
线路 in Bregenzer Wald

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 181 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
5 Klettersteig

Access to routes 2, 3, and 4

5 Via Botanica 运动攀岩 9
6+ Konglomerat 运动攀岩 11
8+ Techniker 运动攀岩 10
8+ - 运动攀岩
8- Wasserstart

At the top bolt, you can continue to the left to Ragnarök or straight up into Fingertod (then 8+)

运动攀岩 10
9+ Ragnarök

Einstieg über Wasserstart

首攀: Linda Burth/Kletterteam Egg, 2016

运动攀岩 8
8 Faustriss 运动攀岩 9
8+/9- Fingertod

Steigt unter dem Überhang etwas nach links und dann ganz nach oben. Den Umlenker in der Mitte wg. Seilzug besser wieder aushängen. Nicht alles fest.

首攀: Kletterteam Egg

运动攀岩 35m, 15
8+ Fingertod re Ausstieg

首攀: Wolfgang Hongler, 2005

运动攀岩 9
Projekt 2 运动攀岩未首攀
8 Never wet

Klassische Warm-Up Tour

首攀: Wolfgang Hongler, 2007

运动攀岩 15m, 9
8 Wolfi

首攀: Wolfgang Hongler, 2009

运动攀岩 12m, 3
FR:7a+ Fugu
1 6c
2 6b
3 3
4 6c
5 6a+
6 7a+


From the Klettergarten into direction east until a dirt road branches off to the right. Follow this track until the 3. bend. From there straight uphills through the forest. Follow the Steinmännern. PDF-Topo

定线/开线: Kletterteam Egg

运动攀岩 5
8- Locker vom Sockel
运动攀岩 12m
5+ Black Mountain
运动攀岩 12m
6- Nonnenpfad
7+ Omega
运动攀岩 12m, 4
6+ Missionarsweg
5+ Glühwürmchen
5 Platte
运动攀岩 22m
5+ Seniorenclub
运动攀岩 20m
7+ Action
7- Riss

Crack with the crux at the high first bolt. Pre-clipping recommended as additional protection isn't possible.

运动攀岩 20m
7 Senkrechtstarter
运动攀岩 25m, 10
7- Wechselblüter
7- Coma
6+ Uhrwerk Orange
5+ Uhrwerk Orange Rechter Austieg
7- Hart wie Stein
运动攀岩 25m
6+ Weg der träumenden Biber
运动攀岩 25m
6+ Überhänge
5- Edith
5- Brigitte
运动攀岩 22m
6+ Hohoppa
运动攀岩 20m
5 Verschneidung
运动攀岩 20m
5+ Kante
3+ Hänsel
运动攀岩 20m
4- Max
4 Moritz
4+ Grete
3+ Normalweg
运动攀岩 20m
2 Klettersteig
Schnepfauer Wald Sonnenplatte
5- Die Linke
1 5- 30m
2 5- 15m

首攀: Thomas Schranz

运动攀岩 45m, 2, 12
4 Anfängertour 1
1 3+ 28m
2 4 17m

首攀: Wilfried Stelzhammer, 1974

运动攀岩 45m, 2, 12
4 Anfängertour 2
1 3+ 27m
2 4 16m

首攀: Wilfried Stelzhammer, 1974

运动攀岩 43m, 2, 11
6 Auf dem richtigen Weg

Zwischen Anfängertour 2 & 3 mitten durch die Platte ohne Risse

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1987

4 Anfängertour 3
1 3+ 25m
2 4 18m

首攀: Wilfried Stelzhammer, 1974

运动攀岩 43m, 2, 11
5 Schwarze Risse

首攀: Wilfried Stelzhammer, 1974

运动攀岩 45m, 13
5 Überhang 运动攀岩
7+ Alegator

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1987

6+ Kondor

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1987

5 Rinne

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1987

Schnepfauer Wald Türme Massiv
7 Riss

首攀: Wolfgang Vogl

传统攀登 20m
7+ Pelikan

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 20m
Pelikan Projekt

Ab dem 3. Bohrhaken von "Pelikan" nach links.

