colony
V0 Plumbers Crack

The breathtaking, standout line in the valley. Bigger than it looks as it starts 3m below ground. Classic jamming. Grade might need adjusting as the first ascensionist isn't a crackhead by trade.

首攀: Tommy Krauss, 2011

攀石 7m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Second Hill
V0 Cracking Stuff

Nice jammy crack

首攀: Chris L, 11 11月 2018

攀石 4m
V0 Alegro

Up the juggy arete

首攀: Chris L, 11 11月 2018

攀石 5m
V0 21

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2019

攀石 4m
V0 32

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2019

攀石 3m
V0 Paint me like one of your girls

首攀: Mike Hitchcock, 2019

攀石 3m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders Sub-Pinnacle Panorama Track
V0 V0

Nice slab

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders The Promised Land April Boulders
V0 The Pit of Despair

Roof crack under the same boulder as Subterranean Homesick Alien. Start on low chockstone and exit through squeeze.

首攀: Tim McEldowney, 2024

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders The Promised Land Seams Alright Boulder
V0 Party Hat

Up Little pinnacle

首攀: Dylan Tubaro, 2022

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Summit Boulders The Promised Land South Ridge
V0 The Other Slab

The Easy Slab

首攀: Ewan Berry, 2023

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Wellington Craglets
16 Y=1/(1+X2)
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Springs Lookout Boulder
V0 Sitstart on back of boulder
攀石 3m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Springs Symbiosis Boulder
V0 Slabby arete

4m right of Symbiosis

攀石 3m
V0 Mini Cave Wave

Behind the chockstone block is a small 'cave'. SDS on right, move left and up and over slopey lip. Don't use either of the small boulders on the ground.

攀石 3m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Springs Lilo & Two Mat boulders
V0 Right of Relic
攀石 4m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Springs Rocky Whelan's Cave
V0 Physical Romance

SDS. Start on the holds at the back of the little cave, with foot on the rail. Climb out and up on big holds to the send jug.

V0 Kat Leonie

SDS. Start on the lower rail, climb to the hole then finish up PR.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Sphinx Rock Main face
16 White Nile

The overhanging corner crack on the left of the SSSH cave. Escape L.

首攀: S. Parsons & P. Bigg, 1980

传统攀登 10m
South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Sphinx Rock Sphinx's Nose
V0 Trajectory

Start on jugs to the left of the cave. Nice jug hauling that needs a little commitment at the top.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Sphinx Rock Nerm's Boulder
V0 Up jugs

Stand start, climb up on big jugs. Be aware of loose rocks on top.

攀石 4m
V0 Slab right of arete

Slab just right of arete. Stand start.

V0 Slab further right

Slab 3m right of arete. Stand start.

South East Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington Crocodile Rock
16 Hedwig

Start as for Muggles in shallow corner. Traverse left on pockets then up the wall.

首攀: P.Robinson, 2003

顶绳攀登 10m
South East Hobart and surrounds North West Bay River Dog Leg Bend Main Cliff
16 Labradoodle

Start as for Oddle but continue straight up the line via initial hand crack and then some bridging to anchors of Oddle. Some stacked blocks, easily avoided

传统攀登 15m
16 Snitter
传统攀登 12m
16 Yelp
传统攀登 12m
South East Hobart and surrounds North West Bay River Dog Leg Bend South Sandfly Boulders
V0 Traverse


South East Hobart and surrounds North West Bay River Sandfly Crag Upper Tier
16 V is for Vampire
传统攀登 9m
South East Hobart and surrounds North West Bay River Sandfly Crag Christmas Boulder
V0 Ugly Duckling

Messy climb up the crack, reach top right to finish.

V0 Simplicity
South East Hobart and surrounds North West Bay River Sandfly Crag Second Tier
V0 BeeFly
South East Hobart and surrounds Gunner's Quoin Exploding Goat Buttress
16 Cramped Seat
传统攀登 60m, 2
16 Bulky Excavator
传统攀登 20m
South East Hobart and surrounds Gunner's Quoin South Face
16 Cold Duck
传统攀登 25m
16 The Grump
传统攀登 25m
South East Hobart and surrounds Grasstree Hill
16 Col the Carpet Cleaner
South East Hobart and surrounds Rocky Tom White Stump
16 Cast Iron Claw

The face halfway between the LH arete and the chimney of Funnel-web. The first moves are fairly tricky. The rest is easier but steep.

顶绳攀登 15m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 830 线路.

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