
条目 in Gymnase du Belvédère (Suresnes)

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Gymnase du Belvédère (Suresnes)

Le mur de Suresnes Escalade occupe toute une largeur du gymnase du Belvédère, sur toute la hauteur.Il est composé d’une cinquantaine de voies (réparties sur 22 relais) de 9 mètres de haut : du 4 pour les débutants, 5b-5c-6a pour les confirmés, jusqu’au 6c à 8a/8b pour les grimpeurs très expérimentés. Toutes les voies sont changées en moyenne 2 fois par an, permettant ainsi aux adhérents de changer leurs habitudes et de varier les plaisirs.

Relais 1

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 1
5b R1 5b

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6c+ R1 6c+

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5a+ R1 5a+ violet

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

7b R1 7b rouge

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

6a R1 6a Vert

Ouverture Franck Ansquer

Relais 2

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 2
5c R2 5c Rouge marbrée

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5b R2 5b bleu

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6b R2 6b jaune

Ouverture Franck Ansquer

6a R2 6a Noire

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6b R2 6b Verte

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 2

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 3

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 3

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 3
5c R3 5c Blanc

Ouverture Franck Ansquer

6c R3 6c vert

Ouverture Arthur Orjas

5a R1 5a Bleue

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5c+ R3 Noir 5c+

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6b R3 6b rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6c R3 6c orange

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

Relais 4

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 4
5a R4 5a violet

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

7a+ R4 7a+ rouge

Ouverture Arthur Orjas - 7b avec run and jump.

7a+ R4 7a+ bleu

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6a+ R4 6a+ Jaune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

7a R4 7a orange

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 5

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 5
6a+ R5 6a+/b Verte

Ouverture Romain Bordier

7a R5 7a violette

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

5c R5 5c bleue

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6a+ R5 6a+ verte

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6c R5 6c violette

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 6

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 6
5c R6 5c vert

Olivier Lebreton

6c R6 6c orange

Ouverture Naomi Fernandez

5c+ R6 5c+ violette

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6a R6 6a blanche

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6b+ R6 6b+ jaune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

7a+ R6 7a+ rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 7

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 7
6b R7 6b rouge

Ouverture Mathis Nicouleau

7b R7 7b verte

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

5b R7 5b orange

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

7b+ R7 7b+ rose

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 8

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 8
6a R8 6a rouge marbrée

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

8a R8 8a jaune

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6c R8 6c Orange

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

7a R8 7a bleue

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

8a R8 8a jaune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 9

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 9
5c R9 5c vert marbré

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

7b R9 7b rose

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6c+ R9 6c+ rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

7b R9 7b vert

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 10

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 10
6a R10 6a rouge

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton - variante en 6b sans les 2 colonnettes verticales

7b+ R10 7b+ vert

Ouverture Arthur Orjas

5c R10 5c rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6b R10 6b violette

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6c+ R10 6c+ noire

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 11

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 11
6a R11 6a orange

Ouverture Elise Bouillie

7a R11 7a violet

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

5b R11 5b jaune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6b+ R11 6b+ orange

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 12

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 12
6a+ R12 6a+ bleu

Ouverture Marcellin Pace

6a R12 6a gris

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

6a R12 6a vert

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 13

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 13
6c R13 6c rose

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 14

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 14
6a+ R14 6a+ jaune

Ouverture May Choplin

6b+ R14 6b+ rouge

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

4c R14 4c violette

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5a R14 5a noir

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5c R14 5c jaune

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

6a R14 6a rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 15

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 15
5a R15 5a gris

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5b R15 5b bleue

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 16

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 16
5a R16 5a vert

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 17

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 17
5b R17 5b vert

Ouverture Pierre

6a+ R17 6a+ orange

Ouverture Jules Nicouleau

6c R17 6c rouge

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5c R17 5c saumon

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 18

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 18
6b+ R18 6b+ jaune

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

5a R18 5a Bleu

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5c R18 5c violet

Ouverture Antoine

4c R18 4c vache

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

5b R18 5b rose

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 19

Some privately owned climbing areas may have restricted access. Check with https://www.ffme.fr/

Relais 19
5c R18 5c vert marbré

Ouverture Olivier Lebreton

6b R19 6b rose

Ouverture Gabriel et Thomas

Showing 1 - 100 out of 121 条目.

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