运动攀岩未首攀 30m
4 Kamin 运动攀岩 12m
6+ Verschneidung 运动攀岩 12m
6+/7- Via Margreth

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 90m, 5
8- Brutaliko

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 20m
6 Fakir

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1986

运动攀岩 15m
7- Geisterkante

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 12m
9- Künstlerpech

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 12m
10 Projekt 运动攀岩未首攀 25m
10- Club 2

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 25m
6- Adlerriss 运动攀岩 25m
6 Bartgeier 运动攀岩 25m
9- #metoo 运动攀岩 55m
10 Alexa

首攀: Alex Luger, 2018

运动攀岩 55m
8- Drecknase
1 7-
2 8-
3 8-

首攀: Wolfgang Vogl

运动攀岩 55m, 3
8- Teatime
1 8-
2 7
3 7/7+
运动攀岩 70m, 3
Schnepfauer Wald Türme Bart-Simpson-Block
8- s'25ge

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 10m
9 Vergessene Welt

首攀: Thomas Ortmans, 2018

运动攀岩 10m
8 Jabberworky

首攀: Thomas Schranz, 1992

运动攀岩 10m
8- Kralle 运动攀岩 10m
6+ Alpin 运动攀岩 10m
5+ Ostkante 运动攀岩 12m
6 Spezialpfad 运动攀岩 15m
5 Schmugglerweg 运动攀岩 15m
4+ Alpenrose 运动攀岩 15m
5+ Hintertür 运动攀岩 15m
4+ Riss 运动攀岩 15m
3+ Südkante 运动攀岩 15m
9- Ikarus

首攀: Thomas Ortmans

运动攀岩 15m
6- Plattenroute
1 6- 45m
2 5+ 40m
3 5+ 50m
4 3 45m
5 3 45m
6 5+ 50m
7 2 50m
8 3 50m
9 4 50m
10 5+ 45m
11 4 40m
12 45m

定线/开线: Henrichs & Heymann, 1992

传统攀登 560m, 12
7 Via Allergica
1 5+ 20m
2 6 50m
3 6+ 52m
4 7 50m
5 6- 45m
6 4 45m
7 5 50m
8 1 - 3 180m
9 5 50m
10 3 45m
11 2 50m
12 4+ 45m
13 5 50m
14 3 50m
15 4- 50m
16 6- 50m

定线/开线: Henrichs & Heymann, 1992

传统攀登 880m, 16
Kanisfluh Hoher Stoß
9- Canisio 混合传统攀岩 120m, 5, 11
Kanisfluh Häle
6 A2 Mathoha

The first part of the route consists of 6 pitches featuring face and dihedral climbing. The rock is a little bit greasy, in the first 3 pitches very vegetated and sometimes loose because of the few repetitions (1986-2009 11 times). The belays are all bolted but in between the are just some old pegs and you have to enhance the protection with friends and rocks. Which isn't always possible.

The second part of the route features technical climbing in two big roofs where you need ladders. The first roof is protected with some old (loose) pegs which have to be enhanced with friends. The second roof is well protected with bolts and ends with a difficult technical climbing section. After the upper roof one pitch of good face climbing remains.

定线/开线: 1986

器械攀登 330m, 10
8- Haselstecken 运动攀岩
10 Brusthörle

Verlängerung von Haselstecken

运动攀岩 45m
10+ Mouustage

Verlängerung von Brusthörle mitten durchs Dach

运动攀岩 25m
11-/11 Instruktor 运动攀岩
FR:8b Der Profi 运动攀岩
8 Staublunge 运动攀岩
9- Cascade 运动攀岩
FR:8b Babyspeck 运动攀岩
8+ Reinecke 运动攀岩
11-/11 Pandragon 运动攀岩 25m, 8
8+ Akku-shit 运动攀岩
9 Akku-shit direkt 运动攀岩

Showing 1 - 100 out of 181 线路.

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