
条目 in 广东 Guangdong

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广东 Guangdong
清远英西 YingXi

YingXi area of QingYuan County, Guangdong is a climbing area mostly developed from 2005 to 2008. The rock is typical tropical limestone, dark and quite sharp where exposed to rainfall, lighter, smoother and providing great climbing where sheltered from the elements. The area has beautiful countryside providing a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere for climbing. Development is ongoing. Do not confuse Kowloon in QingYuan County with Kowloon in Hong Kong.

清远英西 YingXi
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷
观音山 Guanyin Peak
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 观音山 Guanyin Peak
正面 Front
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 观音山 Guanyin Peak 正面 Front
5.10c 忧乐美

在转角左边the left one on the corner

5.10d 呲牙 Bared Teeth
5.11b 開口笑 Opening Laughs
5.12c 龙年快乐(Happy Year of the Dragon )
5.11a 刀鋒 Blade
5.10a 翅膀 Wing
5.14 Project
5.13c/d Tifon
5.12a 被锁的龙 The Lock Dragon
5.13b 初次见面 Dyno To The Hand Jam
5.12b 守门犬 Guard Dog
5.9 幼儿园 Pre Schooled
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 观音山 Guanyin Peak
背面 Back
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 观音山 Guanyin Peak 背面 Back
5.10c 观音山C1
5.10b 观音山C2
5.9 最爱朱古力 Favorite Chocolate
5.10a 观音山C4
5.10a 冰壶 Curling
5.10d 阴阳界 Yin and Yang
5.12c Dancing Swallow 燕舞
5.12a Al-Fresco Lunch 野餐
5.10a Thanks Kailas
5.10d Hard Way To The Top 难到顶
5.12c 太岁传奇 Jupiter Legend
5.10a Funny For You 乐趣
5.12b 火山 Volcano
5.12c 小鬼 Imp
5.10d 海底世界 The Underwater World
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 观音山 Guanyin Peak
5.10 Name?

FA Liu Xi Nan et al. The first climb done on the Camel

5.10 Name??

FA Eman et al, 2005. Not sure if this route actually exists.

清远英西 YingXi 观音谷
佛仔岩 Fo Zai Crag

Across the road from the GuanYinGuk crag. Please avoid littering at the Ancestors shrine. (despite all the firecracker droppings)

清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 佛仔岩 Fo Zai Crag
5.13b 恭喜发财

Starts on the ramp, on the farthest left. Corner then head out left traverse then straight up and back right.

5.12d/13a 午后阳光
5.10a 铁观音
5.11d 佛仔岩3
5.10c 佛仔岩4
5.10d 老树盘根
5.10b 佛仔岩6
5.10a 佛仔岩7
5.12c 自力更生、艰苦奋斗
5.10a 佛仔岩9
5.10b 阳光灿旦 Sunny Ball
5.11b 剩蛋 The lost egg
5.13c 佛跳墙
5.11c 香炉 Incense Burner

Start on the right of the cave, up and then left traverse to obvious loweroff near tufa

5.10 ?1
5.9 佛仔岩13
5.11a 宝岛
5.9 你牛
5.11a ?5
5.11d Censer
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷
云石寺 Yun Shi Temple
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 云石寺 Yun Shi Temple
5.10d/11a Jobs
5.10a Cosmic Spaceship
5.10d 撅腚
5.11b Third Tone
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷
Pocket Crag
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 Pocket Crag
5.8 Juicy Pockets

First bolt is high. Fun.

5.8 No Power

First bolt was removed. Chained anchor.

5.9 Pocket Solitaire
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷
Camel Mountain
清远英西 YingXi 观音谷 Camel Mountain
5.11 Name?
5.9 Name??
清远英西 YingXi

This crag is located right behind Da Miao / big temple crag. When you are facing big temple, take the obvious road on the left and keep driving till you reach a tunnel / cave with stalactites on the roof. Park there. In the middle of the cave there’s a visible brick path on the right. Follow it along and after few minutes you’ll find the wall on your right side. Routes are numbered from right to left. If you wanna see the topo, click on access issues and download the 2015 guidebook

清远英西 YingXi 和顺
5.11a 清远马拉松

Qingyuan marathon is the first route at the far left side of the wall. It starts at the bottom of a tree.

You’ll need a 80meters rope. There’s an anchor around 38 meters which must be used for reaching the ground

5.11c 8
5.10d 7
5.12b/c 6
5.12c 5
5.12 4
5.11a 3
5.11c/d 2
5.12a 1
清远英西 YingXi
公正村 大庙周边
清远英西 YingXi 公正村 大庙周边
白璧 White crag
清远英西 YingXi 公正村 大庙周边 白璧 White crag
左 Left


5.11c/d 白壁1
5.8 Magic Slippers
5.8 Toto
5.12a 三岔口(Forked Road)

A rename collection activity of wizard of oz. up to 3rd.Dec 2023.the final rename( in list more 10 opotions by other climbers who onsight or red this cool route) selected by Weicheng Xie,who bolted it and F.A. climber. Chinese name【三岔口/Forked Road】 in English translation 白壁6号线5.12a这条美丽线路由于长期没名字,故举办重名命活动由开线者以及首攀者谢卫成最后选出将线路冠以名字。最终由他选定了【三岔口】,感谢大家提供&继续攀爬(❁´ω`❁)

↓截止前有以下名字提供: 一步之遥 煎蛋 锦鲤 师傅 丢失的钟乳lost tufa 神奈川冲浪 黑角斑马 烧鸡 三岔口 胆怯的狮子Cowardly Lion 勇敢的鸡Brave Chicken

5.12c Orangina
5.11c Yellow Brick Road
5.12a 伸手就有

This new route has been added on the right of yellow brick road

5.8 Original Route
中 Middle
5.9 Only in China
5.9 Oktoberfest

All bolts (hangers)was taken down by local goverment found (by Bobo&one climber)on23rd.Dec.2023 2023年12月23日早上发现挂片全被(本地政府请的吊机)拧走(螺栓仍在岩壁上),【黄花镇公正村委会示】

5.11a 未知线路-1

All bolts (hangers)was taken down by local govermnet found on23rd.Dec.2023 2023年12月23日早上发现挂片全被(本地政府请的吊机)拧走(螺栓仍在岩壁上),【黄花镇公正村委会示】

5.12a 绞肉机

All bolts (hangers)was taken down by local govermnet found (by Bobo&one climber)on23rd.Dec.2023 2023年12月23日早上发现挂片全被(本地政府请的吊机)拧走(螺栓仍在岩壁上),【黄花镇公正村委会示】

右 Right
5.10b 不忘初心



第一段平台向左走是不忘初心,右边是I'll get you my pretty;

Showing 1 - 100 out of 515 条目.

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